
'No it's not,' Tzuyu was shocked to hear the unfamiliar voice in her head. She was about to ask the mysterious voice, but it beat her to it.

'But, it is wrong to destroy someone's happiness for your own,' those words, left Tzuyu speechless.

'Now, I'm here to guide you to a, happier life, but you have to listen to me.'

"How would you know what would make me happy?" she sternly asked the voice.

'I've observed everything, from the start to finish, and I know what will truly make you happy,' Tzuyu was conflicted on her answer. Should she trust this voice? Or not?

"Fine...." Tzuyu rolled her eyes while the voice victoriously laughs.

'The name's Zhou Ju-long, but call me Jong.'


'Alright, the first case in business, you need to redeem yourself with your Sana unnie, and I'll give you the powers for it,' I absentmindedly nodded before realizing the last sentence.

"Wait, powers?" The voice laughs once again.

'Yep, ever heard of Chronomancy?'


'...one, now!' inhaled before whispering under my breath.

"Shíjiān tíngzhǐ," the area then slowly came to a stop, but she was confused on how Kyungji could still move. I shook that thought out of my head and rushed over to them.

Kyungji saw me and gave me a confused look.

"I'll explain later okay? Let's get both of you guys to safety first," Kyungji nods before signaling Tzuyu to move the frozen Sana.

Tzuyu looks at Sana and stares at her for a moment.

'She's so beautiful,' the younger girl then looks back at the wolf, only to be surprised to see Kyungji in her human form.

"You've calmed down?" the latter only nodded.

'You better hurry up, time's ticking,' Kyungji smirks before going to her lover and carrying her bridal style.

"I should have known that you were involved in this, Zhou Ju-long," that made Tzuyu freeze in her spot.

"Come on, like he said, time is ticking," that pulled her out of her thoughts and walked back in the bush they were gathered at.

Once they got behind the group time reverted back to its original time.

Tzuyu signaled them the be quiet while the rest of them looked around, confused on what just happened. The police were the same, they were confused, but in the end, they retreated back to the station.

"How...?" Sana slowly asked. Tzuyu and Kyungji glance at each other, before grinning like fools.

"It's a secret."


"Seriously, how did you do it?" Sana asked once again once they were gathered in the dining room. Kyungseo thought that after the events that just happened, they deserve a feast.

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