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Will was asleep on the sofa. Hopper had been ranting at the phone for a couple minutes now. The others sat around the dining table in the kitchen, steve swing his bat, trying to regain the boredom and Joyce sat inside her bedroom. Jonathan sat next to Will, stroking his hair whilst nancy stood beside him.

Max walked over to the boys that sat around the dining table and I walked beside Jonathan and sat crossed legged and holding Wills hand in mine.

"You okay?" Jonathan asked, his hand in a loose fist resting at Wills forehead.

"Yeah, just, traumatised i guess," I replied, giving him a weak smile. "Where's Bob?" I asked, looking past Jonathan and to everybody in the household.

"Didn't you hear?" He asked. I shook my head slowly, he licked his lips and looked up to Nance, who nodded. "He's gone," he spoke quietly. I felt the front of my brows cross and my eyes widening.

"How?"  I quickly responded.

"He was eaten to death by them demogorgan creatures," Nancy butted in, holding Jonathan's shoulder. My brows turned confused and my lips separated.

"Jesus Christ," I replied. Looking over to Will, breathing out evenly. "Do
you miss him?" I asked johnathan.

"I mean, I didn't trust him as much cause of lonnie but Bob managed to get a smile through Will." He pursed his lips out, scrunching the left side of his face. "But I haven't seen my mom so heartbroken since the time Will went missing," he replied, staring at the door where she sat inside of.

Mike gently stood up from his seat, walking over the puzzles Bob gave us a day or so ago. He picked up the blue cube with rubber bands wrapped over it and held it in his hands.

"Did you know Bob started the AV club?" He started, still staring at the cube. Mine, Dustin's and Lucas' eyebrows raise.

"Really?" Dustin asked, his hands in a knot that was placed infront of him on the dining table that was in the kitchen.

"Yeah, he even made a fundraiser to get money for the equipment," he said excitedly. Holding his hands out with the blue cube in his right hand. His smile slowly drooped into a frown after his realisation, "we've got to do something, we gotta go back," he said.

"Like what mike? For all we know the lab could be swarming with those demodogs," dustin argued back.

"Demodogs?" Max asks, her ginger hair tucked behinds he ears, her eyebrows furrowed, slouched in the chair with her arms crossed.

"Yeah, like demogorgan," he paused, clawing his left hand then his right. "Dogs," then combining his hands together. "Demodogs," Max nodded frantically.

"Okay, I get it," she spoke.

"I mean it was just dart now it's..." dustin stopped as he was cut off by lucas.

"It's a whole army," lucas added, slouching in his chair.

"Precisely," dustin says.

"His army," mike adds, steve quickly butted into the conversation.

"What do you mean?" He asked, leaning against his nailed bat.

"His army, maybe if we can stop him, we can stop his army," the boys and girl on the kitchen dining table glanced to each other whilst mike walking off into the living room taking the picture of the shadow monster Will drew.

"The shadow monster," dustin says, staring at the drawing.

"It got will the day on the field, the doctor said it was some kind of virus, like it infected him,"mike adds.

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