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We walked steadily through the halls of the school, will looked at the ground, two girls who we're designing the achievement board, turned around and looked at him top to bottom, so did plenty of other pupils that were inside the halls. I took wills hand in mine, giving him some reassurance as when continued walking through the school and outside, seeing Joyce with a cigarette between her fingers, leaning on her green car waving to will when she saw him come out. Will shared a small waved with her and began walking towards her car,  the head master opened the passenger seat and Joyce hopped into the divers seat.

"Okay so after today, I can come to your house, we can talk about the day, and I could stay round for the night yeah?" I suggest to him, he nods. "It'll be alright trust me," I say, hugging him tight. "Okay, I love you," I tell him, stealing a quick kiss of his lips.

"I love you too," he told me, he jumped into the car, waving to me and the headmaster once the door closed and joyce drove off.

"Go have fun with the rest of your lunch, (y/n)," the head told me, when the car faded from the distance. I walked away, rolling my eyes at the man. I've still hated him from last year.

I went around the corner of the front of the school, and saw mike, lucas and dustin peeking around.

"He's quiet," mike said when the two boys behind him walked away.

"He's been quiet since he came back," I sighed. "God, I just want will again, all these episodes he's having, he doesn't deserve it, he needs a happy life, why can't he have a happ-" I rambled, mike pulled me in for a hug, embracing me tightly.

"He never does I know, good people get given bad things, and they don't deserve it," mike told me, his head onto my shoulder.

"God I wish I just had a power to see what he was thinking," I said. "I just wish everything would go back to normal!" I cried, he stroked my back, giving me reasurrace.

"Me too, (y/n), me too," he tells me, I felt the tears prick in the corners of my eyes, they ran down my cheeks, dripping off my chin and into his shoulder.

We stayed in the position for a couple more seconds before pulling away. He held onto his backpack strap. 

"Don't get yourself so worked, it'll all be over soon, believe me," he told me, holding on my shoulder. I smiled weakly and looked up to him. "What you dressing as for tomorrow?" He asked, changing the subject.

"I'm not sure," I said. "I don't think I could be anything related to the ghostbusters since you guys are going as them." I told him. 

"Be a vampire or something," he suggested, shrugging his shoulders.

"That's the absolute same as four men sucking in ghosts with vacuum cleaners," I rolled my eyes. He gasped and held his hand over his Chet as if he's been offended.

"They're not vacuum cleaners they're broton baste-" he said.

"Well help me out here! What am u going to dress as for Halloween tomorrow!" I practically yelled, he nods his head behind him.

"Well talk about it on the way to class," he said, the bell soon ringing after. I walked to the side of him and walked through the playground, listing horror movies that we've watched and thinking about my costume.

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