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It was me and Mike sorting the fridge out, I told Will to rest and hang with Max and Lucas.

"Eleven didn't come back," Mike said, sliding the fridge sections inside the fridge. I looked up to him, holding lettuce and tomatoes in my hands. He didn't turn to me he continued to sliding in the sections.

"Maybe she will," I said, standing up and looked to him worried. "If not Hopper will take care of her," I said.

"But what if I never see her again?" He said then turned to me.

"You will," I said. "Hopper might sort something out with the lab to shut it down and then she'll be free," I said, sliding in the tomatoes and lettuce at the top shelf.

"What if they don't?" He asked. "I waited almost a year just to see her for two hours and that's it?" He said and raised his voice a little.

"Mike, I don-" I spoke but he spoke over me.

"What if I'll be calling for her everyday till the day I die and Hopper still won't let her contact me," he got angry a little now. "What if there's never a next time?" He asked me. "What if-" I stopped him by pulling him in a hug, holding him close and he started crying and I could feel that pain again. The pain of losing someone. He cried a bit more until he stopped.

"Mike, I know it's hard for you okay but listen to me, I can tell when she's around, I see where she is in my dreams and how's she's doing, if you want to be updated on what's up with her just ask me okay?" I told him, he wiping his eyeball nodding. "Promise me," I said and pulled out my pinkie and he laughed a little pulling his pinkie out too, promising me and continued putting food inside the fridge eventually putting the milk in and closed the fridge door.

"So who wants to go have a snowball fight?" I asked. "I swear if Dustin was here id throw a snowball right at his face for interrupting my breakfast time," I said, putting on my coat. Will already had his shoes on since we was planning to go play in the snow, same for the other since they had fallen asleep with them on.

"Be quiet a little so I don't wake up my mom," Will said and opened the front door, letting the small group walk out.

I attempted to make a snowman, in my bare hand, it was more of a pile of snow up to my waist. Will passed over some pebbles but he could only find two so he only had eyes. We all decided to destroy it, jumping on it and throwing snowballs against it.

Eventually we got too loud and Joyce came outside, not to yell but join it a bit. She had two snowballs thrown at her once she surrendered, ordering us all to have something warm.

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