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Tomorrow is Valentines day. My family keeps asking me, if gerard is getting me anything for Valentines day. I always tell them probably not.

I don't care if he gets me anything. I needed to go to the store to get him a few more things for Valentines day.

I told him to stay home for a few minutes. He instantly rejected the idea. "No, you can't leave me here by myself!" Gerard yelled.

I rolled my eyes because I thought he would be more mature. "I'll only be gone for a few minutes." I said.

He had abandonment issues, I really wasn't thinking about that. "What if burt is waiting for you to leave? So he can take me again." He cried.

Oh yeah, burt has been watching us. He's been trying to take gerard. Last time we saw him was at the wedding store. He was watching us through the window.

I would have to take him with me. I sighed. "Okay I'll take you with me, but you have to sit in the car." I told him.

He nodded. I lead him to the car. I held his hand the entire drive. He would occasionally squeeze my hand.

We made it to the store. I hopped out of the car, but gerard wouldn't let go of my hand. "I'll be out in five minutes, I promise." I reassured him.

He still didn't let go of my hand. I grabbed pepper spray and laid it in his hand. "If anyone tries to get you out of the car, spray them with this." I told him.

He looked at it. He whispered "okay." I shut my door and locked all the doors with my keys.

I jogged into the store quickly looking around. There were so many things that he would want. I could only get a few.

I bought a pink bear holding a heart, peppermint chocolate, and a pasifier with a heart on it. I thought he would love these items.

I walked out of the store. I looked up at my car to see Burt attempting to take gee out of the car.

Burt was pulling gerards hair, trying to pull him out of the passenger window. People were looking at them, doing nothing. It made me scared and angry.

I ran as fast as I could across the parking lot. I reached my car, I pulled Burts hand off of gerard hair. I pushed him away from the car.

I saw gerard open the car door and instantly fall to the ground, crying. I punched burt in the face, causing him to tumble back and run away.

I turn around to gerard, I fall to the ground hugging him tightly. People were still staring at us. I lifted gerards face and asked him "Why didn't you spray him?"

He let out a few shaky breaths. "I-I tried but it ran out of spray." He cried.

"He smashed the window and started pulling my hair. Frankie I was so scared." He explained to me.

I didn't cringe when he said my name, only because he was scared. I pulled him back in for another hug.

I kissed his head. "I shouldn't have left you out here." I whispered. His crying seemed to settle after I said that.

A woman ran to us handing me my bag, saying she saw me drop it. I thanked her. She seemed weirded out by my scorpion tattoo.

I helped gerard into the car. I covered the busted window with a cloth. I saw people taking pictures of me and gerard hugging. I was mostly hopping gerard didn't see them taking pictures.

I drive away, gerard tucked his face into his knees. He was stroking his hair, from where burt was pulling on it. "My scalp hurts, daddy." He whispered to me, in his knees.

I place one hand on his shoulder. "I know baby." I tell him.

We got home and I quickly ran inside to hide his presents. I came back out and gee was sitting on the couch, still stroking his hair.

I snuck up behind him, kissing his head. "I'm sorry that happened to you.  You want ice cream?" I asked him.

A couple tears slid down his face and he nodded. I slipped next to him asking "Why are you crying?"

"I was so scared, everyone was staring  and they weren't helping." He whined.

I felt awful, because he experienced something terrifing, and no one helped him.

"How long was he attacking you?" I asked the sobbing gerard.

"5 minutes. I was going to give up. But I didn't want you to worry. Daddy, did I do the right thing?" He answered.

"Yes, you did. I'm glad you didn't give up, I don't know what I would have done if you were taken." I tell him quietly.

He lays his face into my chest. I feel his wet tears through my t-shirt. This is something that's going to bother him for a long time.

I always say I've never seen him so scared, I think this time it's true. Mostly because he's been crying for the last hour. After I gave him ice cream, he still was in shock. I let him go to the bathroom, I could hear him whimpering through the door.

I've never heard him cry so much. I would let him cry it out. Eventually he would come out still crying. I really wanted him to stop crying, not because it's annoying. It's because he's going to be dehydrated.

After another 30 minutes of crying, I told him "You need to stop crying, you're getting dehydrated."

He sucked in his lips and frowned. Like a child, who might get in trouble for crying. "I'm sorry daddy." He whispered.

"You don't need to be sorry, just calm down and get some water." I told him, kissing the side of his face.

He nodded, while taking a deep breath. He followed me to the kitchen and drank some water.

It was 8:30, he wanted to go to bed. But his bed time was at 10. He insisted  that he'd go to bed. I felt bad, so I put him in one of my band shirts and a pair of my boxers.

He smiled a little bit and crawled into bed. I cuddle up with him after putting a pasifier in his mouth.

After a few hours of sleeping, I heard him crying again. He said "I had a nightmare, that you left me here alone for burt to take me."

I turned on another night light and cuddle him closer. "Now listen to me, I will never leave you, I will never let burt touch you. You are my one and only. Okay?" I whisper to him, with my lips pressed against his forehead.

"Okay." He nodded. He put his binky back into his mouth and closed his eyes.

I'm hoping tomorrow is a better day for him.

I like this chapter. 😛

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