"Preach and demand? Is that why you think I'm here?" I can hear the disappointment in his voice but what other reason could he possibly have for being here?

"Honestly, I don't know why you are here, Daddy." I sigh and move into the kitchen. "Drink?"

"No, thank you." He follows. "Lauren, I'm not here to ask you to change your life. I'd suspected that you would be worried but I'm not here for that. I'm not here to take you away from your Normani."

"My Normani?" A grin appears on my face and I cannot stop it from growing wider.

"Yes, she is your girlfriend?" His confusion makes me laugh and I shake my head.

"Yes, she is my girlfriend. I just didn't expect you to be okay with this. I mean, why would you be?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" He counters.

"Because this isn't your kind of thing." I shrug. "You honestly don't have an issue with me dating a woman?"

"Are you happy? Does She make you happy?"

"Yes, very happy," I state and narrow my eyes.

"Well, then I'm happy for you." Pulling me into one of his bone crushing hugs, I close my eyes and take in all that is my father. I'm shocked and very very surprised, but I'm happy that he still wants me in his life.

"You said we needed to talk." I pull back and he simply smiles.

"Your mother knows."

"About?" I know what he means, but I have to hear it from him.

"About you and Normani."

"Yeah, well I wouldn't keep it from her. She's mad isn't she?" I roll my eyes and pull myself up onto a stool.

"Not mad. Just... upset." He states and takes a seat beside me.

"Poor her. Why is she upset? What on earth does she have to be upset about?" My voice rises and I try to tone it down a little. This isn't my father's fault.

"She was hoping for a wedding and grandchildren." He sighs and gives a slight shrug of the shoulders. "Please don't be mad at your mother. She just assumed that that would be in your future."

"Um, and why wouldn't it be now?" I furrow my brow and my father looks a little more hopeful.

"Well, because-"

"Because I'm dating a woman?" I scoff.

"Well yes."

"Daddy, this isn't 1970. The world has moved on. If one day, we want children or marriage, then we can have those things."

"You will have children?" His eyes brighten a little more and my heart melts at the sight.

"Well we haven't spoken about it, Daddy, and it's far too soon for anything like that, but I don't see why not. It's something Normani would have to want, too. I'm not just going to have children to make Mom happy."

"That is good enough for me." He removes himself from the stool and straightens out his designer suit.

"She sent you here, didn't she?"

"You know your mother, Mija. She wouldn't rest until she had peace of mind." He throws me a wink and moves towards the door. "Now, I'm sure you are desperately wanting to get back to Normani. I won't keep you any longer."

"Thank you." I take my father's hand in my own and tighten my grip.

"For what?"

"Not pushing me away." I give him a genuine smile and feel my entire body relax.

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