Chapter 32

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My father is a powerful man. I know how he lives his life and I know what he expects from each member of his family. Having been raised Catholic, I know how he will see my relationship with Normani. He is going to come to my apartment and he is going to demand that I stop it. He will give me the whole speech about how it's a sin to love another woman and how I am going to hell. I just know it. He's not one to bend. He's not one to take other people's feelings into consideration, at least not when it could potentially affect his reputation or relationship with the rest of my extremely Catholic family.

I'd say I care. I'd say I understand and that I can see his point of view, but I can't. I've never felt this at peace in my life and I've never been so happy. So, when he comes through my door and starts yelling the Bible at me, I will listen...and then I will ask him to leave.

I've always been unsure as to what I want in my life... always, but if there is one thing I've become deeply certain about, it is that Normani and I have a future together. We can have everything together. She means more to me than I've ever thought about anyone else. She means the world. Sure, our relationship is going to be a little strained whilst she is my professor and I'm her student, but after that? After that, it will be magical.

I've never dreamt I'd fall in love so hard with another person, let alone another woman... but I have. I have and it feels more right than anything else in my life. When studying becomes intense, I know that I have Normani to go home to of an evening. If I'm feeling unwell, she is there ready with her love and care. When I need a little 'pick me up', she knows. I don't have to say a word, she just knows. She gets me, and I get her. How can any of that be wrong? How can anyone tell me that what we have is a sin? I fail to see how her gender matters. To me, it means nothing whatsoever. I love her, and that is all my father needs to know. My mother? Well, she is another story. I don't expect her support or opinion. I've never really had her support anyway, so I can do without it for the rest of my life. I love her, yes, but we clash. We have always clashed. She gets that, and so do I. If one day she calls me to tell me she is happy for me, then my life will have truly fallen into place, but until then... I'm happy enough without any of that.

Right now, all I need is the love and support of my girlfriend. My Normani.

Normani: Hey, beautiful. Call me if you need me. You know I'm here for you. Don't worry, and keep your cool.

Smiling down at my cell that I have been playing with for the past twenty minutes, I send off a quick reply and settle back in my seat. My father will be here any moment now, and I can feel the sadness and fear that I'd been trying to suppress all day settle in the pit of my stomach.

Lauren: Thank you. I wish you could be here with me.

Normani; I think you need to do this alone, Lo. I'm only a quick ride away, though.

Lauren: I don't know what I did to deserve you.

Normani: You let me in.

The sound of a hard knock on my apartment door pulling me from my moment of happiness, I stand and straighten myself out. Crossing the short distance, I tug on the handle and pull the door open.

"Mija." My father gives me a genuine smile and for a second, I'm a little thrown. For a moment, I forget why he is here.

"Daddy, can you just come inside so you can say what you have to say." I give him a hard glare and he furrows his brow.

"Is that any way to speak to your father?"

"It is when you have come to preach and demand." I scoff and motion for him to move into my apartment. "I'm not doing this in the hall."

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