Chapter 13

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I walked toward Negans room with a bunch of papers. I had everything planned for my first run tomorrow and I wanted to go over it with him. I stopped at his door and knocked three times.
"Come in." His voice bellowed from behind the door. I walked in,closing the door behind me. He glanced up at me from his desk and smirked. "Here for a quickie Doll?" He asked me as he peered over his thick rimmed glasses. I rolled my eyes.
"No. I finished my plans for the run tomorrow." I told him. He wiggled his finger motioning for me to go over. I walked to him and held out the papers. He took them and laughed.
"You wrote everything fucking down didn't you Doll?"
"I just want to be prepared. I never lead a run." I told him. He put the papers down on his desk and looked up at me. I felt my face heat up a bit. I've seen him with his glasses on before but this time I was up close and he looked really good. I pushed the thought to the back of my head and put my hands on my hips. "So is it good or not?" He smirked.
"It's perfect Doll. But when Simon comes back today you gotta make sure the truck you want is the right size you're thinkin to fit this stuff." He was right like he always was.
"Okay. He took the small box truck right?"
"Yeah. And a few others."
"Okay. So when's he get back?"
"Relax Doll. He just left two hours ago. It's gonna be a while." I sighed then gave a nod. "I know a way we could pass the time." He smirked as his right hand lightly touched my arm.
"No thanks. I'm good." I said stepping away. "Maybe another time." He smirked and handed my papers back to me. "Everyone confirm for your group?" He asked.
"Yup. All good to go." I told him giving him a thumbs up with my free hand. "Im gonna go help in the kitchen for a while." I told him as I went to leave.
"You sure you don't wanna stay Doll? I'll make it worth your wile." He said making me stop mid-step. I looked back at him.
"Maybe another time." I said and left,making my way to the Kitchen. I actually loved working in the kitchen. I used to cook and bake all the time so it was almost like a way for my to calm my nerves.
"Hey Brad," I said walking in.
"Prudence. Guess what we're getting in from the Hilltop today." He said making me think.
"Really?!" I asked excited.
"Yup. Lots of it. So you can bake."
"Finally I can prove to you I'm a great baker." I told him as I grabbed a spare apron from the wall.
"I still don't believe it. Maybe you'll prove me wrong." He said as he carried a big tray of veggies over to me.
"Oh I will." I assured him as I picked up a knife and started to help chop everything.
Negan made rounds quickly that day and made time for his wives. It should be about time for Simon to be coming back. Negan walked through the Sanctuary to find Prue who was , surprise surprise, still in the kitchen. Negan watched her smile and laugh with the staff as she helped cook at the stove. Negan gave a loud whistle and everyone dropped to their knees. Prue turned around annoyed.
"Do you need something? Or are you just here to bother me?" She asked as Negan swaggered over to her. He leaned over and looked into the pot of white liquid.
"The hell is that?" He asked. She rolled her eyes at him.
"It's potato soup." She responded.
"The fuck is that?" He asked.
"You never had it before?"
"No. It sounds fucking gross." She grabbed a nearby spoon and Negan watched as she scooped some out. Her hand under the spoon to catch any spills as she lightly blew on it. She turned so they were face to face and held it up to his lips. Negan parted his lips and she slowly put the spoon in his mouth. She pulled the spoon out and eagerly waited for his reaction. "You made that Doll?" He asked.
"Yup. Is it good?" She asked looking up at him.
"It's fucking amazing. Think you can make enough for the Saviors? It'd be a damn nice treat for em'." Negan watched as Prue nodded and turned around. She started asking people to help her get everything together. She would have made a hell of a wife, Negan thought as he watched her. And he meant before all this walker shit happened. He quickly imagined coming home from work and Prue cooking dinner in nothing but an apron. Wrapping his arms around her from behind and fucking her on the kitchen counter.
"Hello!" Prues voice said piercing his daydream.
"The hell Doll?" He asked annoyed. She sighed. 
"Simon just radioed." She told him,pointing to the walkie talkie hooked on his leather belt. Negan grabbed it and picked it up.
"Were about five minutes away Boss." Simons staticky voice rang.
"Good. You're a head of schedule."
"That and I got something I'm sure you'll like," Simons teased.
"Well shit, I'll meet you there." With that Negan hooked the box back to his belt. "Come on Prue." She looked over and nodded. She gave everyone instructions and quickly met Negan at his side. Negan smirked as they walked through out the Sanctuary together.
He was proud to have her by his side. Not only because she was hot as hell but she was a total badass. Together they were a force to be reckoned with and they both knew it.
Once reaching the court yard the trucks started pulling in,saviors getting out of their vehicles.
"Alright boys. Let's get this shit unloaded and inside." Negan bellowed and everyone listened.
"This is a lot of stuff." Prue spoke as she watched everyone unloading.
"It was a big haul today Darlin," Negan said walking toward Raf.
"Negan, we need to talk to you about redirect." Raf spoke.
"What about the redirect?" Negan asked annoyed.
"Were on it now but there's a mess out there."
"And who's job was that?" Negan asked as he swung Lucille loosely in his hand. Out of no where there was a string of bullets. Negan grabbed Prue and harshly pushed her behind him and other saviors stood in front of him. He could feel her trying to peek around him to see where the shots were coming from. The kid, Carl, from Ricks group jumped out from the box of the truck with a gun held up.
"Everyone drop your weapons!" He shouted. "I only want Negan. He killed my friends!" The boy shouted. Negan watching as Prue snuck around the front of the truck to go around. As worried as Negan was about her he had this to deal with before it could spiral. Negan let out a sing song whistle as he walked out from behind the wall of saviors infront of him.
"Damn. You are adorable." He spoke, grabbing a random savior and pulling him infront of him incase the kid decided to shot again. "Tell me kid. You pick that gun cause it looks cool? Kid I ain't gonna lie. You scare the shit outta me." Before he could keep speaking someone moved and carl turned and shot. Out of no where Prue came out and tackled the kid. Getting him on his back and grabbing the gun. She straddled him as she held the gun barrel to his face. As hot as it was to see Prue take someone out in such a dangerous situation he had to stop it. He knew she'd kill this kid for killing her people.
"Doll. Let him go." Prue grabbed the knife that was in Carls pocket and got off and to the side, still holding the gun toward him. "Is that any way to treat our new guest?"
I watched as Negan outstretched his hand to the kid. The boy laid on the ground, trying to read Negan.
"Come on kid. We'll show you around." The boy just stares up at Negan. "You know you do the same damn stink eye your dad does, expect it's only half as good. Because you know. You're missing an eye." The boy didn't budge. "Really? You're not gonna take my hand? You're lucky you even still have a hand." Eventually the kid took his hand. "Smart kid. Come with me." He said as he pulled the kid to his feet. "Alright. Change of plans. Dwight. Take Daryl here and make us some grub. You three burn the dead. Man I'm not gonna have any time to screw any of my wives today." He glanced over at me as he licked his lips. "Come on Doll." Negan called and I walked to his side. "Kid." He said as we turned to walk into the Sanctuary.
"What are you gonna do to me?" The kid asked making me look back. I watched as Negan ran his hand over his salt and pepper beard.
"One. Do not shatter my image of you. You're a badass. You're not scared of shit. Don't be scared of me. It's a disappointment. And two. You really want me to ruin the surprise?" He asked and put his hand on his shoulder blade and pushed him inside. I followed wondering what he was planning. "Check this out." He whispered to the kid before he walked to his ledge. People quickly took notice and kneeled. Carl looked toward me then to Negan. Probably wondering why I didn't have to kneel. "Don't worry kid. She kneels for me. In private." Negan said sucking his teeth as he shot me a sly smirk. I scoffed and looked away. What an ass. Negan looked out to everyone.
"The saviors have went out into the world and fought the dead and have come back with some real good shit." He went on a tangent as usual and I toned him out. I watched the kid as he watched Negan. He really was interested in Carl. He thought pretty highly of him,more so then Rick. He said something about not needing points for fresh veggies and everyone clapped. I smiled. "As you were!" Negan said and walked off with my following next to him,Carl behind me. We started walking through the halls and I realized where we were going.
"Why are we going to the wife room?" I asked him annoyed. He laughed.
"Jealous Doll?" He asked nudging me.
"No." I'm mumbled. "I just don't think it's a good idea to bring the kid there."
"Well that ain't your call." He said. He was right. I sighed and stayed in the doorway when we reached the room. He started talking to the kid in his usual man speak. I leaned against the doorframe with my arms crossed as I watched.
"You're gonna wanna look at their titties. It's cool. I won't mind. They won't mind. But keep your gaze off Prue over there." Negan warned glancing over at you. I rolled my eyes. "She's the only lady here off limits." I watched as Carl awkwardly looks down and to the side.
"Fuck. Leave the kid alone." I told him as I glanced to Amber. She was sitting on the couch with Sherri.
"Can I talk to you a minute. Dear wife." Negan said looking at Sherri then pointing to the far corner. I watched as they walked together and started talking. I watched as Negans facial expressions changed through the conversation. He went from snarky to smirking to stonefaced. I wondered what she said to make him look like that. Carl looked back at me as if asking if I was okay with this. He was a kid but he wasn't stupid. I knew he could tell Negan and I were close. I gave him a sigh and shrugged. I couldn't get mad or say anything. The wives were here before me. Plus Negan and I aren't a thing so I can't even complain. Negan walked over to Carl and handed him a beer and walked to Amber. I held my hand out to Carl and he handed the beer to me. I didn't know what Negan was planning on doing with this kid but I wasn't going to let him take advantage of him in anyway.
I took a swig as I watched Negan and Amber talk.
"I love you,Negan." She said looking at him. She didn't. Of corse she didn't. She loved her cushy lifestyle. Negan got up and swaggered over to Sherri again. I felt my eye twitch as the pair kissed. I turned and chugged the rest of the beer in my hand. I couldn't be jealous right? We weren't even a couple. Ugh. I hate the way I feel sometimes. I heard footsteps approaching and looked over to see Dwight and Daryl walk in. Dwight seeing the pair making out. He glanced at me and we exchanged glances. Dwight had it worse of corse. Sherri was his wife before this shit went down. Negan pulled away from Sherri and walked toward Daryl,taking a grape from the tray of food he was holding.
"Carl. Come take this tray." Negan told him and Carly did as he was told.
"What you got him here for?" Daryle spoke up.
"Woah. What we talk about it none of your business." Negan turned his attention to Dwight.
"Go fire up that furnace." I perked up. The furnace. We only used that for the iron. Who was getting the iron? Either way I wasn't a big fan of hanging out near the wife room. I pushed myself off the doorframe and turned to leave. "Where the hell you think your going Doll?" He asked. I looked over my shoulder at him.
"Around. I'll be back for the burning." I told him as I left. I wasn't staying around watching him play with his wives.

Heaven in Hiding (Negan)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang