Chapter 29

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The trucks pulled into the Sanctuary and I hopped out and started right toward my room. The walkers and everything were long gone and a lot of stuff was cleaned up.
"Doll. Where do you think you're goin?" Negan bellowed. I sighed and turned around.
"I'm just going to my room. I. I just need some alone time." He looked at me for a bit before he nodded.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. I'm okay." I turned back around and went back to my room. I took in a deep breath before I walked in. It was completely untouched by the days events. I flipped the light on and walked over the the corner of my room. The crib full of baby toys and clothes greeted me. Placing my hand on the corner I started to slowly pull things out and throw them around the room. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair. She was gone. The baby was gone. My rage taking over again as I started to just throw everything until I picked up a onesie. I gripped it tightly in my hand as I read it. It was a cliche little saying. "My GodMother loves me" I found it on a run at a ransacked baby store. I was going to surprise Jen with all this stuff on the weekend. Now, I'll never get the chance.
Eventually my rage turned back into sadness and I collapsed onto the ground. My room now trashed I just sat there and cried.
Negan had given out orders and got everything ready for tomorrow's meeting. He went back to his room. It was so empty without Prue there. He sighed and put his jacket on the chair and walked into the bathroom. He looked at his slightly swollen cheek with dried blood crusted to his skin.
"Shit." He cursed. It was a bit worse then he thought it was. He opened the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a hand towel. Negan then soaked it and wiped his cheek,sucking in a sharp breath.
Negan went to turn the shower on when he heard a soft knock. He chose to ignore it until it got more frantic. He let out an aggravated groan and went out to his room. He pulled his door open to see Prue standing there,Tears running down her face.
"I'm not okay," she sobbed as she fell into his arms. Negan wrapped his arms around her, one hand on the small of her back and the other on the back of her head. He could feel her body shake as she gripped his shirt as hard as she could.
"Come on Doll," he said quietly as he brought her inside. They got to the couch and he sat her down. "You want anything? Water?" Negan asked awkwardly. He wasn't used to this. She just slowly shook her head. He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, his hand cupping her cheek.
"It's not fair." She said quietly.
"Nothin in this world is fucking fair anymore." Negan agreed. "But. Do you really think Jen would want you to be like this?" Prues eyes met with Negans before she looked to the ground.
"Probably not." She wiped her tears. "She'd tell me to stop feeling sorry for her and get Ricks groups on their knees." Prue clenched her fist. "and that's what we'll fucking do." Negan smirked down at her.
"There she is." Negan rubbed his thumb on her cheek. "We'll get those son of bitches. You have my word Doll."
"I'm going to hold you to that." She said with a sniffle. Negan pulled her head to him and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"I got a plan in the works already. I'm gonna shower. You wanna join?"
"No. I think. I'll just sleep." Negan nodded and slowly stood up. Prue shot him a small smile before he walked into the bathroom. Closing the door behind him Negan started the shower. He remembered his first interaction with Jen.
Negan was swaggering around the garden with Lucille over his right shoulder when something caught his eye. A woman was walking right up to him. Amused, he stood with a smirk as she stopped in front of him.
"How can I help you Darlin'?" He asked looking her up and down. She looked a bit nervous but spoke up anyway.
"Negan,Sir." She started.
"Spit it out sweetheart I got shit to tend to." She took a breath.
"It's about Prudence." He cocked an eyebrow.
"What about her?" He asked pretending not to care as much as he did.
"She likes you Sir." Negan stifled a laugh and shook his head.
"Sorry Darlin' but that fine piece of ass hates my guts." Jen rolled her eyes.
"No. She doesn't. I can tell. The way she looks at you. And talks about you."
"She talks about me?" Negan asked how fully interested in the conversation.
"Yeah. Well, complains. But she always finds a way to squeeze in talking about you. She's my best friend I just want her happy. And don't think I don't notice you looking at her every chance you get." She said crossing her arms.
"Can ya blame me? She's the hottest chick in here." He chuckled. Jen narrowed her eyes.
"It's more then that. I can tell. Talk to her more. See where it goes."
"And why exactly are you trying to set your friend up with me? What makes you think I'm even interested? I have the wives you know."
"I want her happy. That's all." Jen said shrugging her shoulders. "Even if it's not a relationship she needs a good lay." Negan laughed.
"Well shit when you put it that way. I'm fucking in."
He stood in the shower realizing if it wasn't for Jen he'd never have even tried to talk to Prue more then giving orders. He turned the shower off and got out. He dried off then walked out with his towel around his waist. His eyes fixated on Prue, who was asleep in his bed wearing one of his gray tshirts and nothing else. She was on her side, her one arm outstretched to his side of the bed. He threw a pair of boxers on and slipped into bed. Prues eyes opened for a moment and she moved her arm then placed it on his chest. Negan watched as her eyes closed again. He could tell her face was still puffy from crying and her neck red from Rick.
God that group was going to pay for all this shit.
I stretched out before waking up. The bed beside me empty and cold. Negan had been gone for a while. I took a big breath and got out of the bed. I made my way to the window and saw everyone was already up and going about their day. I must have slept in. I was surprised how tired crying made me. I looked to Negans desk to see a tray of food and some clothes. I smiled and sat down. He must've gotten it for me. I ate a little then got dressed. It was a pair of skinny jeans and a low cut tank top ,because of corse it was, and my boots. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and left the room. On my way down the hall I noticed three Saviors carrying a box.
"What the hell is that?" I asked walking over to them.
"Hilltop sent it." One answered. Then I heard a groan from inside.
"The hell? Is there a walker in there?" I asked.
"Yeah. That's why we got this." The other savior said holding up a nail gun.
"Interesting. You going to Negan?" I asked. They nodded. "I'll follow."
When we got to the meeting room I knocked.
"Yeah?" Negans voice called through the door. I opened the door all the way and walked to the side. "Well mornin' Doll." He said with a smile that quickly left his face as the three saviors put the box on the table. "The hell is that?"
"It's a delivery from Hilltop." One said. "Brought you something to deal with it." He said putting the nail gun on the top.
"You three. Out." Negan said as he stood up. That left Negan, Simon and I in the room. With the box on The table I could read what was written on the lid.
"We have 38 more. What the hell?" I asked out loud looking back to Negan as he grabbed the nail gun. Simon opened the box and took the lid off. Negan reached around me and shot the nail gun into the walkers head. "Hey. That's Dean. He's from the Satellite outpost." I said looking over to Simon.
"That means the other 38 are my people! I'm gonna kill every last one of those farmers!" Simon yelled across the table.
"You will do exactly what I ask." Negan said looking right at Simon.
"We can't let them get away with this shit!"
"You will do. Your job!" Negan yelled slamming Lucille on the table. I could tell Simon was holding back some shit as he looked at us then back to the box. Negan holding his ground as he glared at Simon. I put my hand on his leather clad arm as Simon stormed out.
"What's up with him?" I asked looking up at him. Negan left Lucille on the table and ran his hand down his face.
"He's goin through some shit. I think he'll get his head out of his ass soon enough."
"You sure?"
"He always does. How about you? Are you feeling better today?"
"Yeah. I'm good." I wasn't lying but I wasn't telling the truth either. He was right last night. About Jen. She's never want me to be this bent out of shape. Even though she was gone along with her baby. She wouldn't want me to be crying in a room. She'd want me back out there to take down Rick and that's what I'm going to do. "So,what's the plan?"
"Simons going to the garbage people. Sending the standard message. I have guys out lookin for Gavin and the rest of the Saviors are fixin shit around the Sanctuary."
"And what. You just laze around?" I asked with a smile.
"Well, I was hopin we'd get some alone time." He said turning to face me.
"My best friend just died." I told him as I crossed my arms.

"You can't tell me you don't need a good stress fuck." I sighed.

"Even if I did, I don't think I could." Negan moved so he was right in front of me. He cupped my chin and tiled my head up to toward his. "I love you, but I'm just not in the mood." He gave me a soft kiss and pulled away.

"I get it Doll. Say no more." I smiled. "Want to help me get all this shit back in order?" He asked picking up Lucille from the table.

"Yeah. Keep my mind busy." I followed him out.

"You two jackasses, take care of that dead fuck in there." Negan demanded the two saviors in the hall. The immanently obeyed and ran in the room. Negan's strong arm snaked around my waist as we made our way down the hall.

"Simon went to the Garbage people right?" I asked. He gave me a quick glance then looked forward as we walked.

"Yeah. He went to send a message to the leader."

"Good. That bitch double crossed us didn't she?"

"Yup. She came back but still. She needs to learn that shit does not fly with the Saviors."


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