Chapter 23

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It's been a few days since the whole shitfest happened at Alexandria. My arm was still sore but much better. Negan let me go around as long as I was with him. We were setting up a meeting with Gregory later today to talk about all this. If he knew about it and what we should do next. I was sitting in Negans chair with my feet on his desk, fiddling with a pencil while he got dressed.
"I think you're being a bit too lenient." I spoke making him glance over at me as he did his belt.
"Darlin' trust me. I. Am. Pissed. Especially since one of those jack offs shot you. But we need people. They are a resource and the more we have the better."
"Yeah. You're right." I said as I walked over to him. Negans gaze when to my arm then back to me. "It's fine. It hardly hurts anymore. Just a dull hum."
"God you are bad ass. You know that?" He asked with a smirk.
"Oh I know." I said as I tip toed to kiss him. "Let's go." He nodded and picked Lucille up then off we went.
We got the the meeting room which was like any other room, just with a long table and chairs. Everyone was there. Gregory,Simon,Eugene,Dwight,Gavin and even Regina. The seat at the head of the table and the one to the right of it open for Negan and I. Negans arm tightly around my waist as we walked over and took out seats. He placed Lucille on the table infront of him as leaned back in the chair,eyeing Gregory.
"Negan. Let me lay it down for you. I know what it's like-" Gregory started. Talking about how he knows how to run a community. We all looked at each other as he spoke. He was talking out of his ass and I think we all knew it. Negan waiting there with an amused smile on his face as he picked Lucille up and held her in his hands. "I don't like killing people any more then you do."
"I like killin people." Negan spoke with a sly smirk across his face. "It's about killing the right people. If you kill the right people at the right time, everything falls into place." He was right after all. "You kill one and you are saving 100 more. That is what we're about." He glanced at me and I gave him a slight nod. Dwight got up.
"I'm gonna grab a smoke."
"Now?" Negan asked "you don't wanna hear this?"
"Don't need to. Tell me what to do and I'll do it." Dwight said with his arms crossed. Negan waved him off and turned back to Gregory. "Where were we? Oh you were talking me you don't like to kill people." I sat there and listened to everything. Seeing Negan work and be this leader was amazing. He was good at it. Real good at it. It went back and forth for a bit. Negan and Gregory,talking about everything. About how the Widow was alive and he hid it. Gregory was trying to save his own skin and started to mumble.
"I believe you. Now make Negan believe you." Simon spoke. Negan throwing Lucille lazily over his shoulder. Why did Simon have so much trust in this guy? He seems shady as hell. "We go in with the right stage picture. A thick show of force when Gregory lays down the law I think it will work. If they don't we take the place. Killing everyone there. Sad place but the other communities will get the message. Plan A."
Simon wants to kill the entire community? That's literally crazy talk. I'm all for killing who we need to but there had to be children in there and workers, people who had nothing to do with any of this. My head shot toward Negan waiting for a reaction. Negan slammed Lucille onto the table making everyone jump a bit. The scowl on his face showed just how angry he was.
"People. Are. A. Resource." He stood up. "Money on the table." Another clank of Lucille against the table. "People are a recourse!" He shouted angrily. My body getting a jolt every time he hit the table with that precious bat of his. He was pissed and you could feel it in the air. "People are the foundation of what we are building here!" I took a breath as I turned my attention back to Simon who was visibly shaken. Negan leaned on the table and looked directly at Simon. "Who the hell do you think you're talking to? Are you confused who we are? Are you confused about who's in charge? Are we backslidin Simon? Please. Tell me we're not backslidin."
"W-were not backsliding." Simon spoke a bit nervously. "This is a big event. And a fragile moment."
"Hell yes it is." Negan said quietly. "We need to win it all. Plan A is taking Rick ,the Widow and king alive. And makin them dead in a very public way. We kill the right people in the wrongest way possible and we make em all watch!" My head snapped to the side when I heard gunshots.
"The hell was that?" I asked looking back at Negan. He turned and went to the window. "Do we get our people out there?" I asked.
"No." Negan said looking out the window. "They got some hillbilly armor on their cars. We'd be wasting bullets. Let's have a little chat. Simon. Bring you're little friend. We might need him to say some words." Negans arm protectively wrapped around my waist as he pulled me into him. We walked out of the meeting room and I looked toward Gary who was guarding the door.
"Hey. Go tell the workers and everyone else to stay away from the windows." He nodded and quickly made his way to the people. We got to the door and there it was. A bunch of people from all the communities hiding behind these make shift Shields.
"Well sorry. I was in a meeting." Negan said as we walked out. I moved closer to him as we stopped. "See you got your little mud flaps with ya. I don't see a reason to start throwin lead at each other. See. I care about my people. I don't want to march them into fire just to okay my dick is bigger. It is. We both know it. But I'm also comfortable enough to accept the fact if it weren't. I'm certainly not gonna let my people die over that shit. Like you're about to. So Rick what the hell can I do for ya."  I saw Rick stand forward and point.
"Dwight. Simon. Gavin. Eugene. Prudence and you." He said pointing to Regina. Negans grip tighter after he called me out. Talking about how we can live if we surrender and go to his side. I rolled my eyes. No way in Hell were any of us going to do that. Negans arm left my waist as he walked forward.
"So they surrender and they live. That's a good deal. But what about me Rick?"
"I told you, twice. You know what's gonna happen."
"I do know what's gonna happen. You have no idea. Let me ask you something Rick. You think you got the numbers for this? You don't. Simon." Simon brought Gregory out. He spoke. Said anyone who goes against Us will be kicked out of his community. But they were against him and with the Widow. Well shit. I don't blame them, Gregory was a shifty guy. I don't even trust him. Simon pushed him down the stairs and I went to go help him up when an explosion in the background stopped me. I looked over to see smoke.
"Sounds like shit is going down Rick."
"You're gonna have to make a choice." Rick said. "You're gonna make me count? Okay." Rick started. Negan put his arm out and pushed my behind him. "10. 9. 8. 7. " and bullets spraying everywhere.
"Take her inside!" Negan shouted as he shoved me into Simon. Simon grabbed my shoulder and pushed me inside and Negan ran down the stairs outside.
"No!" I shouted as I tried to push past them to get back out there but it was too late. I was inside and Negan. He was outside. I could hear the glass from the windows shattering and the gunfire was deafening. My heart was pounding in my chest. " we can't leave him out there!" I shouted holding back tears as the gunfire continued. "He doesn't have a gun or anything!" Simons hands clasped into my shoulders.
"You know damn well he wouldn't want you out there Prudence!" I panted as I looked up at him then Toward the windows. My eyes filling with tears as I nodded. He was right. Negan knew how to survive. He could live through this. Right? That's when I heard it. The loud groans and shuffling. I looked out the window to see a huge horde of walkers.
"Shit." I cursed. "W-we have to get everyone upstairs!" I shouted. Simon let me go and I ran toward the other saviors. "Hey. Get all the workers upstairs! And start blocking the stairs so those dead heads can't get up there! And please please someone make sure Jen is safe!" They nodded and spread out. I went back to the window and it was worse then I thought. Negan. All those walkers and the guns. I knew chances were slim that he was unharmed. Right now I had to help protect our people. It's what he'd want us to do.

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