Chapter 42

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I laid back with my shirt lifted up as he applied the gel to my stomach.
"You don't have a bump so it may be too early to see it on the machine." He said as he moved the wand around.
"Well I haven't had sex since Negan was put away so I have to be at least, what, 3 months."  He pauses and there it was. The outline of a tiny human inside me. He moved the wand around and pushed some buttons.
"So. This fetus is measuring at about 4 and a half months. Maybe five."
"What?! There's no way in hell I'm 5 months pregnant. When I had my first I was already showing at 3 months and I had morning sickness."
"It is strange to not have symptoms in the first trimester. Second is usually the easy one." He joked.
"Yeah. That's why I didn't even think of this. Plus I was told I can't have kids. And Negan said he had problems getting his wife pregnant. This doesn't add up. I would have made him pull out more or some shit." I said looking at the baby on screen. "We never really talked about what we'd do if this happened because we didn't think it could."
"Well congratulations. You two seemed very much in love so it can't be that bad."
"I guess."
"I'll let you get cleaned up and tell Maggie. I'll get you some prenatals while I'm out."
Within minutes Maggie was back and talking to me. She didn't really like me because I was with the guy who killed her husband but she seemed relieved to have another pregnant person to talk to.
"Do you think you could Radio Rick? I'd like to know if he'd let me tell Negan." Her Stare lingered for a bit before she picked up the walkie.
"Hey rick. You there?" She asked. Maybe a minute later his voice came through.
"Maggie? What do you need?" He asked.
"Do you mind if Prudence and I come pay a visit?" There was a long pause then his response.
"I suppose so." 
"We'll be there in two hours." She said then put the walkie on her hip.

We walked into Alexandria and to what I assumed was Ricks house. Maggie knocked twice and the door opened promptly. It was Rick holding his little girl, Judith I think was her name. Judith held her arms out toward me with a giggle, I smiled.
"I'll hold her." I said to Rick.
"I'd rather not." He said as he turned back into his house. "Come in." I let out a sigh and followed him in. He placed the girl on the floor by her toys then sat on the couch. "What did you need to talk about?" He asked. I looked at Maggie who motioned for me to just tell him. I nodded.
"Well, umm." I took a breath. " I'm pregnant. And it's obviously Negans." Ricks stared me down for a bit then ran his hand over his face. "I didn't believe it at first. I still don't. I was told I couldn't even get pregnant but here I am. The doctor said I'm at lease four and a half months in."
"And?" Rick asked.
"And I was wondering if I could at least tell Negan."
"He deserves to know!" I shouted, startling Judith. "Rick, I know you hate him. Hell pretty much everyone does but it's his and he needs to know. I'm not asking to let him out. I just want to go down and see him." I said,pleading with him. "Rick. Please." He was silent for a while before speaking.
"You have 5 minutes. That's it." I felt my face light up.
"That's all I need! Thank you so much Rick. Really. Thank you." He just nodded.
"Follow me." He told me as he stood up. We walked through the town,which was still being rebuilt, to what looked like it was going to be the town hall or something of the sort. We went in and made a few turns until we came to a set of steps. "I'll go down first. Then call you down." I nodded.


Negan laid on the bed in his cell. Calling it was bed was generous, more like a board with a flat pillow. The sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the cellar forcing him to sit up. Negan watched the stairs as Rick came into view. A smirk now across his face.
"Well well well. If it ain't my pal Rick. To what do I owe this visit to?" Negan asked cockily.
"Shut up." Rick responded. "I'm not doing this for you." He said making Negan cock his eyebrow.
"The hell does that mean?"
"Come on." Rick spoke and then a second set of footsteps made their way down the stairs. Negans eyes widened and he ran to the bars of his cell. He couldn't believe it, yet there she was. In all her perfect glory. Prudence. Walking down the stairs with her long black hair and her perfect figure swaying as she made her way down.
"Holy. Shit. If it ain't an angle coming down those steps to see me. How are you doin Doll?" Negan asked with a smile. Her face was as perfect as he remembered. Not like it was hard for Negan to forget. He'd picture her every night for his routine rub out to put himself to sleep. He watched as she made her way to the cell and stop in front of him. Negan could tell she was holding back tears as she smiled at him.
"I missed you." She spoke.
"Fuck. I missed you too Darlin'. Everything okay? Why did Rick here let you come see me?" He asked worried. Negan watched as she took a breath, she looked nervous. "Doll. Are you okay?" He asked again. She nodded.
"I just. I don't know how to say this." She mumbled. Negans heart sank. What was she trying to say? She didn't already find someone else did she? It's only been a few months but he couldn't blame her if she wanted to move on.
"Shit Doll. Are you askin for my blessing to be with someone else or some shit?"
"What. No! Never! It's not that." She said waving her hands in front of her. "It's just. Well, I'm pregnant." She said lifting the bottom of her shirt to just above her belly button. Negans eyes went from her face to her stomach. There it was. The smallest baby bump he'd ever seen. If she didn't say she was pregnant he'd assume she just had a big lunch. He reached his right hand through the bars and placed his palm on her stomach. It was hard to the touch. This was real. Negan took in a breath, holding back the happiness he felt at this moment. Rick was still there after all. Negan let out a soft laugh and looked back up at her.
"How far are you Doll?" He asked.
"Doctor said between 4 and a half to five months."
"Shit. Really? You're pretty small."
"Yeah. I know. I didn't think I could be pregnant. I thought I was just over working myself. That on top of you being here... I thought I was just getting depressed. Liz made me see the doctor and here we are." Negan moved his hand from her stomach to her cheek and pulled her to the bars and gave her a loving kiss. Rick cleared his throat and the pair pulled away.
"Doll. I'm fucking ecstatic and pissed at the same time. We never talked about this shit but I'm happy for this baby. I'm just pissed because I'm stuck here and can't help with anything. I can't raise it with you. And that shit pisses me off. You're gonna be a bad ass mom though. I love you Prue." Prues eyes filled with tears and she nodded.
"I love you too Negan."
Rick watched the two. It almost made him feel something other then Hate for Negan. Almost.
"Times up." Rick spoke. Prue nodded and took in a big breath to calm down.
"Hopefully I'll get to see you again sometime." She said.
"I fucking hope. Maybe it'll be with our kid." Negan laughed.
"Maybe. I love you." She said giving him a peck on the lips.
"I love ya too Doll. You and that baby." She smiled before pulling herself away and up the stairs. It took everything in her body to leave him and she knew if she didn't run, she'd stay. Negan watched as Prue ran up the stairs, his heart being taken with her. "Thanks Rick."
"I didn't do it for you." Rick told him.
"I know. But still. Thanks."

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