Chapter 36

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After last night we just laid in bed together. The sunlight warning up the room as we just held each other.
"I know we didn't talk much last night." I started.
"No we did not. We did other stuff tho." I laughed.
"Yeah well. I need to talk to you. About what happened when you left. Which I want to know where the fuck you went. But. Simon. He. He was going against everything you said. I tried to stop him but. I don't know. I couldn't. I-"
"Doll it's okay. I know he hasn't been seeing eye to eye with me. We can't have what he's been doin. Where did I go? Jadus. The trash lady. She got me told me that Simon whipped out her whole fucking community. He didn't send a message. He killed. Everyone."
"What?!" I shouted sitting up. "That son of a bitch! That's why he didn't want to look for you. He was so sure you were just. Gone. We went back. He was acting so damn strange. He's trying to fucking overthrow you." I said angrily.  Negan placed his hand on my bare thigh.
"I got a plan Doll. Don't you worry. Trust me." I looked at him and nodded. "Good. Now get back here." He motioned with a smirk. I smiled and crawled on top of him, giving him a kiss. His hand gripping my hip as I pulled away. "As much as I'd love to stay in bed and fuck alllll day long. I gotta get down there. Surprise some people with my presence."
"That sounds fun. Not as fun as staying with me though." I told him as I licked my lips.
"You're makin it real hard for me to do what I gotta when you're lookin at me like that."
"I know I make something hard." Negan sucked his teeth.
"God damn Doll. Save this for later." He said as he gently moved me off him. I pouted as I sat cross legged on the bed. "Dont give me that look or I'll just have to punish you later."
"Maybe you will." I teased as he walked into the bathroom. I hopped off the bed and followed him into the bathroom. "Mind if I take a shower? I got so sweaty last night." Negan turned to me with his toothbrush in his mouth.
"Be my guest." He said muffled, pointing at the shower.
"You coming?" I asked as I turned the water on.
"Hell yes I am." He said after spitting into the sink.

After our extended morning Negan made his way down to the main courtyard area while I went to the kitchen. It was lonely without Jen there but it was still something I liked to do.
"It was lucky that those walkers didn't get this far into the sanctuary." Mike said as he chopped the vegetables.
"Tell me about it." I said as I mashed some potatoes. "It really makes it feel normal around here. To have a good meal."
"It's quieter around here. Without Jen." He said.
"Yeah..." I agreed with a heavy sigh. I missed her a lot and that baby she's never going to get to hold. I shook my head and went back to what I was doing until my walkie crackled.
"Hey there Doll. Meeting in 5." Negan said.
"On my way." I replied. "Sorry Mike. Gotta go."
"It's fine. Go kick some ass for us."
"Will do." I said before walking out.
When I got to the meeting room everyone was already there and the air was thick.
"Hey there Doll. Come and sit." Negan said as he pulled the chair next to him out. I nodded and took my spot, looking at the stuff on the table as he cleaned Lucille off.
"I thought they killed you." Simon started. I scoffed
"Bullshit." I spat leaning forward but Negan held his hand out.
"Let him talk Darlin'." With a reluctant nod I sat back down.
"I lack discipline. I made it personal. That's why I moved things to killing at the Hilltop. Yeah it went bad. But it's possible we ended up in the same place. Regardless for the approach. We don't know that. But. I own it. I just ask you give me a pass. I'll make it up. Promise." Simon finished.
"You know. I remember when I took this place." Negan started. My attention fully on him when he stood up , Lucille in hand. " when you. Helped me take this place. Wasn't sure I wanted to keep you around. Before me. There was a system. What you did. Killing all those men. Those boys. In that settlement. So long ago. Lot of people think that was some psycho shit. Like. That's the work of a fomented man. That ain't someone you want to work with. Let alone stand fucking next to. I figured I keep an eye on you. I did. It seemed to be workin out. Until this point." Negan stopped right behind Simon. "I'm gonna need you down in your knees." My heart sped up. Simon was like an older brother to me for so long. I still didn't want to believe all this shit he's been pulling. I knew he was starting this weird little resistance and I was not about it. Neither was Negan. Simon slowly stood up then Kneeled down.
"You gonna make a move or is that it?" Negan asked.
"No move to make."
"No. There isn't. All is forgiven. Get your ass up. We're good." I bit my lip and stoop up,slamming my hands on the table getting everyone's attention.
"Really?! That's it? You're going to let him get away with fucking treason?!" I shouted at Negan.
"I'd watch your tone with me Doll." Negan warned.
"No! He wanted you dead! You're just going to let him off that fucking easy? Not even the iron?!"
"Prudence, you best sit down. Or leave."
"Fine. I'm fucking leaving." I pushed my chair back and stormed to the door. I looked at Simon "if it was up to me. Your head would be bashed to god damn pieces." I flung the door open then left. All the trust I put in Simon. The trust Negan put in him. Just to have him rub our faces in it. I couldn't handle it. That smug look on his face. No.

I got to our room and laid on the bed. They were probably going over the plans. I knew all about them, Infact I helped Negan with them. I grabbed a bottle of wine and poured myself a glass to calm down. I knew the plan but that fucking look Simon had. Ugh. I took a swig of the wine and put the glass down. Life had a way of just turning to shit so fast didn't it?

Negan walked in and looked at me.
"You done with your little outbursts Doll?" He asked a bit annoyed.
"Yeah. I just. His fucking know it all face. And to think I trusted him so much." He walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders.
"I know. I saw how close you two were. And I am sorry as shit he turned out to be a damn traitor. But you know the plan."
"I know," I told him as I picked up my gun. "And I'm damn ready. Just sucks I can't shoot him."
"Oh I'm sure you'll like what I have in store for him." Negan lifted my chin and kissed me.
"I better. Or you're in the dog house." I joked, standing up. We had Dwight on our side to help with this plan too. Negan went out to get to his spot and I got In Position with a few other Saviors. Looking out a window down at Simon and Dwight talking together along with about ten other other. It looked like Gregory was Down there too. We were too far so we heard everything.
"Remember. Leave Gregory,Dwight and Simon alive." I reminded my group. Looking at the people down there. Some where my friends. People I've been close to since I got here. The signal. That all too familiar whistle. I put my hand up to get everyone at the ready. "Go." Is all I has to say and we each too out two of the traitors. I motioned for them to follow me out to the courtyard. I made my way to Negan as the other disarmed Simon. Simon lunges for Dwight but I threw a right hook and two others pulled him back. A long whistle escaped Negans lips.
"Shit Doll. If that wasn't the hottest thing you did today." I walked back to stand by Dwight.
"Why. After everything he did to you?" Simon growled toward Dwight.
"He'd win."
"Killed all the garbage people Simon. After I specifically told you not to do that shit." Negan slammed Lucille on one of the dead men. "But after that. And me being me. I'm gonna give you a shot. You wanna be the man. You gotta best the man. You do that? Hell you should be the man." Negan turned then wrapped an arm around my waist.
"Kick his fucking ass." I said as we walked into the Sanctuary to the factory floor.
"Oh I plan to Doll."
Within minutes everyone was gathered and Simon was giving some stupid speech. About how he's going to run shit after Negans gone. I just rolled my eyes. Before we could even react Simon turned and punched Negan in the face. I grabbed Lucille before she hit the ground and backed up out of the way. They were going after each other pretty hard. My hand to my lips as I saw Simon get Negan again and again. Negan was strong sure but how much could he take? Then he started getting good hits to Simon. My heart racing as I watched. Eventually Negan got Simon down and straddled him. My eyes fixated on them as Negans hands clenched around Simons neck. His face red from lack of blood. I heard a crack then that was it. I sigh of relief left my lips as Negan walked over to me. I handed him Lucille before wrapping my arms around his neck.
"What?" He asked with a pant. "You thought I could lose?"
"You are pretty old." I joked before giving him a passionate kiss.
"Just hold that till we get back to our room Doll." He smirked. "We still got some business to attend to." I nodded. "Alright. You three. Get him tied to the fence. I gotta take care of some business."

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