Chapter 38

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Negan walked into his room to see Prue fast asleep and sprawled out. The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon so he figured he could catch at least three hours of sleep. He took everything off and climbed into bed next to his beautiful woman. The smallest moan escaped her lips as she adjusted herself to lay half on top of him. He couldn't help but smile as he watched her nuzzle right into him. Even though she was asleep it was like her body just needed to be close to his and the feeling was mutual. Negan places his hand lightly on her face, caressing her cheek softly with his thumb. He had everything planned for today down to the T. As long as everyone played their part they would win and all this would be over. The Sanctuary, his people, Prue. They'd all be safe. The thought of failing was lingering. The thought that maybe, just maybe something would go wrong and happen to him or worse. Happen to her. That this could possibly be the last calm and truest happy moment he'd feel. The first person he loved since Lucille. The second person in his life he uttered those three words to. Negan placed a soft and loving kiss on her forehead before falling asleep.
I got out of the shower to see Negan still asleep. God knows what time he came in last night so I thought I'd let him sleep while I got ready. I wince as I pulled my jeans over my still painful ass. I quickly threw a bra on before looking back at Negan. He looked so non threatening when he slept but I knew I had to get him up. I playfully climbed on top of him and kissed him,Within moments he kissed me back. I pulled away and smiled down at him.
"Today's the day old man." He smirked and placed his hands on my hips.
"That's right. We're gonna end all this shit so I can wake up to this every fucking morning of my god damned life." He kissed me again.
"I love you." I told him as I stood up. "But it's already 8am and we need to eat so we have the energy we need. Plus Eugene should be here with the bullets by 9." I said putting on a tank top.
"You're right Doll. I'm gonna hop in the shower and meet you down there."
"Okay." I smiled and pulled my boots on. "See you down there." I winked as I put my gun in my thigh holster.

Before I knew it it was time. Eugene walked up to us. Handing Negan a gun.
"Care to test the ammunition? I had them all personally looked after to ensure quality." Negan passed the gun to me.
"Go for it Doll." I smirked and took the gun,pointed it at a flour sack and shot three times. I looked to see three more bullets in the chamber and shot them too. "Time to move out! Come on Doll I know you're having fun but we're about to have a whole lot more of it." I handed the gun to Eugene and took my place at Negans side. "Why don't you come along Gabey. I got some shit I wanna confess." He walked away and I followed. "Feel like drivin darlin'?"
"Sure. I'll drive." I said taking the driver side as he slide in the passenger seat. The priest and Eugene in the back we rode on.
"You know Gabe. I don't like sacrificin my own people. You know that right. Those guys back there. They did some stupid shit. So might as well be the used as the set up."
"I still don't get it." The priest spoke.
"I had Rick slipped some false intel. So knowin rick he's gonna go to where he thinks I'll really be. He'll come to get me. But that. That's the trap. And that's how we'll get them. Gave that group a map. Telling where I'd be." Negan spoke as I drove, gripping the wheel.
"But you're gonna kill every last one of them. I thought that's not what you wanted." The priest said.
"It's not about want. Never was." I noticed a walker in the road and avoided it. Next thing I knew the back door opened and the Priest jumped out. I slammed on the brakes and put it in park. We all got out and chased him down. A walker grabbed him and I took that one out easily. Eugene surprised me. Pulled a gun and held it to Gabriel's head. Negan walked up and hit The priest with Lucille.
"Load him up." I nodded and grabbed him pulling him along. Negan far enough ahead that he couldn't hear us talk.
"You're a priest." I said.
"Yes." He spoke softly.
"Do you think. That. If there is a god. We'd all be fucked?" He looked over to me. "Like. We've all killed. And. That's the one of the main things the Bible says not to do. Right? Even if we do it for good. Or. What we think is right." I looked him in the eyes. "I used to believe in God. Like most people. But after all this. How can you still have such faith in it?"
"I've seen him. Heard him. Felt him. Even now. In this situation. I feel he will come to everyone's salvation." I heard the car door slam shut as Negan got in. "You're a good person Prudence. I can tell and if you're worried about your soul. I wouldn't be."
"I'm worried about him," I said looking at Negan through the car window as we walked up. I opened the back door and put the priest in.
We were off to the field. The field where every singe able savior was waiting for rick and his group. We had speakers set up and as soon as we saw them over the hill we whistled. Began speaking through the megaphone that was connected to the speakers.
"We just ambushed your ambush." Negan spoke. I could hear rick, just barely, shouting back for us to come out. To face him. "Pick a direction and see how you do. What I tell you. I brought some friends. Eugene. He made today possible. And Dwight. He didn't do this in purpose. Now. He stand up here to watch you all die. Gabriel. He's gotta go too. We're cleaning house today rick. And you. Never had to be a fight. Just had to let me save you. Here we go. Congratulations Rick." We all stepped forward to show they were completely surrounded. "Three. Two." Negan counted. I looked at the priest and he looked at me. My gun lowered to show him I didn't want to hurt anyone. He gave a small nod before looking out to the distance. "One!" Negan shouted and everyone shot. But. But something was wrong. The guns all back fired. Negan dropped his and recoiled quickly. I ran to him and grabbed his hand. It was burned and cut up. Saviors around us died As we started to realize what happened. "Eugene." Negan gritted through the pain of his now blown up hand. Negan threw me to the ground before Dwight charged him. I looked over to see him against our car,Lucille in his hand. He pushed Dwight back and I ran right to him.
"Negan!" I shouted frantically as I caught up to him. He grabbed my arm with his good hand and looked me dead in the eyes.
"Listen Doll. You do as you're told. Anything to keep yourself alive. Do you understand me?" He said sternly.
"I'm not going to leave you!" I shouted at him over the gun fire.
"Damn it Prudence. Just do what I say." I nodded holding my gun. The only gun with its own bullets that weren't made by Eugene, since it was such a rare gun. "Don't use that thing unless it's needed. Got it?" I nodded. He gave me a quick kiss before grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him. The blood from his wounded hand trickling down mine. Rick was chasing us and Negan threw me down by a car. "Stay the fuck down. You hear me Doll? Under the car."
"But I-"
"Do it." He mouthed angrily. I quickly rolled under the car and watched as his feet ran down toward the large tree. Then a shot from my left. Rick. I saw his boots. I could do it. I should shoot his leg,slow him down. But I didn't. Negan didn't tell me to. He had to have a plan. He just had to. Then. A click. Rick was out of ammo. It was going to be a man on man fight. I rolled out from under the car and stood up to see them fighting. Negan on the ground for a moment before taking control again. I quietly made my way down there as they fought. I could tell they were both tired. Negan was standing and rick was on the ground. I lifted my gun and took the safety off. Negan held his hand out.
"Don't you do it Doll. Stand the fuck down." Before I could argue he spoke. "Put. The gun down." So I did. Negan slowly walked to the downed rick who was begging now.
"Please. Give me ten seconds. Ten second for Carl."
Negans eyes narrowed as he started to count back from ten. "Carl said it don't have to be this way. We don't have to do this. He was right."
Negans eyes softened and started to tear up as Rick spoke about Carl. I don't think Rick realizes just how much Negan cared about that boy. They were both silent for a few moments and Negan let his Guard down. Rick reached out and the next thing I saw was blood. So much blood. From Negan. My heart stopped. My hands lost all feeling as my gun dropped to the ground. Negan fell to his knees then To the side.
"NEGAN NOOO!!!" I shouted with tears bursting from my eyes. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me down that hill and fell to my knees next to him. I placed my hands over his gushing neck as his eyes weakly looked up to me. "No. No. No. Negan. No. Please. Please. Please. You can't leave me. You promised. You promised you'd stay with me." I sobbed as I felt his blood start to seep through the creases of my fingers. "You promised me." I cried. His hand reached up and felt my cheek.
"I. I Love ya Doll" He said through a gurgled and horse whisper before his hand fell to the ground with a thud. "No. Negan. Don't you dare. Please." I turned to Rick with big soaking tears falling from my face. "Please. Please Rick. Please!! You can't. He can't die. He can't. Please." I begged as my hands still applied pressure to the severe cut on his throat. Rick turned and walked away. My head fell to Negans now blood soaked chest as I cried. This can't be happening. This can't be real. It's all a dream. It has to be. It just has to be.
"Save him." I heard Ricks gruff voice say and my head shot up. The doctor ran over and started to wrap up his neck. Rick talked about how thing would be different but I didn't care. I was focused on Negan. My head still on his chest, crying. I could hear his heart beating ever so softly and slowly. The doctor got him to stop bleeding for the time being and I followed him. No way was I leaving Negans side.

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