Chapter 57

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A few months had passed and it was winter now. It was pretty harsh but then today the electric had kicked off. I had every blanket in the house wrapped around Jenny and a pillow fort making a tent. She seemed pretty content thinking it was a game.
"Jenny. You stay right there okay? I'm going to go talk to Gabriel about daddy."
"Okay! I'll stay in my fort." She said happily.
"Alright. I'll be back as soon as I can." And with that I was off. The snow was coming down at a steady pace and was sticking pretty well to the ground. My hands and feet now cold I knocked on the door and walked in. Gabriel and Rosita were there along with Eugene.
"Hey. I was wondering how the whole electric situation was going. It's not too bad now but once the sun goes down it's gonna get real cold."
"I know. We're going to divide amongst the three biggest houses and keep the fire places lit." Gabriel said.
"Okay. And Negan?" I asked and the three looked at eachother. "He can't stay down there. He'll freeze to death!" I shouted. Gabriel looked at me.
"We won't let that happen. We're going to have to bring him out." I nodded.
"I can keep an eye on him. And I know for a fact with Jenny there he won't try anything. I can promise you that."
"We'll see." He said and I nodded. "I'll send someone around to the houses. Make sure Jenny is bundled up well."
"Alright. You got it. I'll collect thing we can burn too." He nodded and I saw myself out.
When I got home Jenny was in the same place. She actually took her hat,gloves and boots off,having them tossed outside her fort. I crawled into her little tent and saw her napping. It was actually a nice temperature in here. I gave her a small kiss on the forehead and let her be. I walked around the house collecting paper and old things that would burn well. While I was looking I found scarves and more blankets. I grabbed them all and brought them downstairs. As soon as I got down there there was a knock at the door. I opened it and saw Gabriel.
"Follow me." He said.
"Alright. Let me get Jenny situated. I found a few more blankets and I have a good collection of papers we can burn."
"That's great. I'll help carry it all." I nodded and woke Jenny up. Got her all bundled up and off we went. We walked in to the room so warm and toasty. I saw Rosita,Saddiq a few others and Judith. My eyes glanced to the far side of the room to see Negan shackled to the bed. My smile went ear to ear as I ran over and hugged him. I could feel him chuckle as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Here there Doll." He said.
"Daddy!!" Jenny shouted as she ran over and joined the hug.
"Well shit sweetheart you're gonna squeeze me to death you're so strong." He said.
"Language." Judith reminded him. He chuckled.
"You're right. Sorry about that." I pulled away and stood up. I let Jenny spend a few moments to cuddle her dad while I passed out the blankets I brought. Jenny eventually made her way to Judith and RJ and I helped stoke the fire. Unfortunately Negan had started on his bullshit already. Egging Gabriel on about Saddiq being the actual father of Rositas baby. I jabbed the fire a few times before walking over to him. I stood in front of him as he sat on the bed. I leaned over and poked him in the forehead.
"If you don't stop starting shit, I'm gonna end your shit. Understand?" I asked him annoyed. He sucked his teeth and leaned back a bit.
"Understood Doll." I felt my face start to heat up a bit before I quickly stood back up and went back to the fire. I glanced back at him to see him shoot me a sly smirk. That asshole. He knew exactly what he was doing. The sound of Jenny and RJ playing was mostly what filled the room after that until Gabriel told Judith to get away from the window.
"Kiddo. Still worried about that mutt?" Negan asked her in regards to Daryls dog who got away from her as they got people into the homes.
"Daryl told me to watch him while he helped at hilltop. I don't know where he is." Judith said.
"It'll be okay Jude. I promise. He's a smart dog." I told her.
"Does something smell in here?" Negan asked.
"Can you not be an ass?" I asked him annoyed.
"No, I think I smell something too." Rosita chimed in. I furrowed my brow and started to sniff the air. Before we could do anything there was a fireball then nothing. The fire had gone out. As I got the kids bundled up Eugene checked the chimney.
"As I suspected. That smell was no doubt a toxic mixture of creosote and h2o. Due to the blizzard we cannot start another flame unless we all wish to stop all respiratory functions. A.k.a smokin and choking" he told us.
"God I missed you Eugene." Negan spoke.
"Can't say the same." He responded.
"We can't stay here without a fire. We have to get to another house. It's going to get too cold soon." I said. Gabriel nodded.
"Alright folks. New plan. We're going to Aaron's house. It'll be a tight squeeze but we can make it work. So bundle up and let's go." He said and everyone started getting ready. I grabbed the key from Gabriel and walked over to Negan.
"Please don't press your luck here." I begged as I undid his chain and walked over with him.
"After the way you scolded me Doll? Wouldn't dream of it." I smiled at him as we got in-line to head out. We were all holding onto this rope so we didn't get lost in the blizzard since Aaron's house was pretty far from where we were. Jenny was in front of me and Negan was in front of her. As soon as the doors open we could see just how bad it was out there.
"Hold onto this rope as tight as you can okay Jenny?" I asked her.
"Okay mama. I'll be strong." She said.
"That's my girl." Negan said looking back at her. She smiled as we started walking. The wind was so strong and the snow was so cold. Negan and I had Jenny sandwiched between us to keep her as warm as possible. I heard barking and noticed Judith start shouting.
"Dog! Wait. I'm coming!" And off she ran. Without a second thought Negan booked it toward her.
"Negan!" I shouted.
"Stay with Jenny!" He shouted and turned the direction Judith had ran. "Judith!!" He shouted as he disappeared into the blizzard.
"Daddy!" Jenny shouted. I held her tight.
"He'll be okay sweet pea. We have to keep going." She nodded as we trudged on. Negans gone through worse. He always manages to come back. And with Judiths life on the line I knew he'd do everything in his power to keep her safe.

About an hour passed as we sat in Aaron's house. I was pacing back and forth waiting for them to come back. Then I heard it. Dog barking. I whipped my head toward the door and flung it open. It was Negan and he was holding Judith. Rosita and Gabriel ran out and took her from him and I got to Negan right before his leg gave out. I adjusted him and helped him walk toward the house.
"You okay old man?" I asked gaining a weak chuckle from him.
"Ain't I always?" He asked as I got him inside and on a chair. He was freezing. His coat was wrapped around Judith so he had nothing on. His leg was bleeding and didn't look that great. Tears welled up in my eyes before I pushed my lips against his. I pulled away and looked down at him.
"Is daddy okay?" Jenny asked nervously. She could tell he didn't look too great.
"Your daddy is alright. Just a bit banged up but nothin I can't survive." He told her. She smiled and gave him a hug.
"You feel like a snowman." She told him.
"Let me get Saddiq to look at your leg." I said and went to walk over but Negan grabbed my hand.
"No Doll. Let him take care of Judith first." I gave him a smile and nodded. I grabbed a few blankets and wrapped them around him. Even though his leg was pretty busted up he let Jenny sit on his lap. He had his arms around her and blankets over the both of them. Jenny had fallen asleep on her dad for the first time since she was a day old. Negan fell asleep eventually as well. I sat there looking at them. Just thinking how if everything played out differently this could have been the norm for us. I heard footsteps walk up to me and I sighed.
"I told you he's not a monster." I said out loud before looking back to see Gabriel,Rosita,Eugene and Saddiq. "He literally risked his life for Judith. Gave her the coat off his back and carried her here in a blizzard with a busted leg." They stayed silent. "I really wish you could see the Negan I see." I told them.

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