Chapter 19

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I walked into the large room over to Negan who was on the side of the furnace. I glanced around the room to see Dr.Carson up front which meant he was the one in trouble.
"The doctor? Negan what are you going to do? Jen needs him for the-" he put his hand up and I stopped. I just had to look at his face to know he was past pissed off. I took a breath and nodded. "Do what you need to." He gave me a small nod before walking out to the main floor. Everyone kneeled as he got to the middle. I could see the Mullet guy and Lura off to the side. Negan motioned for everyone to stand up as he walked toward the doctor. I gasped as Negan hit him in the arm with Lucille. The doctor shouted out as he grabbed his now bleeding arm. Negan pulled out a small price of paper and started talking to the doctor. I couldn't really hear over the roar of the fire as I stood near Dwight. Carson mustn't have answered correctly because the next thing I saw was Lucille getting bashed into his stomach. This isn't right. Dr.Carson would never do anything to betray us. To betray Negan. I wanted to speak up to defend him but that scowl of Negans face stopped me. I wasn't afraid of him but I wasn't going to demean his word I front of everyone. Negan started going off. Talking about how the doctor was the one who helped the two escape and Dwight had told the story to him. This wasn't right. It couldn't be. Why would Dwight make that shit up? This just didn't add up in my mind. It made no sense at all. The panic in me started to peak as I watched Negan walk to the gloves. Dwight and I made eye contact for a split second before he looked to Negan to answer a question. This whole situation just didn't make any sense. If he was lying to hurt Carson, what did he do to Dwight? Jen needed Carson for her baby and for her.
"No no no. Please don't burn me. Please please don't. No." Carson started to beg as Negan walked over with the iron. I could feel my heart sinking deeper with every step Negan took. This wasn't right. It wasn't. I could feel it in my bones. Without even thinking about my feet moved on their own. I ran In front of Carson. Negans brow narrowing as he looked down at me.
"You best move Doll." He said as he glared down at me.
"Negan. This isn't right. Carson would never-" I spoke softly.
"Prudence. Move." He spoke darkly making my eyes widen. I swallowed hard and nodded. I looked back at Carson before moving to the side near the wives. Negan grabbed Carson jacket as he lifted the Iron.
"Now even Prue over there is stickin up for you. You tell me you did this shit then I don't gotta do this."
"Yes."Carson babbled. Apologizing profusely over and over. Negan dropped the iron and I let out a sigh. My relief was short lived as Negan grabbed the doctor and threw him into the furnace flames. I felt my body jump as Carson body hit the flames. Amber sobbing loudly beside me and the sound of Tonyas heels clicking quickly away. I stood there watching. Negan walked to Dwight and talked to him for a bit before he walked to me. I bit my bottom lip as I looked up at him.
"Negan. I'm sorry. My feet just moved on their own. I-"
"Let's go talk Doll." I gave a nod and followed him out to the hall. He turned to me and ran his hand down his face. "You can't fucking do that shit Prue." He spoke sternly.
"I know. I just-"
"Stop. Prue. I'm the fucking leader here. There is literally no fucking reason for you to challenge that. Let alone in front of fucking everyone."
"I know. I didn't mean to. It's just. Jen she needs a doctor. We all need a doctor here. To just throw one away like that I don't understand." Negan let out a deep sigh as he walked over to me.
"You really think I'd toast our doctor if I didn't have a fucking back up?" He asked.
"I-I don't know Negan. When you're mad you just kind of go off."
"Listen Doll, its harsh and cruel but it sure as shit gets the fucking point across don't it?" I nodded. He cupped my chin and tilted my head toward him. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about all this shit. I think everything through. We're gonna get the doctor from Hilltop on the run tomorrow. Your friend will have a doctor." I smiled.
"Okay." He smiled back. "Can you just. Maybe let me know when you're gonna pull this shit. So I'm at least prepared for it."
"Deal." He told me as he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. I couldn't help but kiss back. Even thought he just murdered this man in front of my eyes I couldn't stop myself. My hands moved to his face and I pulled him closer, his arm wrapping around my waist while his other held Lucille loosely at his side. The sound of someone clearing their throat caused me to pull away. Dwight.
"I'll see you around." I told Negan as I walked off. I wasn't in the mood to deal with all that mess.
The next day Negan was walking around , making his rounds. Waiting for the oh so special delivery from Hilltop. The doctor who just so happened to be the younger brother of the one he had roasted just the day before. Negan strolled through the Sanctuary looking for the only person he really cared about. The young blacked haired woman who had imprinted herself on him. Much to his surprise when he got to the kitchen she wasn't there. Was she avoiding him? Negan wondered the grounds some more before he caught a glimpse of what he was looking for as he passed commissary. There she was. Standing at the far corner of the large room. Looking at a baby crib. Why the fuck would she be looking at one of those?
Before he could think of something smart to say she turned around. Prue walked over to Negan and smiled at him.
"Are you stalking me?" She asked.
"Actually Doll, I was doing my rounds and here I see out the corner of my eye. You. Looking at a fucking baby crib." She looked back at the crib then to him.
"Yeah. Jens been eyeing it up. But since it's pretty rare to find one that nice it's points only. Even for saviors. I was thinking on getting it for her." Negan smiled down at her. God she was perfect.
"So fucking get it for her. I'll look the other way this damn time." It's was so hard to tell her no. She was his only weakness in this shit stain of a world. She's the only thing that made him look forward to waking up. The walkie rang through as Simon spoke.
"Hey Boss. We're about five minutes away. Got the Doc." Negan grabbed the walkie from his pocket and replied.
"Perfect. I'll meet you out there momentarily." Negan put the walkie back and turned toward Prue. "Coming?"
With Prue at his side Negan walked through the Sanctuary. People kneeling as they walked past them. They walked out just as the truck parked. The pair walked up to the new doctor. Pure started right up bout Jen. Telling the doctor all about her and her pregnancy.
After I filled the new doctor In I helped around the Sanctuary. I did a little bit of everything during the daylight. I went from the Garden to the kitchen and even helped with the Laundry. I haven't been able to do this for a while and it felt nice. I looked out to the horizon as the sun started to set. It had been a long day and my body was aching for a nice hot shower. Problem with that was Negans shower had hottest water and my muscles needed it. Guess I'll just pay him a visit.

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