Chapter 22

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We pulled up to Alexandria and stopped all our trucks infront. Eugene stood up on the main truck and made his speech asking for this all to end. When Rick didn't Comply we watched as they ducked. Waiting for the explosions to happen. They never did. We knew about them and we had people on the inside. The Trash People held their guns toward Rick and his people. Negan, Dwight and I got out of our truck and walked to Eugene. Ricks face was priceless as he watched his plan fail right before his eyes.
"You ever here of that stupid little prick names Rick who thought he knew shit but didn't know shit and got everyone he gave a shit about killed? It's about you." He did with a smirk.
"You all should put your guns down." I said as Negan looked to Rick.
"No one drops anything." Rick said then turned to the Trash Lady.
"You push me and you push me Rick. You just tried to blow us up right? I get me. My people. But Eugene. He's one of yours ain't he?" My back against the wheel of the truck watching Negan do his thing. My gun held to my side ready if I needed to use it. "Dwight. Simon. Chop chop." And with that they hopped up and started to unhook the casket we had. I walked over to Negan and took a breath. I followed him as he walked around back and hopped up. I stayed on the ground as he started. "So you don't like Eugene anymore. But you gotta like Sasha." He spoke as all eyes and ears were on him. He demanded the guns they found. Lemonade. Pool table. Blah blah. Parts of his speech I tuned out as I watched their facial expressions.
"You suck ass Rick. You really do. I don't wanna kill her. But that's exactly what you're gonna make me do!"
"Let me see her." Rick said looking down at us.
"Alright. Give me a second. Gonna have to get her up to speed. She can't hear shit in this thing." He tapped the casket with Lucille. "Sash. Your not gonna believe this shit." She said as he opened the casket slightly. "Holy mother fucker!" He shouted as Sasha came out and knocked him to the ground. I pulled the knife from the thigh holster and ran under the truck and grabbed Sasha from on top of Negan and tossed her to the side. She turned somehow in the casket. Negan got up and grabbed my arm pulling me away from her as she got one of our guys. We made out way way to Simon and I started shooting at them with him. "Plan B it is." Negan said full of anger. I knew he didn't want Sasha to get hurt and now she died somehow. And what's worse is she turned when he promised to keep her safe in there. I knew he was pissed. I ducked in time before a bullet went whizzing past my face. I took a breath and peeked back out to shoot back. I felt Negan pull at my arm and motion for me to follow him. Under the cover of the trucks we snuck in the back of the community as the Trash People and the rest of our guys took care of crowd control. The gunfire calmed down quickly and we walked to the back to see Simon had already got Carl. He was kneeling as Rick was being brought over by the Trash Lady. Rick was made to kneel next to his son. I stood with Simon and Dwight as Negan did his thing. He discussed a deal with the Trash Lady for a while. Not backing down and she eventually agreed to his terms.
"Oh Rick. This is just going to make you sad. Broken. You're going to wish you were dead." Negan started as he walked toward them, Lucille swinging back and forth. He really was a great speaker. He knew the right buttons to push and the best points to aid in his ideals. "I gotta tell you Rick. If I had a kid, I'd want him to be just like your kid. Which makes this so much harder." I looked toward Dwight, then Simon. Was this plan B? To ruin Rick by killing his son? A woman's shrill scream broke my chain of thought. A loud thud echoed through the area and Rick looked over. Was it that woman he was always with?
"Now. I'm gonna kill Carl. I'm gonna make it once nice hard swing. Try to do this in one because I like him." Negan said as he was face to face with Rick. This isn't what I wanted. I didn't want to see Negan have to kill this kid that I knew he really cared about.
"You can do it right in front of me. You can take my hands. I told you. I'm gonna kill you. All of you. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But I will." Rick said making Negans face turn to a scowl. He held his anger back and let out a throaty chuckle as he stood up. I watched as Negan pulled back ready to swing and I heard a loud growl coming from the right of me. Before I could react a tiger leaped by me, past Negan and to the savior standing next to him. My eyes fixated on the tiger as it ripped Jeff's face apart, I couldn't look away. I couldn't move. I was frozen. It felt like minutes had past but it was surly only seconds. I felt a rough yank at my arm as Negan literally dragged me back with him. I shook my head as I came back to reality and started to run. We got behind a car and Simon and I started shooting from behind it.
"A fucking Tiger." Negan cursed as he looked over. "Holy shit. The Widows alive. Fucking hell. You taste that? It's the taste of shit." Negan shouted in frustration. I ran out of bullets and ducked down to reload. Before I could put the clip in I was pulled away. "Keep moving and keep your fucking head down Doll." Negan said frantically as we ran toward the trucks. I felt a hot stinging sensation in my left arm but ignored it. Negan ripped the door open to the truck and pretty much threw me in. Simon got in on my left and Negan to my right. Before I knew it we were driving. I let out a sigh of relief and put my head back, the gunfire quieting down.
"Prudence. You okay?" I heard Simon ask.
"Yeah. Why?" I asked.
"You're arms bleeding."
Negan turned to Prue and pulled her left arm out toward him. She winced and looked down. Negan swallowed hard as he noticed the gunshot on the top part of her left arm. There wasn't an exit wound so that meant the bullet was still in there. It was starting to bleed a lot and she looked up to him for reassurance.
"I-I didn't notice it." She stuttered in panic. "It doesn't hurt."
"That's cause you're in shock Doll." Negan said as he looked to Simon. He nodded and started driving faster. "Just try to stay calm. The more you panic the more you bleed." She shook her head and looked down at the wound. It was starting to bleed a lot more and Negan could tell she was beginning to panic. Her chest started to rise and fall quickly and her breathing got shallow. Negan took his scarf off and used it as a tourniquet, tying it tightly just above the gunshot. She let out a yelp as he tightened it. Negan knew how tricky gunshots could be. For all he knew it had hit an artery or done some major interior damage.
"I-it's starting to hurt." She mumbled as she tried to breath through the pain. God, this was killing Negan. Seeing her get hurt like this because of all this bullshit. He cupped her chin and rubbed her cheek with his thumb.
"We'll be there before you know it Darlin'. Just hang tight."
He was right. Simon had drove top speeds back to the Sanctuary, getting there in record time. He radioed for the doctor to be ready for a gunshot wound so she could get help as soon as they got there. The truck stopped and Negan picked her up bridal style and made he was to the infirmary. Prue resting her head against his chest and gripping onto his now bloody shirt with her right hand. She was loosing more blood and starting to drift in and out of consciousness.
"Prue. We're almost there. Stay awake." Negans voice getting nervous.
"Hmm." She responded. She was still awake enough to respond. That was good. Negan burst into the infirmary and placed her the the bed that was set up. The Dr.Carson got right to it as he examined her arm.
"There no exit to this and you can see the bullet is in there. Good news. It doesn't look to have hit anything major. After I get it out I should be able to stitcher her up, give her some blood and she'll be fine." A sigh of relief escaped Negans lips as he nodded. "Bad news. We don't have anything to numb the pain. So you're going to have to hold her down."
"Hold her down?"
"Yes sir. She seems like the feisty type."
"You have no idea." Negan stood next to her, arms on her shoulders. Dr.Carson got his tools together and put a pair of microscopic glasses. The second he started to dig for it Prue let out a loud scream. She tried to get up but Negan was holding her down. A string of curses escaped her lips as the doctors tried to get the bullet.
"It seems to have broken up inside here. I have to make sure I get every fragment out or she could get an infection."
"Fuck you!" Prue growled with gritted teeth as the doctor pulled another piece out. Seeing Prue in this pain. Negan wanted to kill whoever did this. Shoot at him. His men. But go after the one thing that means the most to him. His Queen. That crossed the line and this meant war.
My mouth dry from shouting and screaming as I laid back against Negans chest. The doctor had cleaned and stitched me up. Even gave me a bit of blood. He put gauze around it and stood up.
"Alright. You're good to go." He told me.
"Awesome." I said sarcastically. "So I'm good to go back to my work right?" I asked with my now horse voice.
"Well, Id take it easy. No heavy lifting. Avoid strenuous activities for a few days. That sort of thing. Other then That you can continue as normal."
"Thanks." I said with a nod as he left to clean himself up. I tilted my head back and looked up to Negan. "Hear that? No strenuous activities." I joked but got no response.
"You just got fucking shot Prue."
"Yeahhh. But I feel just fine now." I lied as I hopped off the bed. My vision went blurry and before I knew it my legs collapsed and I felt two strong arms wrap around me. I blinked a few times and looked up to see a very annoyed Negan.
"You lost a lot of blood. You can't be moving around like that." Negan helped me back up and put his arm around my waist. "I'm taking you to my room."
"What. No. I want to go to my room." I whined.
"You'll fucking sneak out if you're in your room." I pouted. He was right.
"I'll still sneak out." I mumbled as he helped me walk.
"Not if I put guards at the door when I'm not there babysittin ya." He smirked. I let out an exaggerated sigh.
"I just need some food and I'll be fine. I'm sure a lot of good stuff is gonna happen after that shit Rick pulled today. I want to help. I want to make them fucking pay."
"As hot as that is Prue you still need to rest. I'll fill you in when I get back to the room."
"Fine." I agreed. He wasn't going to let up and my arm really did hurt a lot. It was still throbbing and hurt any time I moved even a finger. This pain better pass because I don't know how long I can keep up the whole it doesn't hurt act.

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