Chapter 18

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Negan groaned loudly as he heard the repetitive knocking at his door. Rubbing his temples as he stood and walked toward the door. He threw on a pair of boxers and opened the door just wide enough that he was visible. It was Simon.
"The hell do you want this fucking early?" Negan asked half asleep.
"Sorry for waking you boss. But Prudence's team is down there waiting for her and she's not in her room." Negan mentality cursed himself for not setting an alarm for her.
"Tell em she'll be down in a few." Simon nodded.
"You got it Boss." Negan closed the door and turned back to his bed to see Prue asleep. Her hair spread across the pillow and her figure outlined perfectly by the silk sheet over her. He let out a sigh and walked over to her. He shook her and after a few moments her eyes fluttered open. She gave him a smile as she stretched out.
"Hmmm?" She asked.
"You're run."
My eyes widened as I kicked the sheets off myself.
"Fuck!" I shouted as I grabbed my clothes from the floor and ran into the bathroom. "Why didn't you wake me up?!" I shouted as I threw my clothes on.
"I fucking forgot. Sorry Doll. After last night an alarm wasn't what I was thinking about." He said from his room. I sighed and I did everything I had to in The bathroom. I walked out brushing my hair with his brush and looking around for my shoes.
"Fuck fuck fuck. I can't believe this. My first run and I'm fucking late." I cursed as I tossed the brush on his bed.
"Relax Doll. You're not that late."
"Yeah. I am. And I'm wearing the same clothes as yesterday." I told him as I fumbled to put my shoes on. Negan walked over and put his hands on my shoulders.
"Take a breath. It's fine. You don't need to get all fucking panicky. You're going to be kickass on this run. Even if you are a little late." I looked up at him and smiled.
"Yeah. You're right."
"I'm always right. You should know that by now."
"My papers."
"Desk." I nodded and grabbed them.
"I'll see you when I get back." I told him as I left. I power walked through the Sanctuary until I got to the gate. Everyone was there waiting. "Sorry guys I slept in." I said as I got to the truck. "Let's head out." I said handing Izzy the map. We got in the trucks and off we went. This community wasn't too far off but much too far to go to very often. Especially with the shit going on with us and Ricks group.
"So. What's this groups like?" Izzy asked me.
"From what Negan's told me about it was its a relatively small community. 30 or so people." I told her. "So it should be quick and easy."
"Good." Then silence. God I hated awkward silences. I just sat there going through my notes as we drove.
Eventually we stopped at this gate. I got out of the truck and walked up to the gate. A man walked over and looked at me then the trucks behind me.
"I'm Prudence. We're the Saviors. I'm sure you knew we were coming." I told him.
"R-right." He opened the gate and I waved the rest in.
"So, where's the leader?" I asked as the saviors started to unload from their trucks.
"I'll go get him. Just. Wait here." The man said as he left. I looked around at this community. They had what looked like plastic igloos for houses. A bit of livestock and a good amount of crops. It wasn't a bad little community but what caught my eye was the windmill. I walked over to it and started to look at how it was made. It looked like it was actually what generated the electricity they were using. Wonder how they figured out how to make it. I thought as I inspected it. I heard footsteps coming up from behind me and I grabbed my gun then turned around. My grip loosened and my eyes widened. I almost couldn't comprehend what I was seeing.
"P-Prue?" He stuttered as we looked at eachother.
"Matt. I.I thought you were dead." I said putting my gun back in my holster.
"I thought you were dead." He said walking forward holding his arms out for a hug but I stepped back. As happy as I was to see he was alive I had a job to do.
"Well. I'm not. No thanks to you." I spat as I turned on my heels toward the trucks.
"I tried my best Babe." He said reaching out to me.
"Don't call me that. You left me alone in the fucking woods and never came back for me." I told him as I quickened my pace.
"There were tons after me. I couldn't go back." He explained but I wasn't having it.
"Forget it Matt. It's been what. Two years." I said turning to face him. His eyes glanced to my left hand.
"You don't have the ring on." He said as he looked to me.
"No. I don't. But you do." I said looking at his ring finger. "You should really take that thing off." I said as I walked back to the Saviors. "Alright you all have the lists. Go get our shit." I told them. They all went off and I stood at the trucks. I had to gather myself. He was alive. My fiancé was alive. I can't let what we had interfere with my work here. I'm still the leader of this run and I won't show any weakness. Even if deep down I'm coming apart at the seams.
"Prudence." I heard Matt call.
"What?" I asked annoyed.
"I didn't know you were alive. Really. I would have-"
"Would have what? Maybe come back to the spot you told me to meet you at? And my stupid ass stayed there for months waiting." I told him with a frog in my throat. Damnit. I can't cry. I have to hold it back.
"I didn't know. I should've went back but. But I didn't want to see you as one of those dead heads." He said. That's what we used to call them.
"Yeah well it was for the best. Looks like you're doing good. And Im definitely better off." I told him as I started to walk around.
"I never stopped thinking of you." I sighed. I wasn't going to tell him the same. It was true. Until I got to the Sanctuary he was all I thought about. But that was the past and this is the present.
"Sorry to disappoint but I'm with someone else now. Someone who won't fucking leave me alone in the woods full of walkers to save His own Skin." Matt went to open his mouth when the walkie static Interrupted him.
"How's the run goin' Doll?" Negans voice rang. I unclipped the walkie from my jeans and held it to my mouth.
"As planned. Should be done soon." I told him.
"Maybe when you get back we can have a celebration fuck for your first run." My face went red and I turned away from Matt.
"Can you not over the walkie. I'm with the other fucking group." I angrily whispered over the walkie. He chuckled.
"I'll see you when you get back Doll." And the walkie went silent. I put it back on my waist and took a breath before turning back to Matt.
"You should really take off that ring." I told him as I walked away.
About two hours passed and we got everything loaded up and ready to go. We got a good amount of stuff from fresh eggs to canned goods they had. I walked up to Matt who was fiddling around with the ring on his finger.
"Well. I'll be back in like two weeks and I expect just as much if not more. So you better have your people scavenging more because if you don't meet the quota. Well, you don't wanna know what happens then." A few moments of silence and I went to leave.
"You've really changed." He spoke making me stop in my tracks.
"No. I just finally found where I belong." I told him as I walked to the truck. "Alright. Let's move out!" I shouted as I got In The truck.

The whole way back I was replaying it in my head. Thinking and remembering. I was glad he was alive. He was my fiancé and my first love after all. But that was young high school sweethearts love. The love you have before growing into who you really are. Part of me wanted to cry and run into his arms but that was the old me. The new and improved me wouldn't give a man like him the satisfaction. The type who always needed to protect me and hold me back. Telling me I couldn't do shit I knew for a fact I could.
"You gonna let Negan know we're close." Izzy voice said.
"Oh shit. Yeah. Thanks." I told her with a smile as I pulled the walkie out. "Negan. It's Prudence. We're almost there. Probably ten minutes." I spoke. Nothing. I let out an annoyed sigh. "Hey Asshole."
"Oh Prudence. He must've left his walking here." Ambers voice said as my hand gripped the walkie tightly. "He was was here for a long while-" I turned the walkie to Simons channel. I wasn't dealing with Ambers bullshit right now.
"Hey kiddo. What can I do for ya?" He asked.
"Do you know where Negan is?" Before I could continue to explain I got a response.
"Darlin'. I've been waiting for you to walkie." Negan said.
"I did. Amber answered. I'm almost back. Five minutes." I told him.
"I'll meet you at the gate Doll." I put the walkie in my lap and looked over at Izzy.
"You and him are totally fucking aren't you?" She asked with a sly smile.
"What?" I asked.
"Oh Prudence don't bullshit me. We've been on runs before I know you. Plus. You're wearing the same thing you did yesterday." She said looking back to the road. Fuck. "And you're never late. So I can only assume you got extra tired last night." She laughed. I could feel my cheeks start to heat up. What do I say. We did talk about this last night. How I didn't mind us being out as a couple.
"I won't confirm or deny these allegations." I said making Izzy laugh out.
"Well I just hope you're happy."
"Thanks." I said with a smile.
We pulled up and they opened the gate. As we parked I saw Negan walking out of the door and down the stairs. I hopped out of the cab and walked over.
"How was your run Doll?" He asked.
"It was pretty good. I got everything on the list and then some."
"That's my girl." He praised with a wink as he walked over to the box truck. He whistled as he saw the back full of boxes. Everything from canned soups to fresh veggies. "The people are gonna eat good for a while thanks to you Doll."
"Ehh. It was easy. Dare I say easier then the Kingdom runs." I wanted to tell him about Matt but was it even necessary to tell him? It didn't really effect my run at all. But at the same I don't want to start our relationship with secrets. Negan laughed and put an arm around my shoulders. I smiled. This was honestly really nice, especially after seeing Matt again.
"Well I guess that's a good thing." I noticed a few glances here and there as people were carrying things back in. I shrugged his arm off me and turned to face him.
"Hey. I think I should to tell you something." Negans lips went from a smile into a line.
"It's not bad I don't think. I just. I feel like I should tell you about it."
"Okay. So spill it Doll." I looked up at him and bit the inside of my cheek. I really didn't know how to say it. I grabbed his arm and pulled him away from everyone else.
"About the run. It went great. But. I know the leader." He cocked an eyebrow.
"Is that a problem?"
"Well, no. But. It's just. I can keep doing it. It won't interfere with anything. I swear."
"He's my ex. The one who left me alone out there."
"Before you got here?"
"Mhmm." I watched as Negan run his hand over his beard.
"This asshole didn't give you a hard time did he?"
"No. Not at all. If anything I gave him a hard time."
"Atta girl. You give him a fucking hard time." I smiled. "So that all?" I nodded.
"Just thought I'd tell you. Didn't think he was alive." I said as I fiddled with me fingers.
"It bring up any past feelings?" He asked me.
"No. If anything I made me realize how much of a pansy he was. And. How much him and I didn't work. How different we are."
"That good for me then ain't it?" Negan chuckled.
"Oh shit. Find anything out about the whole Sherri and Daryl thing?" I asked him. I watched his face contort into a scowl.
"Oh a lot got found out while you were gone Doll. Just meet me for the Burn today in an hour."
"A Burn? Was it that bad?" I started spouting off questions just for Negan to put his hand up. He told me he had to go prepare and he'd see me there. I stood there for a minute trying to piece things together. If he found something out that'd be why he was in the wives room and left his walkie. Who was getting burned? Guess I'll find out soon enough.

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