Part 1

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I held my handgun tightly as I stood outside the perimeter watching the people walking around. It was late at night,the sun had been down for a few hours now,and everyone seemed to be packing in for the night. Once the last person walked in I made my move. I ran toward the gate and started to climb,stopping at the top for a moment. The thing was like a cage for the walkers they had rounded up. Probably as an added deterrent to the already fortified building. Too bad for them I didn't really care if I died or not. I hopped down and pulled my hunting knife out of my pocket with my free hand. I walked past them with minimal effort, killing a few in the process. I got to the other side and went to climb up when I heard a door open. Fuck. There was a walker chained to the gate so I quickly stabbed it in the head and hid behind it. A few minutes passed and I heard the door open and close again. Peering over the rotting corpse I saw the person had went back inside. I quickly jumped into action and hopped the remaining gate. I ran to the door and took a breath as I gripped the handle. My heart pounding in my chest as I pulled it down and opened the door. I looked in and it was empty so I quietly walked in and put my back against the wall. There was a closet in the middle so that's where I went first. It was open so I walked in. My eyes widened as I saw the shelves of water and what looked like cereal bars. I slide my backpack off and started to fill it up. I put as much as I could and threw it back over my shoulder. If this was here, what else does this place have? I wondered as I left the room.
I slowly made my way to the end of the hall and peeked around the corner to see it empty. For a place this big there didn't seem to be many guards. I freely wondered the halls for a while until I heard talking. I hunched down and listened to them talk until their voices faded. I got up and opened the first door I saw,going inside and closing it behind me. I heard a chuckle and turned around with my gun at the ready.
"Well well. What the fuck do we have here?" The man said with a sly smirk on his face. "Why don't you lower the gun now Doll."
"Yeah. I don't think so." I said reaching back to open the door behind me but it opened on its own. Two men walked in and one grabbed me. I turned my body as I went to point my gun but it was knocked out of my hand by the other man. His grip tightened as he tried to yank me towards him. I reached for my knife and stabbed it through his arm resulting in his grip releasing me. I yanked it out of him and squatted down,turning toward the other man and stabbed the knife through his shin. He let out a string of curses as I felt a foot on my back. I was pushed forward and held down by the same foot. I turned so I could see who it was. It was the first guy. His smirk now faded as he looked down at me.
"No one hurts my men and gets away with it. Not even if they're as fine a woman as you." The man said, not releasing any pressure from your back. "Take her to the room." He said as the two men grabbed me roughly and he removed his foot. They pulled and up and drug me away against my will. "I'll see you soon Doll." He hummed as the light from his room got smaller and smaller.
Soon we got to a row of doors and they took me to the last one. They opened it to revel a closet, and that was being generous. I was roughly thrown in on the concrete ground then had the door harshly slammed. It was pitch black except for the small ray of light that shone in from the bottom of the door. It was cold and damp, it also didn't help that I was claustrophobic. I took a few deep breaths as I hugged my knees into my chest. It's going to be okay. Ill get out of here sooner then later. Right?
I must've fell asleep because I was startled awake by the door swinging open and hitting the wall. I looked up to see a figure of a man. Not the one from before. He was tall with dark grey hair and a mustache. He squatted down to me and held out a plate. I cautiously took it and held it up to my nose. I took one wiff and pulled it away.
"What the hell is this crap?" I asked looking to the man I front if me. He chuckled.
"Dog food."
"Well I'm not going to eat that." I said dropping the plate. He shrugged.
"Eat. Don't eat. I couldn't give less of a fuck right now." He said standing up to tower over me. "Who knows how long you'll be in here. You really pissed the Boss off." He turned and walked out, closing and locking the door behind him. I looked down at the dog food sandwich and kicked it away with my foot. No way In Hell was I going to eat that garbage.
I slept a few more times, tho I couldn't tell if I slept all night or if they were just long naps. I bit my lip as I felt the feeling of having to go. I've been holding it in forever. I began to bang against the metal door.
"Hey!" I shouted as I hit it harder. A few minutes later I heard loud footsteps approaching. The door was unlocked and flung open. A different guy opened it then the other times.
"What the fuck are you doing?! Shut the hell up!" He shouted. I looked up at him and crossed my arms to show I wasn't scared of him.
"I need to use the bathroom." I told him.
"Well doesn't that fucking suck. Do it in there like everyone else."
"Like hell I will! I'm not pissing in there!"
"Well then it sucks to be you doesn't it sunshine." He said as he pushed me back so he could close the door. I quickly put my foot in the way and he growled. "You little shit!" He growled and grabbed my arm making me wince.
"Hey!" A loud bellowing voice shouted from down the hall. I recognized the voice instantly. The man from before walked up. Tall and handsome with his leather jacket and dark jeans. "What are you doing to this lady Frank?" He asked gripping his baseball bat.
"Just putting her back in her cell sir."
"I need to take a piss and I'm not doing it in here!" I spoke up loudly. He chuckled.
"Damn Doll. You've been holding it for three days? Frank. Take her to the restroom then back to her cell."
"Right away Boss." Frank said pulling me out of the cell.
"Ahh ahh. She's still a lady. Treat her as such." The boss said shooting me a wink as he walked down the hall and out of sight.
Frank lead me to the Bathroom and stood outside the door. I quickly went in and did my business. I washed my hands slowly and I glanced around the room. No windows or door. How was I going to get out? I grabbed a towel and started to dry my hands when I got an idea. I walked into the stall and took the toilet paper roll off the wall and pulled the bar off. I smirked as I saw the way it broke. It was just pointed enough to do some damage. I gripped it in my right hand as I walked to the door to leave. I took a breath and opened the door.
"About time. Let's get go-" he started before I jammed the piece of broken metal into his shoulder. He shouted in pain and I ripped it back out and made a run for it. I think I remember the way. I made a few turns but ended up at a dead end.
"Fuck" I cursed out loud as I turned to find another way. As I made the turn I saw the tall man from before. I went to jab him with the piece of metal but he grabbed my wrist and squeezed hard enough that I let my grip go. I watched my only weapon fall to the ground with a clang. I slowly looked up at him to see him with an angry scrunched face. He twisted my arm behind my back and grabbed my other wrist, holding them together.
"You're a little shit aren't you?" He asked as he lead me back toward my cell. We turned a counter to see the boss.
"Simon. What do you have there?" He asked walking up to us with a mischievous smile.
"She tried to escape." Simon said.
"Is that right? And the blood?" He asked looking at me.
"Frank." I told him with a smirk. He let out an annoyed sigh and pulled me away from Simon.
"Go check by the bathrooms for frank. I'll take care of this."
"You got it." Simon said and walked away. The boss pulled me along the halls and pushed me into a room. The room I went in the first day I was here.
"So Doll. What's your name?" He asked as he locked the door behind him.
"Prudence." I told him not letting my guard down.
"Interesting name you got there. Names Negan. I rule this place if you couldn't tell." He said taking his jacket off to reveal a white shirt. "And you keep taking out my men. Which my dear is no easy feat. You have training?" He asked.
"Sort of,"
"That means what exactly?" He asked as he poured some liquid in two glasses.
"I used to take MMA and self defense classes." I told him as he handed me a glass which I hesitantly took it.
"I'm impressed. Most women have no combat training of any sorts. You still need to learn your place here." He said taking a swig of the light brown liquid in the glass.
"Who said I'm staying?" I asked him placing the glass on the nearby end table.
"You got a group?" He asked. I looked down and shook my head. "Boyfriend. Girlfriend? Frie-"
"I'm alone." I said. "I have been for a long time."
"Shit. And you're still alive?!" He asked with a laugh. "Now you have to stay here. I want the most badasses on my team. What do you say?" He asked.
"What do to mean?" I asked.
"To make it short you can choose three paths here. One. You work for points. Sort of like it used to be. You can buy things with your points. Two become a savior,which isn't a usual option but you've more then proven you can handle yourself. Three, you can become one of my wives and to tell the truth Prue my dear. You're hot. As. Shit." He said leaning back to add emphasis on the last three words he spoke.
"Wives. As in plural?" I asked him with a cocked eyebrow.
"Damn Straight I mean plural! As much as I'd love for you to be one of my wives I feel like that's a waste of your talents. You'd make a fucking awesome part of the saviors."
"Id still have to work for points if I was a savior?" I asked him totally passing over the wives.
"Nope. Wives and saviors don't need to work for points. I,the man, provide for the wives and as a savior you lay your life on the line daily and that sure as shit is enough to get anything you want." I looked up at him then to the side. I was so used to being on my own but I did miss the human interaction. Being part of a community again did sound good. "Tick tock Doll." He said waving his baseball bat side to side.
"I-I'll stay." I stuttered. He smiled big and patted my back.
"That's fucking fantastic." He handed my glass back to me and clinked his against mine. He threw the rest of his back and I did the same. "Welcome to the sanctuary Prue." He said. He'd already giving me a nickname.
"I'd rather my full name." I told him.
"Sorry Doll no can do. I ain't wasting time saying your long ass name." He said motioning for me to follow him. I placed the glass in the kitchen table that was in the room and quickly followed him. As we walked down the hall we passed Simon and Frank,who was bleeding from the wound in his shoulder. "Damn sweet heart. You did a number on Frank!" Negan said amused as we walked down the hall and made a few turns. We stopped at a door and he flew it open. It looked sort of like a clothing shop. "Alrighty Prue. Grab a few things."
"J-just take them?" I asked him.
"Yeah." He looked to the woman at the desk across the room. "Let her take whatever the fuck she wants. Got it?!" He shouted. The woman nodded and wrote in a notebook.
"What's she writing?" I asked as I started looking through the racks.
"They need to keep track of what is bought or taken. It's like that for food and services too. I maintain order here." Negan said as he walked near me. I grabbed a few things and walked up to the woman at the desk. "Put this shit under me until I get her set up with a number." He said.
"Yes sir." She replied and wrote in her note book. Negan signed it and off we went. He gave me a tour of the whole place,which was huge!
"Ahh Simon! Get your ass over here!" Negan shouted over at the man from before. The one who's been giving you food and water. "This here is Prudence. You'll be training her starting tomorrow."
"You got it Boss." He said and looked over to me. "We actually got a run to do in a few days. It always goes smoothly so it's a good first run." He said. I nodded. "Just meet at the west gate at 7am and we'll be off."
"Okay." I said with a smile. He nodded and walked away back to what he was doing.
"Alright now that the tour and your mentor is out of the way. Let's go to your room." Negan said.
"Room? I assumed I'd be in the bunks with the other people."
"Hell no! You're a savior. You get a room." He laughed. You followed him as you rounded a few corners and realized you were right down the hall from his room. He swung the door open and allowed you to walk in first. "Well here you are Darlin'. You're very own room complete with private bathroom." He said leaning against the doorframe as I walk in and inspected the place. It was pretty much like a studio apartment. I opened the fridge to see it was full stocked with food and drinks.
"Why?" I asked, my hand lingering on the fridge door.
"Hmm?" Negan asked.
"After I caused all this trouble. Why give me such a high position?"
"Well Doll. You're a badass and on top of that you're hot a shit. We need someone like you. Pave the way for some females to want to join. Can't just be a sausage fest you know." He laughed. I slowly closed the fridge and turned to face him.
"Well, thank you." You said with a small smile.
"Pleasures all mine Sweetheart. I'll leave you to it. That clock there is set for 6am. That should be enough time for you to be ready by 7am. That's when you'll meet with Simon in the courtyard down there." He said pointing out my window. I nodded. "And dinner is served at 7pm sharp so make sure you get down there and find me." He said with a wink and left, closing the door behind him.

I sighed and sat on the bed. My eyes widened at how soft it was. I laid back down and snuggled into the bed. A REAL bed. I haven't been in a real and clean bed in over a year so it was nirvana. The boss , Negan, he was so ... hot. I blushed as my kind of went in a slightly dirty way. I shook my head. No. He's at least 15 years older then me. I stretched out then jumped out of the bed to go explore the room. The bathroom was small but had a tub in it. I glanced over to the clock, I had about an hour to until dinner so I decided to take a bath. An actual bath. I filled the tub with warm water a bit of bubble bath then stripped down and got in. It was like all my worries just melted away. I let out a content sigh and put my head back against the ledge of the tub. I could get used to this.

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