Part 4

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I felt a tap on my shoulder and opened my eyes. I glanced over at Simon.

"We're here. Let's go." He said. I nodded and hopped out of the truck. The other Saviors already out of their cars. We were at a small community. They've been giving us grief for the last three weeks but this, this was it. We weren't coming to make friends or give them one more chance.
The man at the gate,and gate was giving it more credit-it was more like a crappy fence , looked at us. I held up my gun to point at his head.
"Open the gate." I said glaring at him. He looked back at me for a moment before complying. As soon as we walked in the few people that were there went back into their homes. The leader, he was a heavier guy, walked over to us.
"Can I help y'all?" He asked smugly.
"Actually you can." Simon said. "You can come with us."
"The hell I will." He said grabbing the knife from his back pocket. "We broke off the deal with you assholes." I pulled my gun from its holster and held it to my side
"Yeah. You can't do that. That's not how this works." I said walking over to him, my gun still lowered. "You don't decide shit. Only Negan does. What he says goes. You follow?" I asked as he held the knife out toward me. "Really? You think you can take me out with a little dinky ass knife?" I asked amused. I saw him quickly glance in another direction and without a second thought I turned and shot. One of his men was about to shoot. I got him first. I heard another gunshot. One of us shot him in the head before he turned. I growled and turned around pistol whipping the guy across the face.
"Get him." Simon said as the others went over and started to beat the crap out of him. I walked away and back toward the truck. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a few kids huddling together behind a bale of hay. I gave them a sympathetic glance as I walked to the truck and pulled out a towel. I cleaned the blood off my gun and stuck it back in its rightful place,my holster on my hip. After a few minutes I heard the wakie in the truck speak out.
"Did you get that asshole yet?" Negans voice crackled through the speaker. I grabbed the walkie and answered.
"They're having a bit of fun with him right now." I replied.
"Well well if it isn't Prue! Aren't you gonna have any fun?" I rolled my eyes.
"Had my fun. I already killed some jackass."
"You're a Cold hard bitch. I like that! Tell them to be at the spot as soon as possible."
"Fine." I said and put the walking down. I walked back over the the guys who were taking turns kicking the man. "Simon. Negan radioed. He said to get to the spot." He nodded.
"Alright. Enough fun. Grab him and throw him in the bed of the truck. We gotta go."

We got to the spot,which was just the middle of some random road. We parked the trucks and cars so the road would be blocked.
"What are we doing?" I asked a bit confused. I was left out of the loop because I was out of commission for a while.
"Remember that group who took out our satellite post?" He asked.
"We found them. We're stopping them at every road Then meeting Negan to teach them all a lesson." He said. I nodded. I watched as Jim and Steven pulled the bloodied man out from the back of our truck. They dropped him on the ground then stood by their car. I stood next to Simon as we all waited. It felt like forever before an RV started to make its way down the road. They slowly came to a stop and eventually came out,with guns. Even the kid they had with them was holding one. The man who came out first held up his hands and gun to show he wasn't going to attack.
Simon spoke first.
"He's someone who's with a whole lot of other someone's who didn't listen."
"We can make a deal." The guy said in a very grizzly tone. "Right here. Right now."
"That's right." Simon said. "We can. Give us all your shit. Well probably have to kill one of you. That's just the way it is. But then we can move forward to some business. All you have to do is listen."
"Yeah," the guy said pulling his gun down into his hands at the ready. I gripped my gun in the holster,ready to go but Simon slowly put his hand out to get me to stop. I listened and put my hand down, trusting his judgement. "That deal ain't gonna work for us. Actually I was gonna ask for all your stuff scept I wasn't gonna kill any of you. Any more of you." I sighed and looked over when I heard a paint can being shook. Jim opened the cap and put an X on the guys torso.
"Sorry. My deal is the only deal." Simon told them. "We don't negotiate."
"Me and my people are leaving." The man from the RV said.
"Okay friend." Simon said waving them off. " plenty of ways to get where your going."
"You want to make today. You're last day on earth?" He said before getting back in the RV. I scoffed at his sheer disregard to what he was saying. What a cocky asshole.
"No. But that's a great thing to bring up. What if it's the last day for you. Or someone you love? Hold those people in that RV close. Because you never know when the last day is." There was a long pause.
"You too." The man said before getting back into the RV. They slowly backed up and drove away. Simon kicked the guy on the ground again and chuckled.
"Let's get this asshole back in the truck. We gotta hang his ass up."
"What?" I asked confused.
"Negan wants to scare the crap out of this group. We're hanging this poor fuck from a bridge a few miles the other way."
"Weird. But okay." I said. "Come on then. Let's get going."I said and we all started to get packed and off we went.
It didn't take long to get to the bridge. And I watched the guys tie the rope and put the guy on the ledge.
"Please." The guy said softly.
"You're still alive? Props to you." I said before pushing him off hearing a snap as he's body hung there. "This is actually a really good idea. I wish we could see their faces when they notice the X." I said turning to Simon.
"Simmer down kid. Let go. We have to meet up with the rest in the woods. That's where the real fun is gonna start." I smirked.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go."

We pulled up to a bunch of other cars that were parked all around to form a big circle. I got out of the truck and walked over to the others. Negan walked over to me making me have to look up at him. He loved a good power trip.
"You wanna do this with me Doll?" He asked.
"Why me?" I asked him. "Simons much scarier then I am."
"Oh he's doing his part. But I'd really like you to be up close and personal with this shit. I know you got a thing for gore." He said, sucking his teeth. He was right. The first time I was with Negan and he had Lucille take care of someone, it was amazing. He saw it in my eyes and hasn't let me forget it.
"I guess I can't say no ,can I?" I asked and he shook his head. "Okay. Fine." He smirked.
"Alrighty. It's gettin dark so they should be here soon. Probably not gonna take that big ass RV through here so Me and Prue are gonna grab that and bring it back," he said walking over to the middle of the circle. "And park that piece of shit right here. That's when the fun starts." Negan went on to explain the plan. A lot of people assume Negans all muscle but he was smart. Almost scary smart when it came to this type of thing.

Soon the sun set and everyone got in their place. Negan and I were standing near the road the RV was going to come from. I looked over at Negan, the moonlight illuminated his face and I could feel my cheeks heat up. As soon as I saw his face start to turn I quickly looked away. No one could deny his looks. Man or woman. He was handsome but no way did I want to be with a guy who had a bunch of wives.
"You gettin excited?" Negans voice said breaking the silence.
"W-what?" I asked looking over at him.
"For the blood bath that's gonna happen. You excited?" He said with a cocky smirk.
"Of corse I am." I smirked back. I wasn't going to let him see how weak he actually made me. I wasn't that shy and nervous girl anymore. Just then the head lights started to peek over the road. I took a breath and ran out to the road. Waving my hands like I needed help. The RV slowed to a stop and a guy opened the door.
"Are you okay miss? Do you require assistance?" The guy asked as he reached out his hand.
"T-thank you for stopping." I said shyly as I took his hand.
"Of corse I couldn't let a damsel in distress out here at night." I smirked and yanked him out of the RV. Before he could even react I pulled my gun from my hip and knocked him across the face with it,causing him to fall back.
"Well well such a nice guy to stop and help an innocent,what did you say? Damsel in distress? The fuck are you?" Negan asked amused as he walked out. The guy quickly put his hands up to show he wasn't going to fight back. Negan chuckled and quickly zip tied his wrists together.
"Keys." I said holding out my hand. He didn't answer, probably from fear.
"Come on now. The damsel here asked you a fucking question." Negan said as he picked him up from the ground.
"Ignition. I-I left them there."
We got in the RV and Negan tossed the guy on the ground then took the wheel. I sat next to him, pointing my gun to the guy. He just stayed where Negan put him. Eventually we got to the clearing and parked. Negan grabbed the guy and pulled him up. I opened the RV door and saw the guy get thrown passed me. A few other Saviors grabbed him and made him kneel off to the side. Negan motioned for me to shut the door and I did.
"Shouldn't be much longer. Ten minutes tops." Negan said as he sat on the small couch.
"So what's the whole plan?" I asked as I leaned against the drivers seat.
"I'm just gonna wing it. One of em is dying tonight. I know that. They pulled too much shit to get away scotch free." He said rubbing his temples with his thumb and middle finger of his left hand.
"Yeah. They took out Timmys whole squadron." I said with a sigh. "I think you're being too soft. Only killing one of them." I mumbled. He glanced over at me and sighed.
"As much as I'd fucking love to see all them dead, they aren't any use to us dead." I nodded. He was right. They couldn't gather supplies or anything if they were dead and as he often said people were a necessity. I leaned back and put my head against the window and closed my eyes for a second. We've been out since the ass crack of dawn setting this up and I was beat. I felt a slight movement in the seat and opened an eye to see Negan up and walking, more like pacing. Was he nervous? Nah. Probably just bored. He wasn't one for staying still.
A few moments passed and I heard the gradual increase of whistles. It was time. That means they were close. I stretched out then stood next to Negan. Simons voice was bellowing through the thing walls of the RV.
"It's show time Doll," he said with a dark smile across his face. I nodded as I looked out the curtain covered windows. I could see silhouettes of people being forced to kneel. It was time. Two soft knocks hit the door and Negan pushed the door open.

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