Chapter 50

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That night in the tent was hard. It poured down rain. Luckily the tent was well secure and we stayed dry but the bridge saw better days. From the downpour the current was so fast it wasn't looking good at all Eugene agreed it was a losing battle. I followed Rick to the main tent and we started talking with carol who was already there. She was taking her people back to the kingdom.
"Aldens leading the saviors back to the sanctuary and they're going to figure shit out on their own." I said and Rick sighed. Carol left to get her people ready to leave and we stood in silence for a moment.
"They're gonna need help." He spoke.
"They don't want your help and the sure as shit don't want mine. They're going to have to figure it out on their own." Rick just nodded. "I really wanted it to work Rick. I wanted all of use to be able to live together. In this world. People need to stick together. The saviors. Most of them. Never liked me even when Negan was around. Workers loved me but the saviors. I don't know. Maybe they resented me. But. I really did try to change their mindset."
"I know you did. I saw you tryin." He sighed and looked over to me. "You did your best. After we break this settlement up I'll get you and Jenny set up in a house. Won't be the nicest but it'll be a home." I smiled.
"Thanks Rick."
We heard a horse outside and jerry walk into the tent.
"Hey. Jesus wanted me to let you know Maggie is on her way to Alexandra." I looked over at jerry then to Rick.
"What? When did she leave?" I asked nervously.
"Not sure. Call just came in from relay."
"Did he say anything else?" Rick asked.
"Just that you'd know what it means." My heart sank and I gave Rick and panicked look. He picked up his walkie and got in touch with Alexandra. Told them to delay her at the gate. Daryl overheard us and offered to take Rick on his bike. I wouldn't fit so Rick gave me his horse and told me to meet him at Alexandra. I checked on Jenny and off I went. I'd be at least 30 minutes behind Rick but I had to go. Damn I hated horses.


At Alexandra michonne and Negan were having a talk. Negan had been refusing to eat for over a day now and that wasn't flying with her. He wanted someone to talk to. Sitting there she listened as Negan went of on one of his tangents.
"I'm glad my wife never had to see me like this. And that Prue doesn't have to see me either." He spoke. Michonne chuckled.
"What. As opposed the the asshole you were before?"
"Lucille. She was and angel that deserved better then what she got." With that Negan reeled her into conversation about his life before. Lucilles cancer and how he loved her and did what he could. "You know we wanted kids so bad. We would have loved a kid. Especially a kid like Carl. You were lucky."
"I think about him every damn day." Eventually Negan got out some things from Michonne which she reluctantly gave up. About her son and her past. He tried to make a connection but she wasn't having it. She dumped his food to the ground and stormed out. Negan let out a sigh and say back down on his bed. Fuck he just wanted his family. He wanted to do right by Prue and Jenny but his cocky mouth wasn't letting him.
Much to Negans surprise maybe 30 minutes later Michonne appeared with a new tray of food and set it down in front of the cell.
"Why did you say those things?" She demanded.
"It wasn't to piss you off.  I'm sorry I brought up your son."
"You gotta eat Negan. One way or another. You stand there and say you want to do better for your family. But you're here not eating and slowing trying to die. You think that's what's best for them?" She asked him. Negans sighed and grabbed the sandwich. He took a bite.
"Wait. Before you go. There's things we need to-"
"So that's what this is. You thought I was your last best chance to seem her. To see them."
"Please. I need to see her. It's been months. Both of em. I just-"
"Please. I just-"
"No. Eat." And with that she left him. Negan clenched his fists. Alone in this fucking cage for months with no one and nothing. It was getting too much. He couldn't take it. He walked over to the wall and hit his head off the wall.
"Damn it." He cursed as he did it again and again.


I rode up to the gate and they reluctantly let me.
"Where is she!?" I shouted at the man at the gate. "Maggie. Where is she?!"
"I don't know-"
"Get me Michonne. Now!" I shouted and they radioed her. Soon enough she walked up and I walked up to her. "So. Where is she?" I asked her.
"Prudence. Wait. It's not-"
"So Maggie is here. She went to Negan. Where is he. Take me to him now!" I demanded as I grabbed my knife from my holster. Michonne nodded and lead the way. "You let her have access to him didnt you?" I asked her pissed off.
"Answer me!" I shouted as I walked behind her with my knife out and toward her.
"Yes. I gave her the keys." I felt tears from anger and fear.
"If hes hurt. So fucking help me." I said as tears rand down my face. "Ricks going to have to pick up pieces of you off the damn pavement." Michonne looked back at me before making her way to a basement stairwell on the outside of a house. When we walked down the stairs Maggie came out. I examined her very quickly to make sure I didn't see any blood or signs of that. She was clean. I dropped my knife and pushed past Maggie into the room. It was dark but I could hear sobbing.
"Negan." I spoke and his head shot up. His head was bloody but other then that he looked okay. I ran up to the bars.
"Prue..." he said weakly as he made his way to the bars. I gave him a sad smile as I put my hand through the bars and he reached for mine. "Prue I'm sorry." He said with a lump in his throat.
"For what?" I asked him.
"I wanted to die. I asked Maggie to kill me." I gasped in shock.
"But why? Negan. Jenny and I. We're out there. We're even moving here." I told him and he has a slight gleam in his eyes.
"The saviors. They ditched us. Well. Me mostly. Rick offered for Jenny and I to move here. We're going to be near you all the time. If you would have died. Negan. I don't know what I'd do. I've worked so hard to get them to trust me enough. To be able to be part of it here. To be near you. To be with you again. And you. You just fucking gave up?!" I shouted at him Angrily and pulled my hand back. He seemed taken aback by my actions but I was pissed. "I lost my community. I let Arat die. Just for a chance to see you again." Tears now streaming down my face. "And you wanted to give up and let the Widow kill you?!" I stood up.
"No you shut up for once! I love you Negan. With everything in my fucking body. And even though I'm so fucking mad at you. I love you. I want to be with you. But. I can't. Right now I have to go." I told him as I went to the door.
"Doll, wait." He sobbed and I looked back. "I love you."
"I love you too. I'll be back sometime. Just don't do anything that fucking stupid again. You hear me!?"
He nodded and with that I left. Michonne and Maggie looking at me as I walked out. Both of them sure to have heard everything. "Lock the door." I told Michonne and she did. I bent down and picked up my knife and put it back in the holster. "I'm sorry." I apologized to her.
"It's okay." She said as we walked up and to the street. Just then someone from the kingdom ran up and got us. There was an emergency at the bridge and off we all went. We got there quickly in a truck and then ran toward the bridge. There was a horde of walkers after Rick who seemed very hurt. He was bleeding from his side and walking very slow. He was only a few feet ahead of the walkers. We all went off and tried to get the horde wasn't changing. They wanted Rick. We were shooting out guns to get them to turn around but it wasn't working. As I emptied my clip and switched to a new one I looked up to see Rick waving his hands and shaking his head. He wanted us to stop? But we couldn't. I couldn't. He was the only one who showed me genuine kindness after Negan. I stood by Daryl and we both took out walkers that got too close to Rick.
"We can't keep this us. There's too many." I told him.
"We gotta try." Daryl said and I nodded as I shot another walker. I watched Rick lift his gun and aim at a thing on the ground. With a pull of his trigger there was an explosion that blew up the bridge. Daryl and I could feel the heat from the fire ball as we shielded our faces.
"Rick!!" I shouted as the smoke started to clear. There was nothing but burning wood. I felt a lump in my throat. I glanced and Daryl to see tears in his eyes. Other then anger I've never seen him emote anything. His lip quivered as his looked down. I could hear Michonne screaming. The same scream I let out when Negans throat was slit and I thought I was watching him die. Daryl walked off and I ran toward Michonne who was being helps back and up by Maggie and Carol. Her tears running down her face like a water fall. I ran up to her and dropped my gun. I embraced her tightly and she quickly gripped into me.
"I'm so sorry Michonne. Genuinely. No one should have to feel this pain." I cried with her knowing her emotions. Her hot tears soaking my shirt until she calmed down.
After we all composed ourselves we went out and looked for him. There was nothing. The sun set and we all made our way defeated. I thanked Nabia from the bottom of my heart for keeping Jenny safe. I help her tightly as I followed Michonne to the truck to go back to Alexandra.

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