Chapter 46

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It's been almost two months since Jenny was born. Things were going pretty good at the sanctuary. Everything was running smoothly and I was back to my normal self, just with a baby in a sling attached to me most of the time. Sometime Frankie would help out and watch her for a bit.
Today we had to go to Matt's small community. I haven't been going because it's so small and honestly not worth my time but they haven't been providing as they should. So, I get to go instill some fear their way. I hopped into the cab of the truck with Liz behind the wheel and Jenny in her sling on me.
"Ready Boss?" She asked.
"Always am. Let go." Liz put the truck into drive and I stuck my hand out the window motioning the other trucks to follow. Jenny nursing as I sat there and talked to Liz. She kept me sane. It's almost like she made me forget about all the bullshit going on.
"So, Boss. You ready to see your ex?" She joked. I rolled my eyes.
"He's such a little bitch. I'm sick of his community. I've honestly been thinking of letting them go. It's not worth it. Driving out here. Taking up our time and for what? A few bushels of wheat and cans of food."
"I was going to bring it up to you too. I think it's a waste."
"It is. I was thinking of offering them the option to come to the sanctuary." I told her and I started to burp Jenny.
"I think that's a good idea. But what if he wants to come too?"
"Matt? Let him. He's never been able to be a boss effectively. His people won't follow him for long."
Eventually we pulled up to their small gate. They opened it and we drove in. I placed Jenny back in the sling and got out looking around.
"Where the fuck is Matt?" I asked the person closing the gate behind us.
"Oh. I can go get him ma'am." They spoke.
"So. Go get him." I told them annoyed. They nodded and ran off to get him. "I am not in the mood for this shit." I complained and turned toward another person. "You. Where's our stuff?" I asked.
"I'll bring you to it." She said and motioned for us to follow her. I followed them to a large shed. She unlocked it and opened it. I sucked my teeth as I saw the nearly empty shed. I turned toward the woman.
"What's this? You better be joking because this would feed a fucking dog let alone people."
"We've been trying. We're running on half rations. Things are harder to come by now." She said nervously. I looked to Liz then to the sad stack of cans and veggies in the shed.
"Liz." I said motioning for her to follow me. We walked away from them. "Do you think their hiding shit or telling the truth?"
"Not sure. Want me to go scope it out and look in their homes and see?" She asked.
"Yeah. If it is I'm going to invite them to come with us. There's families here with kids. I can't let this shit slide." Liz nodded and walked off.
"Prudence is that you?" I heard Matt ask from behind me. I sighed and turned around.
"You better not be hiding food from us you asshole." I told him. He went to respond but quickly noticed Jenny.
"Woah wait. Is that yours?" He asked shocked.
"No I found it and decided to keep it. Yes. She's mine."
"With that Negan guy?" He asked.
"Obviously. Now can we please get back to what I'm here for. My shit." It took him a moment but he nodded. "Alright. Where is it? And don't say it's in the shed because I'll literally shoot you."
"That's all we could spare. Honest. Our crops haven't been holding up. Our people are starving." He said.
"Well my people are looking around to make sure you are t lying because if you are so help me Matt. You're gonna make me do something I don't want to do." I looked down at Jenny who was currently in a post feeding sleep.
"She's cute." Matt spoke. I glanced at him then back to Jenny.
"I'm aware thanks."
"What's her name?"
"You look good." I let out an annoyed sigh.
"Do we have to go over this every. Single. Time. I'm with Negan."
"Yeah yeah. You've said. But. I don't see him. He doesn't even radio anymore when you come to pick up. Is he even around?" He asked. I grit my teeth.
"It's none of your fucking business Matt."
"Boss." Liz called and I walked over to her. "It's true. We tore the place apart and they have nothing."
"Shit. Alright. We have enough space at the sanctuary for them. And I think with the truck we brought they can fit if they all decide to come." I took my sling off and handed Jenny to Liz. I walked past Matt to the truck and climbed to the top.
"Listen everyone. Due to you guys having a really shitty leader you don't have enough food! Now. We protect you from people and the dead but we can't protect you from starving! This community is not in our best interest to protect. We waste time and resources for nothing in return. So. As the leader of the Sanctuary I'm offering this one time deal. Come with us. There's food. Water. Shelter. And protection. If you are coming with us, grab what you can and line up at the trucks. You have 10 minutes!" I shouted and climbed down. The people started muttering to eachother before they started off collecting their things. Matt stormed up to me.
"What the hell! You're just taking over my community?" He asked me obviously pissed of.
"Yeah Matt. I am. You're a shitty leader who is letting his people go hungry. You're welcome to come too and I suggest you do because by the looks of it. Everyone is." I told him before Making my way back to Liz. I looked down at Jenny who was still fast asleep. I slowly took her and put the sling back on. "Let get the last of the food since everyone is coming. I'm sure Matt will come too. It's not like he has a choice."
I was right. Matt walked over with a duffel bag and sighed. "You win. Let's just go." He said defeated. I smirked.
"Alright. You can ride with Liz and I. I'll give to the low down on how we work." I turned toward my people and waved them out. We all hopped in the truck and off we went back home. I explained how everything works at the sanctuary and Matt just nodded. "That's about it."
"And Negan?" He asked. I sighed.
"That's a long story. But cliffnotes version is the big community we fought against teamed up with two more and took him down. He's a live and well but at the other community. That's all I'm telling you." I said as I looked down at Jenny.
"I see. Well, this place sounds too good to be true. I'll believe it when I see it."
"Fine. We have a whole block that wasn't being used so that's where I plan to put you and your people. Tomorrow I'll set everyone up with jobs." Matt just nodded.
Eventually we pulled up to the sanctuary and we're greeted my guards. Arat being one of them. We all got out and I waved to her. I gave her the run down and she took the people to their block. I took Matt on a tour of the place.
"Okay. I take it back. This place is amazing. And pretty damn huge." Matt said as we ended at his block.
"Thanks. Negan built it up well. Now I'm just maintaining it. The few changes I did enforce seem to be working out well tho."
"You seem like a great leader, bab- I mean Prudence."
"I learned from Negan. Just added my own twist to it." I told him as I rocked a fussy Jenny. Matt gave me a small smile before he walked into his room and closed the door. I let out a sigh as I pulled Jenny from the sling and held her against my chest as I walked back toward our room. I was stopped a few time but eventually made it. I nursed her,changed her then laid her in her crib. After a quick shower I laid on my side of the bed looking at Negans empty side. I grabbed his pillow,which had long faded of his scent, and pulled it to my body before falling asleep.

Heaven in Hiding (Negan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora