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Annabeth and I were sitting on the beach, watching Frank and Hazel try to surf. I have to say, it was very entertaining to capsize their board every time it hit smooth waters. After the fifth time, Annabeth punched me in the arm.

"Ow," I complained. "What was that for?"

"Frank was finally getting a hang of it, and you practically drowned him!" She scolded. "And Hazel-" I cut her off by kissing her, and she pushed away gently. She grinned at me.

"So, uh..." I paused. "Uh, do you know what happened to Harry?" She glared at me, then sighed.

"He killed himself."

My eyes widened. "What?" I asked, astounded. "Why?"

"He almost killed his best friends. He just couldn't live with himself. He jumped off of the astronomy tower, died the second he hit the ground. That's all he told me. You could ask him." She pointed to an alley between two brightly painted buildings. There, standing in the shadows, was Harry. He looked in our direction, but wouldn't meet my eyes.

"Doesn't anyone that commits suicide get immediately sent to the Fields Of Punishment?" I asked. Annabeth shrugged.

"Apparently his reasons were good enough that they sent him here."

I got up, and walked over to him. "Hey, Harry." I said, and waved.

"Hey, Percy, I-" He started. "I-"

"It's fine, it's fine! It wasn't really you that did that, was it? It's fine! I forgive ya!" I put my hands up in a surrendering gesture.

"I- I-" he sighed. "You're right. This thing got me in the storm. It possessed me, and I-" his voice cracked. "Ron! Hermione! They're probably dead now! And I killed them! They trusted me, and I killed them." He cried.

"They're perfectly fine. Ron was awake and walking before you got to me." I lied. "They both knew it wasn't you."

He calmed down a bit. "Really?"

I gave him a reassuring smile. "Really. C'mon, join us on the beach. It's paradise, not sulk-in-the-shadows time."

I walked back to the beach, Harry in tow, and sat down next to Annabeth.

"Why did you lie to him?" Annabeth asked me, quietly enough that nobody else could hear her.

"Because. It was the right thing to do. I wouldn't be able to enjoy this place either if I told Harry that Ron thought he had betrayed him."

She smiled at me. "I knew I taught you right, Seaweed Brain."

I thought for a minute. "You know, always knew I would die, but I never imagined I would starve to death."

"At least... At least you're here now. Happy, dead, and in paradise."

"That is better than other situations that we've been in." I admitted.

Annabeth rested her head on my shoulder. "At least we're together now." We watched as Frank fell off the surfboard. "And you are not leaving me again, or I'll throw you into the Fields of Punishment!" I laughed.

"Geez, Wise Girl, I arrived maybe a few hours ago, and you're already threatening me? I guess you haven't changed a bit."

"Neither have you. And don't you dare, or I'll-" I doused her in water. She spluttered, and once she got the water out of her eyes, she chased me down the street.

"Ah, Annabeth," I called back. "You are the most beautiful, violent girl I've ever met." And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Percy Jackson at.... Hogwarts?Where stories live. Discover now