10.) Harry

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I woke up in the professor's room next to Ron. We were on the floor, and my whole body ached from being slammed against the wall. I wondered how long I had been asleep. Had it been one night? Three? I had no way of knowing. I shook Ron awake.

"Let me sleep." He mumbled.

"No! Ron, get up! We have to get out of the professor's room, at least."

"Fine." We both stood up. "Hey, Harry! Look!" He pointed at a clock on the wall. "It's time for breakfast!" All of a sudden, he was much more eager to leave. He practically dragged me down the hallway and to the Great Hall. When we got there, we easily spotted Hermione and headed over to her.

"Hey Hermione. How long were we gone?" I asked after we had sat down.

"What're you talking about? You were only gone the night." I breathed a sigh of relief.


"What happened? What did you find? What happened?"

"Well... We didn't really find much of anything important." I admitted. I then explained what had happened.

"Well. That would explain why Professor Jackson isn't here. You almost killed his pet! You're lucky you weren't expelled!"

"We didn't do it on purpose." Ron protested. "It shouldn't have pinched Harry."

"And you two shouldn't have been in his room in the first place. I told you it was a bad idea!"

I changed the topic. "Don't either of you think it's odd that he has a pet Pegasus? They're pretty rare, aren't they? And really hard to train." I said.

"Not really. They are rare, but some people breed them. It would be easy enough to get one from a breeder." Hermione said. "Very, very expensive, but if you scraped together enough money, you could get one."

"Yeah. I bet he's bloody rich." Ron said bitterly.

"Actually, I caught him." The professor said behind us. "And Ron, my family could barely afford an apartment."

"Bloody hell, mate, how do you do that?" Ron said, startled by his sudden appearance. Professor Jackson shrugged.

"Just do."

"But, profe-"

"No. Percy." He corrected. "Professor makes me feel old."

"Okay. Percy, aren't they really hard to catch?"

"Yes." The small crab popped one of it's eye stalks out of his pocket. Percy cursed under his breath. "Why can't you just stay in your bowl?" He muttered.

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"Yep." He pulled the crab out of his pocket. It had what looked like an excessive amount of healing salve on it, and was wrapped in very thin strips of tissue. One glance at Hermione proved that it wasn't quality first aid. "I did it myself." He said proudly.

"And you aren't... Mad at us?"

"Not anymore!" He said cheerily. "The crab's okay, so you are too." The message was clear- if the crab had died, so would we. I glanced at Ron and Hermione. They had realized that, too, and looked alarmed.

"Don't you, you know, have to be somewhere?" Hermione made an obvious effort to make him leave.

"Nope!" Percy seemed to be in a very good mood. "But you do. You guys are already five minutes late for class."

"Doesn't that mean that you are too?" Hermione pointed out.

"Oh. Uh. Yeah." He frowned. "If I keep on being late I'll be fired." He ran off.

"The bloke's crazy!" Ron exclaimed as we ran to class. "And why do they make us go to Divination? Trelawney's a fraud!"

"You only say that because Hermione said that." I pointed out.

We walked into the classroom as Professor Trelawney was talking, and the whole room was watching as we walked to our seats. As the professor droned on and on about who knows what, I started drawing in one of my books. Eventually, she stopped talking, and dismissed us to our next class.

"Hermione, do we have to go to Defence Against the Dark Arts?" Ron whined.

"Yes. And I went to the library to look into the trident, and all I found is that it's the symbol of the sea god Posidon. It's ancient Greek, which doesn't make any sense. That religion died off years ago! And SPQR? I've never heard of it, and there isn't any mention of it in any of the books I've read!"

"Maybe he's some sort of archeologist from Greece." I suggested.

"It's possible, exept he specifically said he was from America. And he has an American accent. I'll just have to keep looking in the library." Hermione said. "Plus, he can't stand still for a minute during class. Why do you think he would have enough patience for archeology?"

She had a good point- he was always pacing, tapping his foot, or twirling a pen in his fingers. We walked in the class just on time.

"So, as all of you know, we have five weeks until I am allowed to start training you guys in the forest." Percy said. The room filled with surprised and exited voices. "Oh. I guess I didn't tell you. Well, technically, I'm sneaking you guys into the forest while all of the teachers are distracted. So, I'm hoping all of you can apparate? No? Okay, then I'll get us out another way." He gave us a grin. "So, in the mean time, we are going to be doing regular classes, with absolutely no mention of this. Do you understand?" Hermione looked furious.

"He's going to get fired." She wispered as everyone started talking again. "Sneaking everyone out to the forest without getting caught? How does he expect to do that?"

"Oh, don't worry, Hermione, you'll see." Percy had silently come over, and heard everything she had said. "Of course, it breaks one of my only rules, but..." He shrugged.

"How have you not been expelled from any schools?" Hermione asked in amazement.

"Oh, don't worry. I've only been expelled from six." He smiled at us. "And almost expelled by one. So six and a half."

"Six!" Ron exclaimed. "How?"

"I accidentally dumped the class in an aquarium, I battled one of my teachers in a museum, and I blew up the school gym on accident." He said. "And that's only a few. I'm actually quite surprised that they hired me. Now, go to your next class."

As we walked out of the room, Hermione muttered. "There's something wrong with that teacher." We couldn't help but agree.

P.S. thank you guys for over 150 reads! I know it isn't much, but I appreciate it.


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