22.) Percy

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Okay, I'll admit that I was a little wonky from being slammed against the wall after being smacked in the face with a barred metal door. I was chained to the wall. I still didn't understand why the thing around my waist was there. What did he think I would do, manage to wiggle out of the cuffs around my hands and ankles? While I saw that as a possibility, I didn't think that was very likely. Unless, of course, in his stupidity, he left my wand in my pocket. That wasn't a practical idea though, either. I couldn't do magic if I was unable to get the wand.

"You can't get out of those cuffs. They are solid metal." Not-Harry said from next to the cell. That was his new nickname. He looked like Harry, but didn't act or sound like Harry. Unless, of course, the war really screwed with his brain.

"Well, I can try." I pulled against them. "These things are all rusted. Did you put them in, or were they here when the castle was built?"

"And I can try to break your arm. I have the feeling I would succeed."

"Wouldn't you have to break the cuffs to do that?" I pointed out. He paused for a minute.

"Shut up, Greek." He spat at me.

"Greek?" I asked innocently. "I'm not Greek. I'm from Manhatten."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Would you prefer Roman?"

I blinked at him and stared as if he was an idiot. "I'm not either. Didn't you hear me? I'm from Manhatten. M-a-n-h-a-t-t-e-n. Why are you holding me captive anyways?"

"Why do you think? You are the only half-god half-wizard in the world. You don't have any non-magic blood in you."

I gasped. "Half god? Wow! I think you've got the wrong person here." I had actually been told this before, by Professor McGonagall. It was why she hired me. It's also probably the only reason she hadn't fired me. Yet.

"Stop your lying." He pulled out a knife. "This used to be decorative. I could easily change that." He gave me a grin. "You wouldn't want new scars, would you?" I didn't respond. "That's what I thought."

I tried to summon water, but there didn't seem to be any nearby. Darn. I have to admit, I wouldn't mind putting a ball of water around his head. It would be interesting to see someone running around like a headless chicken. I laughed at the thought.

"What? Are you going crazy already? I thought you had a few more weeks of sanity in you. Well, this'll get you back to normal." He grabbed a wooden baseball bat that was leaning against the wall. Then, Not-Harry unlocked the cell door, walked in, got into batting position, and swung. The breath was forced out of me as the bat connected with my chest with a sickening crunch.

"Well. I couldn't break your arm, but your ribs are a nice alternative. And guess what? Now that you can't move at all without being in pain, you will be removed from the wall! Consider it an upgrade." I was still trying to catch my breath when he unlocked all of the cuffs and I collapsed on to the floor. "I enjoy watching demigods crawl across the floor like little maggots before they die." He laughed as he locked the cell door, and then sat back in his chair.

I glared at him. I had to escape. I had to. And I had to kill him in the process.

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