24.) Percy

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As soon as Not-Harry left, I searched frantically for water. Eventually, I found a small puddle of it in the corner. I concentrated, and it floated over to my chest, slowly mending the broken bones. I knew Not-Harry would be angry and would probably kill me, but I'd rather die trying to fight it than because of a stupid baseball bat.

After what seemed like years, however, he didn't come back. I waited and waited, expecting him to come and taunt me some more, but he never did. He never came back. I slowly started to panic, knowing that he had led me through a maze of halls that were practically impossible to navigate. Would anyone ever find me? Or would I end up like my friend in the corner- just a pile of unidentifiable bones?

Soon afterwards, I realized how hungry I was. Not-Harry had never fed me, and I wondered how long it had been since I had eaten.

Gradually the hunger grew and grew, until my stomach hurt, as if it had resorted to eating itself instead of waiting patiently for food. I fell asleep one night, curled up in a tiny ball.

I was awoken by someone gently shaking my shoulder. When I opened my eyes, everything around me was so bright that I had to wait a few minutes for my eyes to adjust. When they did, however, familiar gray eyes were looking down on me.

"Hey Seaweed Brain." Annabeth said smiling. "Welcome to Elysium."

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