3.) Percy

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Now, I would like to say that I gracefully went down the steps. I would like to say that, but I can't. As I walked down the last flight of steps, I twisted my ankle, and went tumbling down them, and ended up, in the process, getting a nasty gash on my ankle. I must've been quite a sight: hair even more messed up than usual, with the bottom of my pantleg covered in blood. I stood up and tried to walk, but the injury was apparently pretty serious. I couldn't walk on it. I started hopping back up the  stairs on one foot. It's harder than it sounds. Anyway, I eventually got to the Hospital Wing.

When Madame Pomphrey saw me come in, she immediately rushed forwards to help me to a bed. As I collapsed into the bed, Madame Pomphrey was frantically running back and forth, collecting things like gauze and other supplies. As I was watching her, black spots started to fill my vision, when eventually, all went black.

I woke up an unknown amount of time later, still in the same bed, with Madame Pomphrey next to me.

"At last! You are finally awake."

"How long have I been out?"

"About a day. What caused this wound? Was it an animal? Magic?"

I thought for a minute. "Stairs. Wait... The stairs are magic. So does that mean it was caused by magic or the stairs?"
She ignored my question. "You should be able to be out of here by tomorrow-"

I sighed in relief. I was already tired of being in the bed. "Ok."

"-if you use crutches. You can't walk on that leg."

I felt my relief deflate like a balloon with a hole in it. "But... Isn't there some cool magic that I can use?"

"No. There is nothing else to use." She stood up. "Well, get some rest. I'll check on you in the morning." With that, she walked away. There was one thing I knew, though: I was not going to use those crutches.

Percy Jackson at.... Hogwarts?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin