23.) Harry

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After a couple minutes of sitting in the chair, being forced to watched the professor suffer, the thing made me stand and walk down a maze of hallways. Once we were out of the dungeon, it gave me control again. I immediately turned back, searching frantically for the professor's cell. After hours of searching the halls, I had still found nothing.

Everyone was in their classes, so I had the school to myself. I climbed the stairs to the astronomy tower. It had been damaged badly in the war, and the class was moved elsewhere. I walked up to a hole that had been blasted in the wall, and stood in it, looking down.

"This is for the best." I told myself. "This way, nobody else will get hurt." I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, took my final step...

...and plunged towards the ground below. As the ground raced up to meet me, my thoughts raced. No, no, this was a horrid idea... I could save him - no, I-I need to save him, my time isn't up ye-

Then, a sudden flash of pain went through my body as it connected with the ground beneath me, forever silencing my desperate hopes for salvation.

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