16.) Harry

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I knew I was screwed the second Percy grabbed on to my cloak. I had gone to listen in on the teacher's meeting, but nothing important seemed to be discussed, so I left. On my way to the door, however, Percy grabbed on to my cloak. I froze. I expected him to pull it off and reveal that I was there, but instead, he cautiously let go of me. After that, I sprinted back to the common room as fast as I could, not bothering to be quiet. When I arrived, gasping for air, I found Hermione and Ron sitting in chairs by the fire.

"...but I think even the cat knows that something is up." Hermione said.

"You can't seriously think that Crookshanks is- oh, hey Harry. Where were you?" Ron asked. I shrugged.

"You were eavesdropping on the meeting, weren't you?" Hermione guessed.

"Yes." I admitted. I explained what had happened.

"You have to be more careful!" Hermione scolded. "You could have been expelled!"

"But why did he let me go? It doesn't make any sense. I know that if I was the one that found me, I would have."

"Well, he knows that you'll need to go to his class eventually. Why not confront you there, where you can be embarrassed in front of everyone?" Ron suggested.

"I don't really think he's going to do traditional school punishment. He never has ever respected Hogwart's rules." Hermione said. "You will probably just have to wait and see what happens." Ron and I agreed. "Oh, and we have a transfiguration exam tomorrow, so I hope you studied." Ron glanced at me with a look of horror on his face. My expression probably mirrored his.

"Exam?!" I cried. "On what?! Transfiguration?!" I groaned. "I can't believe I forgot about it."

"Well. You two must study for it tonight, or you will both do poorly." Hermione said. Gee, she had so much confidence in us.

After the test, I saw Percy talking in the Hallway to Trelawney.

"....Grave danger. You must beware! Your powers are not what they seem! There are many lurking in the depths that are just starting to float to the surface. You must make sure they do not float out of your control." She said. She looked upset, and her eyes were filled with fear. Percy nodded somberly. What was she talking about? All of a sudden, there was a hand on my shoulder, and Percy was gone.

"Please, do not listen in on conversations that are not meant for you." Percy smiled at me. "Now! Go to dinner." He grabbed my arm, and started to drag me to the Great Hall. I waited for him to mention the events of the night before, but Percy didn't bring it up.

"You really shouldn't listen to her." I told him. "Hermione says she's nothing but a fraud." Percy stopped walking and turned to glare at me.

"She has more truth in her words than some believe." He said. "Just because you can't see it clearly doesn't mean it isn't there."

"Than what was she talking about?" I asked.

"That's none of your business." He said angrily. "Now. Come on. Apparently, you need someone to escort you to the Great Hall, so that you don't stop to listen in on anyone else's conversations."

"But- I didn't mean to-" I started to protest.

"You know, I might believe you if you didn't 'accidentally' do it daily." He snapped at me, cutting me off. He shoved the doors of the Great Hall open, and dragged me in. He then let go of my hand, and walked up to the front table.

After I sat down, Hermione frowned at me.

"You were doing it again, weren't you?" She asked.

"Hey, I didn't try to!" I protested. "I was walking in the hallway and just overheard the conversation."

"You need to stop doing that, Harry!" She scolded. Her frown turned into a glare. "You're going to-" All of a sudden, she was smacked on the head by Ron.

"Lighten up, mate! You can't be saying you don't care what he's hiding." He chimed in.

"No! I don't!" She shouted. "I am interested, but you two are going too far! Spying on him, talking bad about him behind his back!"

"It's not behind my back if I can hear your whole conversation." Percy said from behind us. "I've heard everything you guys have said about me and researched. Don't worry, I've been researching you, too." He looked at me. "Making your cousin fall into a python enclosure at the zoo?" He then turned to Hermione. "And you cleared your parents' memory of you. You can't be complaining about what I did. Oh, and Harry? Just because you are the Chosen One, doesn't mean you are more important than anyone else. I'm watching you three." With that he left, leaving us staring at his back as he walked back up to the front table.

"Well," Ron said, turning back towards us, "on that happy note, who wants dessert?"

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