15.) Percy

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I woke up at midnight to a fat, fluffy orange cat trying to sit on my face. Don't get me wrong, I like cats, but really? Sitting on my face? That did not make me happy. I groaned, and gently pushed the cat off the bed. It turned to give me a death stare. It had a smashed looking face.

"What are you glaring at me for?" I asked. "You're the one that sat on my face in the middle of the night." It walked out the open door to my room, and down the hall. The open door alarmed me, and my hand immediately went to my pocket for Riptide. I had shut and locked that door before going to sleep that night. Then I felt something was there with me- not necessarily powerful, but watchful in a way. It put me on edge, knowing I was being watched but was unable to see what was there. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I sat there staring at the ceiling the rest of the night.

That morning, I got up and went straight I to my classroom. I was still wearing my clothes from the day before, and I didn't find any reason to change. The cat from last night was sitting on one of the desks. My crab had disappeared, I I suspected that the cat had eaten it. I would have to look for it later. Once everyone was in, I started class. While I tried to talk, the cat attempted to shred my pantleg. I shook it off lightly.

"So, today we- get off, you stupid cat- we will be doing- AGH! What the Hades?!" The cat had lunged at my ankle, and ripped it open. The cat looked up at me innocently. "So, as I was saying-" the cat bit at my ankle again, and a few kids snickered. "Dam cat! What happened to sweet and cuddly kittens?! This thing is crazy!"

"Hermione, you might want to get Crookshanks." Ron said, laughing. "It looks like he's trying to kill the professor."

"Come here, Crookshanks." Hermione called. The cat ignored her, and continued to shred my pants.

"Wingardium Leviosa." I said quietly. The cat floated into the air. Hermione did not seem to like my solution.

"He looks upset! Let him down!" She protested.

"The thing is a deranged monster! No!" I said back, irritated.

"It's cruel to keep him up there!" She was starting to get angry.

"It's not like he's in any pain. He's just kind of... Floating."

"Let him down. Now." Hermione demanded.

"Only if you can keep him away from me."

"Okay." She promised. I gently floated the cat into her arms.

"Hold him tightly." I warned, but it was too late. The cat launched himself out of her arms, and hooked onto my robe. He started hissing, and trying to bite my shoulder. I pulled him off my shirt, and held him away from me. "Wow. Amazing job at holding him." I said sarcastically. Hermione turned red.

"Well. He usually doesn't jump out of my arms to attack people." She said defensively.

"So this isn't normal for him?" I asked.

"No. Usually he is a very sweet, intelligent cat."

"Huh. Well, take your cat back. I don't want him to gouge my eyes out." I handed her the cat, and she gripped him securely. "Congratulations for being able to hold your cat!" I said sarcastically. "So, now that a cat isn't trying to kill me, let's get to the classwork."

The rest of the day, the cat Crackershanks stalked me from a distance, hissing at me from the shadows when I got too close. I wondered what it had against me, and if it knew that I wasn't just a wizard, bit quickly dismissed the thought. Even thought I knew that it was probably more intelligent than Harry and Ron put together, it couldn't have been smart enough to figure out more than Hermione. She seemed to be the researcher of the group, and reminded me of Annabeth. Her only problem was that she didn't believe the information that she had collected. I had been listening in to their conversation at the library.

"Percy. Percy!" Professor McGonagall shook me. "Were you listening to a word I said?"

"Huh?" I replied dumbly.

"I said," she said, irritated. "That the teachers are having the fall meeting. It is at six-o'clock sharp, and it would be a good idea to arrive on time today." She gave me a stern glare. "Why aren't you teaching your classes?"

"I don't have any classes right now."

"You have a class at four, correct?" I nodded.

"It's three fifty-nine." I said.

"No, it is not Mr. Jackson! It is currently four-thirty!" She replied angrily. I cursed under my breath, and sprinted to my class.

Two hours later, I was standing awkwardly in the corner of a tower, feeling out of place as the other teachers bustled around, saying hello to each other. Then, when McGonagall walked in, all went silent. I didn't pay much attention to the meeting, only speaking when someone asked me a question. It was all very boring, until I felt the same strange presence that I sensed while I was in bed the night before. I didn't say anything to the other teachers, but silently scanned the room for the thing that was there with us. Eventually, I felt the breeze of someone walking by, and casually stuck my hand out, as if I was reaching for one of the other teacher's shoulders. As I felt the thing move past, my arm shot down, and grabbed on to it. I could feel the cloak under my hand, and let go cautiously. I pretended as if nothing had happened. I didn't need to reveal who it was in front of everyone else. I would confront Harry Potter myself. I had some plans in store for him.

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