12.) Percy

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I was standing on the Empire State Building, when I saw a huge metal dragon fly past.

"C'mon, Festus!" Leo shouted. He was riding the dragon with Calypso. "Just a little further to camp!" He looked exited. "You can meet everybody too!" He said happily to Calypso. She grinned.

"And I can beat Percy's ass for leaving me on the island." She said. Leo laughed.

"Yeah, good luck with that. But I do hope they made tacos. We should have a Leo and Calypso taco party!"

"What's a taco?" She asked, her voice full of curiosity.

"You have a lot to learn. It's basically cooked cow put in a very thin slice of circular bread. Oh, and it has cheese on it! And no matter what toppings you put on it, it tastes amazing!" I couldn't believe it. Leo was alive! Then, as I realized where he said he was going, my heart sank. He was heading towards what he thought was camp. He didn't know what had happened yet.

"Don't go there!" I shouted. He couldn't hear me. "Leo! Leo!" I called. I watched as Festus flew off into the distance.

I woke up drenched in sweat. I immediately hopped out of bed, and quickly got dressed. I knew I had to go get Leo. My heart filled with rediscovered hope, I put both Riptide and my wand into my pocket. Then, I apparated to camp.

I appeared in a large field of dead grass and and ashes. There were occasional piles of rubble. By the remains of the Big House, there was an old, rusted out truck. It had the faded words 'Delphi Strawberry Service' on the side. The army of monsters that was there last time I visited was nowhere to be found. In the middle of the field was Festus. He was bent and warped out of shape, and had burn marks on his back. As I walked up, a sad creak came out of him. You could tell that he had been there for at least a week. A thought hit me. Seeing the condition of the camp, Leo might have attempted to go to New Rome. Apparently, while trying to land, they crashed, and Festus was bent beyond repair. As I slowly turned in a circle, looking at my old home, I saw two figures lying in the ashes. I immediately ran over to them. They had both obviously been human at one point. That was the only thing you could say about them. They were both bent and broken like Festus. One, when I turned it on to it's back, crumbled under my hand. It's whole body had been dried out and burned beyond recognition. It was very dead. The other wasn't burned at all, and I could recognise his face. It was Leo. My eyes filled with tears as I stared at the broken body of my friend. My hope shriveled up as I stared into his eyes. They were glassy, and slightly glazed over. I sunk to my knees.

"No. No..." I said quietly as the tears spilled. "Leo... No..." I took two drachmas out of my pocket, and placed one in each of their hands for passage into the Underworld. I lost track of time as I sat there, tears pouring out of my eyes. After a while, I took off Leo's unharmed tool belt, and pulled out a shovel.

A few hours later, they were both properly buried next to Annabeth. The graves were marked with large stones. I absent-mindedly pulled candy out of the belt, and was slowly eating it.

"I have to go." I wispered. "I'll come and visit you every once in a while, okay? I hope you have a good time in Elysium." With that, I slowly trudged away, and, with one final glance in their direction, apparated back to the castle.

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