11.) Harry

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The next couple weeks were normal- we went to our classes, and dedicated most of our free time to try to find anything about the professor's past. After a while of sitting in the library, Hermione ran over with a stack of old newspapers.

"Okay, so I found something." She said. "These are American muggle newspapers, and I found a few articles."

"And?" I asked.

"And I found these. 'Perseus Jackson, age twelve, and his mother, Sally Jackson, disappeared after a freak road accident in Manhatten, New York.'"She read. "This article is from a few weeks later: 'Manhunt for the bomber of the St. Louis Ark, Perseus Jackson, who was spotted while running from the scene.' And it gets worse. 'Bomber Perseus Jackson found in gun fight with a motorist on the beaches of LA.' It says that afterwards, the police were somehow convinced that he had been kidnapped, and all charges were removed. A few hours later, his mother was found."

"He did all that when he was twelve?" Ron said in disbelief.

"Yes. But I can't find any solid facts about anything else. The trident, as I had said before, is the symbol of the Greek god of the sea, Posidon. After that information, all I could find was myths. Stuff like these people called demigods, that were half human half god. I didn't get anything close to what the symbol actually means!" Hermione looked frustrated- you could tell that she just wanted solid information that she could rely on. Most of all, she wanted an answer. No matter what she said, you could tell that she wanted to know just as badly as Ron and I did- who was the professor? I sighed.

"We should probably go back to the common room." I said. "We're doing duels tomorrow in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and we should get as much sleep as possible."

"I suppose you're right." Hermione said. She picked up the large stack of newspaper. "Let's go."

The next morning, we all rushed to get ready. We were all exited about the duels. However, when we got to the room, Professor McGonagall was standing at the front of the class. After she had finished stating the rules of dueling, I raised my hand.

"Yes Mr. Potter?" She asked.

"Where is Professor Jackson?" I asked. She pursed her lips.

"That is not of your concern. Any other questions?" The room was silent. "Then let the duels begin!"

The three of us knew what had happened as soon as Professor McGonagall had spoken. The professor was missing. And, having read all of the newspapers, we had realized that it wasn't that uncommon for Percy Jackson. We had found another article, stating that he disappeared for two weeks when he was sixteen, before reappearing in New York. Another one stated that he disappeared for nine months more recently. We didn't trust him.

In my bed that night, I lay staring at the ceiling. I knew that where the professor was had nothing to do with me, and that I had no part in it, but my mind repeatedly went back to the conversation we had a few weeks before. He had stated that he had lost everything to the war. I wondered if that war had something to do with it. After a while, my thoughts drifted, and I fell into a deep sleep.

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