19.) Harry

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Soon after we left the Great Hall, sheets of rain started falling outside. Professor McGonagall was rushing around the halls frantically, yelling:

"Everyone go to the hospital wing immediately! As fast as you can!" You could hear the fear in her voice. Ron, Hermione and I looked at each other, and sprinted up the steps. Halfway there, however, something slammed into my back. I sprawled across the stairs, and looked to see who had pushed me. All I caught was a glimpse of shadow seeping into my back.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Yeah. Just tripped." I lied. I didn't want to worry her. As I stood up, it felt like something was settling in my mind, shoving me aside in the process. It made me stumble.

"Are you sure? You look awful pale..." She said, obviously unconvinced.

"I told you, I'm fine!" I shot back, irritated.

She looked hurt. "Let's go. We have to get to the hospital wing." We started back up, well behind everyone else. When we finally made it up the stairs, I froze.

"Come on," I muttered, trying to walk forwards. My legs wouldn't move.

Kill them. A ringing voice said in my head. I had a strange desire to do it, but resisted.

"Come on, Harry!" Hermione pulled at my hand.

"No." I said quietly. She heard me.

"Why not?"

Fine. If you won't kill them, I will. Suddenly, I walked over to Ron.

"Harry, you're being seriously creepy right now." Ron said as I approached him. Once he was in my reach, I lunged at him, and grabbed his neck. I slammed him against the rail next to the stairs. I heard his back crack as it slammed into the stone. His hands scrabbled desperately over mine, trying to get out of my grip. No! I thought as I grinned at him. I struggled to release him from my grasp. My hands didn't move.

I am in control now. The voice said. I have to say, you are a much better host than the Greek. He is more powerful, but you are easy to control. I didn't dwell on what it was saying as much as I was trying to let go of Ron.

"Let him go, Harry!" Hermione cried. She pulled at my shoulders desperately, tears streaming down her cheeks as she attempted to pull me away from him. To my horror, I shoved Ron over the edge. He tumbled through the air, and landed on the stairs. Horrified realization spread across Hermione's face. "You're not Harry." She wispered quietly.

"No. I'm not." The words escaped my mouth in a strange voice that was not mine. Hermione started to run, but I caught her, and threw her against the wall. She screamed, and I heard her arm crunch as it got crushed between the wall and her body. She moaned in pain as she tried to get up, but eventually stumbled to her feet.

"Get out of Harry! Harry... Can you hear me? Harry..?" I walked over to her, and slammed her head into the wall until she fell limp. All of a sudden, I was in control again, and I ran down the steps to Ron. He was breathing, but barely. I pulled out my wand, and floated him behind me. Then I ran over to Hermione. Her hair was matted with blood, and her forearm was shaped like an L.

"What did I do?" I wispered as I floated Hermione into the air. Crying, I ran to the hospital wing, set them gently on the ground in front of the doors, and knocked. Then I ran as fast as I could in the other direction. I was a danger to the other students in that room. There was no way I would put them in danger too.

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