14.) Percy

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I was miserable. Before Leo had died, my dreams had become less and less common. Now, they were more vivid than ever. I woke up every day from vivid nightmares, and often skipped meals because I was an emotional wreck. I knew I had to keep it together in front of the students, though. So, that morning, I waited patiently at the front of the class as the students filed in.

"Wow." Someone said. "He's actually here on time!"

"So, as you guys know, we are going to be doing duels the next few classes." I said, ignoring the student's comment. "Who wants to go against me first?"

"He does." Ron said, shoving Harry forwards.

"Okay, Ron, looks like you're up first!" I said with false enthusiasm. Ron stared at me, with a look of horror on his face. Harry smirked at him. We each walked to our ends of the dueling arena set up in the classroom. We bowed.

The match was over in seconds: my disarming charm was stronger than Ron's shield spell, and it shattered. Ron froze in surprise as his wand shot out of his hand. The room was silent.

"How did you do that?" Hermione asked after a few seconds. "That was a very strong shield." I could feel everyone's eyes staring at me.

"Um." I said. "Magic." A few kids face palmed, or rolled their eyes. "So. Who's next?" The rest of the matches ended similarly- most of my spells went straight through their shields. Using a deflecting spell was their only option. After class, Harry walked up to me.

"Um, professor... I was wondering..." He paused. "I was wondering if you knew anything about... My memory. Part of it was taken, and I think that you might have had something to with it." I stared at him for a long time. Eventually, Harry continued. "Did you take my memory?"

"Yes." I answered. "It was for your own good."

"But you needed to take it?!" He said angrily.

"Yes. Some memories can cause more problems than they solve. That was one of those times."

"I have every right to my memories." He snapped. "Give them back. Now." He glared at me with what was supposed to be menace, but frankly, I wasn't scared.

"No. Harry, I don't care what you want, and I don't care what you think you deserve." I said shot back.

"I will tell McGonagall about this. Now give me my memory back, or you won't have a job here." He threatened. I took a step forwards.

"Did you just threaten me?" I asked quietly. "Because, if you did, you won't be welcome here anymore." Harry took a step backwards. "Now get the Hades out of my classroom." He stumbled backwards, and left quickly. After he left, I put my head in my hands. I couldn't stand Harry's constant anger and distrust.

All of a sudden, I knew I wasn't alone.

"Hi McGonagall." I said. I took my head out of my hands and smiled at her half-heartedly. One glance at me, and she knew something was wrong.

"What is it?" She asked. "You've been arguing with Potter again, haven't you?" I sighed.

"Yeah." But that wasn't what was bothering me. McGonagall knew that, too, but she didn't press the subject.

"You should go see Hagrid. I believe he has good news for you." With that, she walked away. I rushed down the stairs and out the doors to Hagrid's hut.

"Aye, glad yeh came, Percy. I found yer pegasus." I grinned.

"You found him?" I asked excitedly. "Where is he now?"

"Just around me house. C'mon." As we walked to the back, I gasped. There, black wings folded on his back, was Blackjack.

Long time no see, boss, He said.

"You don't need to call me that." I wispered, quietly enough that Hagrid couldn't hear. "Where have you been?"

Around. Why'd you leave so suddenly, boss? Couldn't find you in Manhattan. Had to ask the Romans. They said you shut down and ran off.

How did you find me?" I asked curiously.

You seriously don't know? He snorted. Followed your scent. It's really strong now. Stronger than last time I saw you. I'm honestly surprised all the monsters in Scotland aren't after you. C'mere, don't you want a ride? I grinned.

"You bet I do." I climbed onto his back.

"Hey, where're ya going?" Hagrid called as we shot into the sky.

"Don't worry!" I yelled back. "We're coming back!"

We flew all around the forest for hours: once we finally landed, the sun was going down, and Blackjack was gasping for breath. I had offered multiple times that he set me down and take a break, but he had refused.

How's that for a ride, boss? Blackjack asked proudly.

"Great." I grinned at him.

That tall guy over there is staring at you like you're crazy. He nodded towards Hagrid. I turned to look at him.

"I ain't never seen nobody ride like that before!" He said smiling. He was obviously pleased. "Takes years fer a pegasus to even let ye go anywhere near 'em, let alone ride 'em. How long have ye been riding?" I thought for a minute.

"About five years." I finally responded. Hagrid looked impressed. He then looked at the sky.

"Well, looks like you be needing to go." I nodded.

"See you later." I called over my shoulder as I walked back to the castle. Blackjack followed me. When we got to the doors, he flew off.

When I went to bed that night, my sleep wasn't plagued with as horrible dreams as I had the night before. Finding Blackjack had started to slowly heal the tears in my heart, and, although I knew they would never go away, I was hoping scars were all that would remain.

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