17.) Harry

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The next morning after the mail came, Hermione was giving us a speech about how we should have studied  for our exams. Again. Eventually, when she got to the part about what we got wrong and why, a pegasus flew through the windows behind the teachers. In an instant, Professor McGonagall cast a spell, and chains wrapped around it's wings and feet. It crashed to the ground in front of the table. The room was dead quiet.

"Let. The pegasus. Go." Percy said, his voice full of anger and hatred. "Now." Professor McGonagall turned towards him.

"It could have injured some of the students. It is a danger-" she started to say. Percy cut her off by slamming her against the wall, putting a sword to her neck that seemed to have appeared from the air. All of the other teachers aimed their wands at him.

"I said, let my pegasus go." He put the sword closer to her neck, and she flinched. "Let it go! Now!" He shouted. I started to walk forwards to help, but without glancing back, Percy said "Stay there, Harry."

"Get off of her." I said.

"Make her untie my pegasus." I looked down at the pegasus on the floor. It was solid black, and looked slightly wild, as if it had been running from something. I looked back at Percy. "Let him go. Now!" He yelled in her face.

She waved her wand, and the chains disappeared. The pegasus stayed on the ground. Percy released her, and sat back down in his chair.

"Thank you." It was as if nothing had happened.

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