1.) Harry

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Hermione was the one that woke me up.

"Get up, Harry, we're almost at Hogwarts! Get your robes on!" She yelled, shaking me.

"Okay, okay. I will," I said. After I changed into my robes, Hogwarts came into view. I was glad we were redoing our seventh year, and I was curious who our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher would be. I thought we were finally going to have a normal Hogwarts year. Boy, was I wrong.

After the first years were sorted, Professor McGonagall stood up. "As you all know, we will be having a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. His name is Professor Jackson. I trust that you will all treat him with respect. Seeing as he is not here yet, I cannot introduce you. May the feast begin!" With that, the food appeared on the tables, and everyone started to eat.

"Wonder where he is," Hermione said. "You'd think he would at least try to be on time."

"Yeah," Ron said, his mouth full of food. "Something must've held him back."

Just then, the doors to the Great Hall burst open, and someone that couldn't be older than the seventh years came in. His shoulders were covered in a strange golden dust. He was tall, with wild black hair and sea green eyes.

"Hello. Sorry I'm late," he said, looking around. "I'm Percy Jackson, your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." He then tripped over his robes, and sprawled across the ground. He hopped back up like nothing happened, and ignored the students that were laughing at him. He strode up to the teacher's table, and sat down. Everyone stared at him as he made a fire on his plate, and scraped some of his food into it.

"He must be completely crazy! Burning some of his food!" Ron said.

"Yes. And what's that powder on his robes?" Hermione added. I, too, didn't trust him. The fact that you could feel power rolling off of him in waves, and that he was probably only nineteen, only added to that distrust. Plus, there wasn't anything I didn't know in that class. It would be easy.

"Well," Hermione said,"We should go to bed. Our classes start tomorrow, and I want to be ready for them." With that, she stood up and left the Great Hall.

"For once, I agree with her," I said, and followed her to the Gryffindor Common room.

In the common room, everyone was talking about Professor Jackson. I ignored everyone, and went to bed. I quickly fell into a dreamless sleep. It didn't last for long. Soon afterwards, a scream pierced the night.

Percy Jackson at.... Hogwarts?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon