7.) Third Person

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Harry immediately ran out the doors after him.

"Professor." He called, attempting to catch up to him. He didn't respond. "Professor!" He knew that he heard him. He was just ignoring him. As Harry started to catch up to him, Percy ran faster, making it harder. Eventually, Harry stopped. He was out of breath. He had followed him outside, and, as he watched him, Percy ran straight into the Forbidden forest. That was strange. If he wanted to be left alone, he wouldn't have just run into the forest. Then a thought occurred to Harry. He might know that he would follow him in, but he might be hoping that the creatures inside would prevent him from ever coming back out. He shoved that thought into the back of his mind. Percy would never hope that a student would die, no matter how much he hated them. However, Harry was still curious, so he ran to the Gryffindor common room, got his invisibility cloak, and plunged into the forest after him.

After a while of wandering, he finally saw Percy. He was sitting on the edge of a stream, watching the water flow past. Then, all of a sudden, he whipped around. He looked tense, as if expecting a fight. For a second, Harry thought he had seen him, but soon realized that he was looking at something behind Harry. He muttered something under his breath in a language that Harry didn't understand, and put his hand in his pocket. When he turned, Harry saw what he was looking at. It looked like a dragon, except it had at least six heads. When he turned to look at the professor again, he had a long bronze sword in his hand. He went after the monster in a flash. He charged it, and it raked it's claws down his arm. Under his clawed shirtsleeve, Harry saw a glimpse of a tattoo on his forearm. All of the heads snapped at him, but he carefully avoided cutting them off. Eventually, he feinted to the right, then stabbed it in the heart. It fell apart into a golden dust. Harry backed up, the ground crunching under his feet. Percy whipped around in a defensive position, sword ready. Harry knew that there was no reason to stay there in the forest, so he ran.

He had almost made it to the edge of the forest before he was caught. Harry only had a few more yards to go, when Percy tackled him from behind. He pinned Harry on the ground, sword at his neck, as he ripped the cloak off. When he saw who it was, he became even angrier.

"What the hell are you doing, Harry? Stalking me in the forest? Didn't your parents try to teach you any manners before they were killed?"

"Get off of me!" Harry struggled under his grip.

"How much did you see, Harry?" He snarled. Harry didn't answer. He put the sword tip closer to my neck. "Answer me. Now." He quickly explained what he had seen, and Percy cursed under his breath. "Okay. This shouldn't hurt. You won't remember any of this. Not that it matters that I'm telling you any of this." He quickly cast a spell, and next thing Harry remembered was standing outside the forest. He didn't remember anything past running out the door after the professor.

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