20.) Percy

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I woke up the next day with sunlight streaming through the walls of the greenhouse. The storm had cleared up, and the creatures were gone.

"It's about time." Molly glared at me. "It's past noon. I already ate breakfast. And lunch."

I sat up groggily. "What? Breakfast? Where? All that's here is strange plants that want to kill us." She rolled her eyes.

"Breakfast in the Great Hall. Duh."

"Why didn't you wake me up for it?"

"I tried to. I stomped on your arm, screamed in your ear... You're a deep sleeper. Oh, by the way, classes are cancelled for today because of those creatures. Apparently, it took the teachers all night to get them out of the Great Hall."

"Wait. If you were inside, why didn't you just go to the hospital wing afterwards?" I stared at her arm, and she shrugged.

"Madame Pomphrey was pretty busy. Two people were attacked last night, apparently."

Oh. Well, let's go inside. I want food." With that, I got up, and walked back into the castle.

When we got into the Great Hall, I noticed that Harry, Hermione and Ron were all gone. I was usually greeted with a glare from Harry every time I walked into the room. That was strange, unless they were all in some remote room trying to find out how to blame me for the previous day's events.

Hogwarts has the best food- I don't know why. Sadly, however, they don't dye any of it blue. Dying food blue makes  even the most disgusting dish look more appetizing. Anyways, after lunch, I walked up to Professor McGonagall, and asked:

"So, I noticed that I wasn't getting death glares from the Gryffindor table." I glanced around. "Nobody seems to be stalking me today, either, which is a plus. Where's Harry and Friends?"

The professor pursed her lips. "Follow me." With that, she gracefully climbed the stairs, with me trailing behind. After a few flights and me almost walking off of the shifting stairs, we reached the hospital wing. Two of the beds were occupied by Hermione and Ron.

Hermione had gauze wrapped around her head above her eyebrows, covering the top of her head like a white bandana, and her left arm had a cast on it. Here eyes were open, but you could tell she was not awake as she murmured:

"He's not him. You have to find him. Get it out. Get it out."

"She has been in this condition since we found her and Ron outside the hospital wing." McGonagall said. "She has a severe concussion, and the bone in her forearm was snapped in half. We are lucky Madame Pomphrey is skilled at her work, or neither of them would be alive." I had forgotten about Ron until she mentioned him, and I walked over to his bed.

Ron had a back brace on, and a breathing mask on his face. He also had a brace supporting his ribs. Seeing my confused expression, McGonagall said:

"He suffers from a broken rib, injured back, and was barely alive when we found him."

"These injuries would have to be caused from a high fall. How would he get them? It's very hard to fall off of the stairs, and whoever put them in front of the door would have stayed to explain what happened." I reasoned.

"I believe that you have proven that it is not. However, it is likely that someone is using this to... to show us who is in charge. To prove that they are superior, and that there is nothing we can do about it." She shuddered. "Harry was most likely taken hostage."

"I'll look for him in the castle." I volunteered, before I could even consider what I was saying. McGonagall thought for a moment, but then nodded.

"Okay. He will probably not be in the castle, but it will not hurt to check."

I pulled Riptide out of my pocket, and held it in the air in pen form. "Let the Harry hunt begin!"

Percy Jackson at.... Hogwarts?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora