4.) Harry

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I didn't like the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher- he was frustratingly attentive, and obviously didn't like me. He had pointed out in front of the whole class that I wasn't working, and then made me attempt a high-level spell that he probably couldn't do himself.

"Harry!" Hermione said loudly. "Were you even listening to me?!"

"Huh?" I asked. She scowled at me. "I asked if you were going to come to the lake with Ron and I tomorrow, since we don't have any classes."


"I heard that Defense Against the Dark Arts is cancelled the next few days. Something happened to the teacher."

"Good." I breathed.

"Good?! He might be hurt, and you think that's good?!"

"No, that's not what I meant! I don't like the teacher, but that doesn't mean I want him to get hurt! I just... Well, this year's classes will be review, basically, because we used all of this year's spells in the battle. It'll just be a bit boring, don't you think?"

She sighed. "I guess you're right. Oh! We have to hurry! We can't be late for class!" She started to run, dragging me along behind her towards herbology.

By the time we got to the greenhouses, we were five minutes late. We walked in while Professor Sprout was passing out small pots with dark green ferns inside.

"Now, as you see, these platymosingrus plants look like ferns, but do not underestimate them. The edges of the leaves are razor-sharp, and will attack you in an instant. Now, put your gloves on, and gently pet the top of a leaf. Very careful, we do not want anyone to lose a finger."

I put on my gloves and touched the edge of a small leaf on the plant. It immediately started flashing back and forth frantically, shredding the tip of my glove. I yanked my hand back quickly, startled.

"Harry, the top of the leaf! The top!" Hermione hissed, while gently stroking the top of a leaf. Her plant shriveled under her hand, and she froze in shock. Professor Sprout came over, and looked at our plants. Mine had started shaking violently, and Hermione's was becoming brown and shriveling.

"What did you two do to your plants?" She was staring at them. "I have never seen this kind of behavior with these plants before. No one else's are doing this." Hermione's plant turned black and shriveled to dust. Mine stopped shaking, and went back to normal. "Well, class is dismissed. I will deal with your plants, see if I can help them." She picked up the pots, and walked them to another table. Hermione and I left, both of us happy to leave.

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