9.) Harry

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It was almost time to leave when I found that my invisibility cloak was missing. Ron and I looked everywhere, but it just wasn't there.

"Hermione, do you know an invisibility charm?" I asked casually.

"Yes. Why?" She looked up from the book she was reading.

"Well, I thought that one might come in handy, since my Invisibility Cloak is missing."

"What?" She closed the book and set it on a table. "Didn't you pack it in your trunk?"

"Yes, but it's not there! Could you use the charm on us now?"

She sighed. "Okay. It wears off in five hours, so time shouldn't be a problem. Okay. Get ready. It doesn't hurt, it just feels a bit strange." She took out her wand, and muttered words under her breath as she waved it back and forth. "There. Now only you two can see each other."

"Thanks, Hermione. Bye!"

"Bye!" She called after us.

Once Ron and I got out the door, we headed for the Defence Against the Dark Arts room. Once we were outside the doors, however, we heard voices inside.

"... It's just that I haven't seen him since the war, and, he's the only one I've got. I went into the forest to look for him, but he hasn't come back. I was hoping that... You could help me find him?" Professor Jackson said.

"Aye, pegasi are free spirits, they are. Yer lucky to 'ave befriended one in the first place." Hagrid said. "Ye said that he was solid black? That's pretty rare. I'll keep an eye out fer him for ya. He answers ta Blackjack?"

"Yes. Thank you, Hagrid."

"Yer welcome. See yeh later." The doors pushed open, and Hagrid walked out. Ron and I slipped in the door behind him. We followed the professor down the hallway and to his room. He was wearing a bright orange t-shirt with the words Camp Half-Blood on it. The shirt was slightly faded and ripped, and had a small stain on it that was a rusty red color. I tapped Ron on the shoulder, then pointed to the stain. His eyes widened. "Blood?" Ron mouthed to me. I nodded. Professor Jackson flopped down on his bed, and was asleep in seconds. In a few minutes, his face was in a puddle of drool. A picture on his nightstand caught my eye. It was the professor. He was grinning, and was with a girl with curly blonde hair and shocking grey eyes. You could tell they were very close. Another picture next to it had the professor with seven other people. Their names were written under them. In scrawled letters, Percy Jackson was written under the professor. He was with Leo Valdez, Annabeth Chase, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, and Nico DiAngelo. Leo was short, with curly brown hair. He was a blur, running out of the picture. Annabeth was the one from the previous picture. Frank looked Chinese, and like he was constantly at the gym. Hazel had darker skin, with frizzy brown hair. Piper was very beautiful, but almost in an artificial way. Jason had blond hair, and was taller than Percy by a few inches. Nico was very pale, and had black hair. He looked miserable. They were in some sort of ship hull. In the picture, however, something caught my eye. Percy, Frank, and Jason all had tattoos on their forearms that I couldn't quite make out. I showed the picture to Ron.

"See those tattoos on their arms?" I wispered.

"Yeah." He wispered back. "What are they?"

"I don't know. Do you think he'll wake up if we check?" We both glanced at the professor, who was snoring loudly.

"You know, I don't think he will." We walked over to him and turned his arm. It had a trident and the letters SPQR, with a tally mark under it. "Why does he have a fork tattooed on his arm?" Ron asked.

"It's not a fork- it's a trident. You know, an ancient weapon." Then, I felt a little pinch on my leg. It was a tiny crab. I shook it off of my leg, and it hit the wall. It fell to the ground twitching.

"Hey, Harry, look! It's your invisibility cloak!" Ron pointed to the corner. It was slightly ripped up. I bent down to pick it up. Then, I heard someone say something under their breath, and I felt our invisibility fall away.

"Well. I usually enjoy visitors, but at this time of night? Really? Someone would think you were breaking in. Oh, right, you are. I would've let you see my pictures and my tattoo if you had just asked, you know that, right?" The professor gave us a wolfish smile. He was leaning against the doorway in such a way that blocked us from leaving. His smile made me nervous.

"Why did you have my invisibility cloak?" I demanded.

"Oh, that was yours? You know, you shouldn't leave your stuff in forests: someone else is bound to find it." Then he noticed the crab on the ground, and his eyes filled with hatred towards us. He put his hand out, and water blasted us against the wall. Ron fell unconscious on the floor as his head connected with the wall. As I hit the wall, spots filled half of my vision. I could see just enough to watch Percy run over to the crab and pick it up. Soon, the spots filled my vision, and all went black.

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