21.) Percy

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After wandering through the halls for a few hours, I gave up. Harry wasn't in the castle. As I opened my door, however, I saw him sitting on my bed. He was staring at me, his face empty of expression. That unsettled me.

"I have been waiting for you." He said in an almost melodic voice, but sounded bored. There was a slight echo after his voice. That set off an alarm in my brain, but I tried to hide that I knew something was off.

"Well. If you wanted to talk, you could have just waited outside. I've been looking for you." I forced a grin. "You're not gonna make me blast you against the wall again, will you?"

"No, I am afraid I will not." He gave me an unnatural smile. Now that I mentioned it, I noticed that everything he did looked unnatural right now.

"So. What did you need?"


"And that something is..?"

"Follow me." He stood up, and walked away. I followed him.

After a while, I noticed that he had lead me to some part of the dungeon. Red alarm number two went off. After a few minutes, he led me to a cell that still had bars and a lock. He gestured for me to go inside. Red alarm number three. Well, I guessed he deserved it.... I punched him in the face, and he glared at me.

"You must understand, Harry, that this isn't personal. It simply has to be done. Now. I understand you are upset, but you seriously deserve this." I punched him again, and he grabbed my arm and slammed me into the bars. I sunk down to the ground, and he kicked me in the stomach. I groaned, and rolled away from his next attack.

"The son of the sea must die." He said, and gave me a kick in the face. Then, he grabbed my collar, lifted me into the air, and slammed me into the bars. I then swung my legs forwards and kicked him in the head. He dropped me and covered his face with his hands. That was my cue. I kicked him in the back, and he fell I to the cell. Before I could shut the door, however, he slammed I to the bars with inhuman strength, and I hit the wall. He grabbed me,  and threw me in the cell. I tried to get up and run, but my body was limp. Harry picked me up, and hung me from the ceiling by thick chains around my ankles and waist. After he locked my door, I found my voice.

"This is a bit cliché and dramatic, don't you think, Harry? You really didn't need to chain me to the ceiling... Isn't being in the cell enough?" He didn't respond. "Or at least to the wall... Or only my hands. You could have only hung me by my hands. That would be normal. Harry, don't you thi-"

"Shut up!" He snarled at me. "It's not supposed to be a five star hotel." With that, he walked away.

"Is it supposed to be a four star hotel? I would probably call it an 0.1 star hotel... Harry?" He didn't respond. "Well. I wonder if he'll even remember he hung me here." I laughed. "I bet that's never happened. Has it, Mr. Skeleton?" I looked at a pile of bones in the corner. "Well. Seeing you here isn't very encouraging, but whatever."

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