Jayg3r - I Fucked Up (No Shit) (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

I nodded my head and reached out take the bottle of water and tablets from him, flinching slightly at the electric shock that came from touching his skin. I noticed that Michael remain unaffected and I felt a small bit of sadness began to build.

"Thanks," I spoke quietly, quickly taking the tablets and open the bottle of water to follow the bitter tasting medicine.

"Your welcome," Michael replied before standing up straight, still looking down at me. I met his eyes and did my best to convey how sorry I was without using any words. I missed him so much. I wanted his pity, I needed his pity, I needed him, more than I could say. Michael stared back at me, his gaze guarded as he judged me, the wheels in his head turning.

After a few minutes, Christopher's voice broke the soft silence that surrounded us all, reminding me that he and his wife were still there.

"Well, I guess Kaila and I should get going, so that way you two can talk and stuff."

"Yeah, so remember what I said, Jay, if Michael doesn't want you here-"

"I don't." he interrupted her, his voice steady. "Honestly, there is nothing for him and me to talk about. He is a jealous cunt, who attacked me instead of talking to me and didn't even stick around to apologize. I'm sorry, but as much as I love you, I am not going to put up with that shit. It's not worth it. I am better than that. You are better than that." he spoke, his tone strong and final.

"Michael..." I started, feeling my whole world collapse around me.

"No, Jay. I'm sorry, but we are done. I can't forgive you for what you said and what you did afterward. If you hadn't just abandoned me for three months, things may be different, but you did Jay. You fucked off to Brisbane with Lachlan, fucked around with him, and don't fucking think I wouldn't find out about that. You know his brother Mitch and I are close, another thing you used to get jealous over, and he has been very honest with me. He told me the second he caught you two fucking in his office. Which, by the way, dude. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I felt the shame wash over me as I became smaller under his gaze.

"Michael, I-"

He interrupted me, "Don't Michael me shit. You are a bastard, Jay. A bastard, a cheater, and a fucking cunt and I don't say any of that shit lovingly."

"Oh my god." spoke Kaila out loud after a few moments, shock filling her voice, "Michael, love, I am so sorry, I-"

Michael interrupted her, "You had no idea because I didn't want you to know. I knew Jay was going to need someone to talk to and I knew you would be one of the best people for him. You weren't going to sugar coat anything and that is what he was going to need. So don't worry hun, I am not mad at you. I promise. I knew you wouldn't help him if you knew, or even give him a chance to talk things through with someone. Literally, everyone he knows now hates them because they knew, except you. So don't worry hun, I promise I am not mad."

I stared at Michael as he looked at his best friend as he spoke, a soft smile on his face as he looked at her.

"Are you sure?" Kaila asked in a small, insecure voice.

I still don't understand how she can go from a total cunt into an insecure child so easily. It's  fucking weird.

"Yes hun, I am sure," he said softly to her. 

The two friends looked at each other for a moment, tears forming in the corner of Kaila's eyes. Michael noticed this and opened his arms towards the girl and she didn't hesitate to move from her husband and into her best friend's arms, the two of them hugging each other tightly.

A sense of longing raged up in me and I wanted to be the one with my arms around Michael, holding him close, but I blew that opportunity. I blew it sky high.

My, I guess soon to be ex-husband, kept his best friend tight against him as he looked at me once again.

"Jay, it's time for you to go. I'll be in contact about the divorce so we can work out separating the house and such.

"Okay," I answered weakly, not sure what else I was supposed to say.

"Christopher, do you mind?"

"No, not all Michael. I'll go take him to wherever he is staying and then I'll come back here," answered Christopher from the doorway.

"Thank you."

"Love, make sure you go pick up the doggos before you come back. They miss you a lot." said the small girl, still in Micheal's arms.

"I was already planning on it."

"Of course you were," muttered Michael with a soft smile.

"Well duh, I miss my doggos too. Come on Jay, let's get going."

I nodded my head once again and slowly moved to get off the floor of the bathroom, thankful that I wasn't dizzy as I stood up.

As I stood up, I watched as Michael released Kaila and then grabbed her hand, the two quickly leaving the bathroom and disappearing down the hall. I could hear the slam of a door echo through the house.

"I guess I don't even get a goodbye," I said slowly as I walked towards Christopher.

"You don't fucking deserve one, you prick," spoke Christopher in a harsh tone that was very unlike anything I have ever heard from him before. "Now come on, let's go. I want to go and see my dogs and then come back here so I can spend time with my wife and best friend." the tall man then quickly turned, walking away from me and towards the front door.

I let out a deep breath before walking out into the hall, pausing so I could turn and look towards where Michael, the love of my life, had disappeared too before turning to follow Christopher out the front door.

I fucked up.

No shit.

-End One Shot-

A/N: And it is finally done! Yeah! Ugh, sorry I stretched that out so much. It just wrote itself like that I guess. Good news though, the next one shot will be a Sidemen/former Pack pairing, I am just not going to say who yet.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and may your day be filled with love, smiles, and laughs. 

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