Chapter Thirty Eight Part Two

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I rolled to my side, clutching my chest before I pushed myself onto my knees. The pain was disappearing with every passing second, I had supernatural increased healing now that I was a legit werewolf. I'd almost forgotten all about that marvelous little perk.

Lysander laughed loudly, her wolves laughing along with her. "Little child, what do you think you are doing?"

I stood from the ground, using the staff for support until I was balanced on my two legs again. Holding the scythe in my hands, I snapped the staff into two pieces. The wood splintered and left me with two jagged ends.

In my years of vicious bullying and tormenting at Grace Pack, I spent the vast majority of my time holed up in my room away from the tormentors AKA every member of the pack. As a result, Netflix and I had a special bond which meant that I'd seen enough Vampire Diaries to know the power behind these two g:ddamn wooden pieces.

Matteo stared at me dead in the eye, his eyes moved from my face to the wooden stakes I'd created. I dropped one onto the floor and it rolled away from my feet. He again, pointedly stared at my face, the stake and then down at his chest.

His chest? Did he mean...?

I furrowed my brow for a split second, wondering what he could be asking of me when it hit me.

Lysander had Matteo pressed against her body far too tight for either of us to do anything about that. She was stronger than both of us but I knew what Matteo was silently asking of me.

He was positioned directly in front of her, he was inadvertently guarding the very spot this stake would be effective and Matteo knew what had to be done.

I stepped forward and Lysander pulled Matteo's head back further, the redness in his face turning a darker almost purple shade.

"Let Matteo go, Lysander." My voice was soft, I sounded tired but resolute.

Lysander shook her head once, "You've made your decision Olive just as I have made mine. You turned your back on the only blood that you have left in this world and now you will be all alone and are going to pay the price."

Matteo coughed and the muscles in his arms rippled as he strained to remove Lysander's supernatural grip around his neck. Matteo pointed downwards towards his chest with a small, unnoticeable move of his finger.

With a speed unbeknownst to me, I ran forwards and thrusted the DIY stake into Matteo's chest; into and through Matteo's chest and finally resting into Lysander's chest.

Matteo growled loudly, his face contorted in pain and it nearly killed me to see him like that, especially since I was the sole cause.

Lysander immediately released Matteo as she staggered backwards off of the wooden stake but the damage was already done. Quickly, I pulled the weapon out of Matteo, my hands flying to his chest trying to stop the bleeding until he was able to heal himself. He slumped into me, leaning for support.

Lysander clawed at her chest, black lines beneath her skin seemingly running through her veins began painting her skin. She shrieked aloud and fell to her knees on the ground. Lysander held her hands in front of her face and before us all, her skin began to turn into ash and float away and onto the cold marble floor.

Matteo adjusted himself, gently pushing my hands away from the puncture I inflicted into him. I glanced down, tearing my eyes away from Lysander's withering form to examine Matteo, he was indeed already healing.

F:ck I am so glad that his plan didn't backfire.

The wolves that once surrounded us suddenly went from positively blood thirsty minions to completely petrified. The room was empty in seconds.

Without Lysander they had nothing but I mean with Lysander they had nothing too but they didn't understand that I suppose.

Matteo suddenly sank to the ground and laid down on his back, for a moment I was genuinely concerned but then he tucked his hands behind his head and let out a tired laugh.

I followed his lead, not needing any invitation to rest at this point. I collapsed beside him, resting my head against his now healed chest.

Matteo wrapped his arm lazily around my waist obviously not caring that we both were completely drenched in blood, not that I did either."I didn't think that was going to work."

I sat up instantly, "You what?"

Matteo moved one of his hands that was propped behind his head to cover his face, "It worked, Olive and to be honest the last thing I want to do right now is argue about whether or not I saved our asses from--"

I rolled my eyes and leaned down, pressing my lips against his to shut him up. "F:ck you Matteo." I mumbled against his lips as I shifted and placed myself on top of him, effectively straddling him on the floor that my now deceased murderous, vampire, long lost mother's ashes rested on.

His chest rumbled beneath beneath me and he chuckled against my lips. "I love you too."

I grinned and wrapped my arms around his neck, tangling is further. "I love you, I love you." I murmured into the crook of his neck as I rested my forehead there.

It was pure serenity.

I felt the safest that I'd ever experienced in my entire life.

There was absolutely nothing that could ruin this moment.

"You've go to be kidding me, again?!"

I glanced behind me to see Amais, Fran and Devin standing with mouthes hanging agape staring not only at the devastating scene around us but also probably me straddling Matteo.

Fun drinking game: take a shot every time Amias walks in on Matteo and I in compromising, slightly sexual situations.

thank you for reading!! only two chapters left :(
literally makes me want to sob, olive means so much to me...but on the bright side....right now this luna series is continuing on (as i mentioned at the beginning) check it out!

and who knows....there might be more to olive's story...whoooooo knows?

ok so in summation:
-2 chapters left
-go read talia
-new 3rd book
-next update at 6.2k


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