Chapter 29 - I'll Always be Yours

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??? POV

I hadn't really had a permanent place to stay but somehow the crow still found me. My list was basically complete but I wasn't satisfied with the jutsu's I'd found. The letter is what alarmed me though:

Shisui is really in need of your help, his condition isn't getting better or worse and I feel like you're the only one able to help him. Please at least do this for me, for him.


That's what the letter read, and now I was on my way there. I'd decided that I would help then leave.

It was pitch dark when I arrived, everyone sound asleep. Perfect. I snuck into the base and made my way to Shisui's room. He looked paler than usual but not in a sickly way. I looked at him for a few minutes thinking of what to do, I didn't actually know what I was doing. I'm not a medic Ninja but I placed my hand over his forehead and let it glow green just as I'd taught myself when learning the basics. My hand got shocked by a strike of electricity and I pulled it away. My hand was slightly burned but was healing already. I had an idea but had no idea if it would work. I didn't need to open his eyes for it to work because as soon as I looked at him I was in his mind. All I saw was the same memory over and over again. This memory was trapping him in his own mind preventing him from waking up. All I needed to do was remind him of the good times. Happy memories.

The first one I found was a memory of him, Sasuke and Itachi when they were little. I played that. Then there was the memory when Itachi woke up. Played that. The next one I found was one of me and him, sitting on the edge of a cliff looking at the view. Even that memory made me smile and reminded me what I was missing so much. I loved this man, and he loves me greatly too. I'll always be his and he'll always be mine. I played that memory and in a sudden movement he jolted upwards.

"Hey hey calm down" I said and laid him back down.

"N-naomi, what happened. Oh my god I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean any of those things I said I love you so much and I should never have spoken to you like that" he began.

"No it's alright, I did this to you and for that I am sorry, I'm glad you're better now, I love you too and I'll always be yours no matter what" I told him. He suddenly embraced me in a hug.

"Please stay, I know what day it is today and you should be with your family" he said.

"No, I can't come back yet. But I'll be back when the time is right okay. And the day doesn't matter, it's not new to miss it. I have most of my life"

"That's the point, you should spend it with us, you're 17 now, basically an adult" he chuckled. I gave a small smile to him.

"If you're not gonna stay will you let me give you something I've been wanting to give to you for a while now?" He asked with a smirk.

"What is it?" I asked but my question was answer by a long passionate kiss.

"May I?" He asked.

"Yes you may" I said and removed his shirt as he did mine. I rubbed my hands up and down his solid 8-pack and kissed him again. Slowly all pieces of clothing were removed and I gave myself to him. The rest is behind closed doors.

~ Time Skip ~

Shisui's POV

By morning she was gone. A part of my hoped she'd stay but the other part knew she wouldn't. She'll be back though when the time is right and I know she means no harm to us. When I'd been awake for around and hour Akari came in to place another cold towel on my head but dropped it when she saw me. I gave her a big grin and she yelled out to Itachi. He walked in the room and also froze.

"You're alright?" He questioned.

"Feeling 100% at the moment" I replied as I recalled the night before. Boy was she something, although Itachi would probably kill me if he knew about that.

"So she came back and did something or you just woke up?" He asked.

"Naomi healed me, I don't know what she did but it worked" I told him and stood up.

"See, perfectly healthy"

"Are you sure because I don't need anything happening to you, I need another man in this base" he said with a small chuckle to which I laughed at.

"I heard that" Sasuke said as he walked past the room. Itachi shrugged. It was so good to be awake and to be with them again.

"Shisuiiiiii" a voice called and before I knew it I was being whacked on the head by a 5 year old girl.

"Hey hey hey, is this how you treat your favourite guy?" I asked as Itachi held her back.

"Pshhhh you're not my favourite, dad is my favourite obviously, and then Sasuke, thennnnnn you cause there ain't anymore guys around" she explained and I sweat dropped.

"Even Sasuke is higher up than me" I muttered under my breath.

"Alright little girl I'm gonna teach you something then we'll see who your favourite is" I said, got up, and grabbed her out of Itachi's arms. I chucked her over my shoulder and body flickered out of the base to the training grounds.

"Alright little lady I'm going to teach you a greaaaat jutsu" I told her.

"Hn sure you are" she said. She sounded exactly like the rest of the three siblings.

"Alright watch me first then you can try. You're going to make the tiger hand seal, then use your chakra to try and temporarily vitalise your body and move" I told her and used my most famed jutsu. I disappeared in a flicker and was untraceable but I was really just in a tree.

"Why would I need that if I can just use Kamui?" She asked and I fell out of a tree.

"W-what're you on about, I'm not able to use kamui and you can. Well you'd want this cause Kamui will just put strain on your eyes where as the body flicker is a D-Rank jutsu and doesn't take up nearly as much chakra" I sweat dropped. This is what I get for coming back from the dead basically. She made the tiger hand sign and copied my jutsu.

"Ok ok that was good" I admitted.

"Yeah, your 'training' was not as good as Sasuke's" she said as she walked back.

"Whattttt, what could he have possibly taught you that was more useful?" I asked.

"The susanoo" she said flatly and I once again sweat dropped.

"Alright maybe that's a little more useful but what he do like torture you or something?" I said with a smug grin.

"Basically" she replied nonchalantly and walked away.

I do not think I'll win with this girl.


A/N: Okay here's the 2nd chapter I promised so I hope it makes up and I hope you's like it.

Pleaseeeeeee comment something, opinions or anything or if you enjoyed and I'll definitely try and update again sooooon.

Book 2: What has this World come to?Where stories live. Discover now