Chapter 6 - I need to find him!

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It was dark.

Night time I presume.

I was sitting at the edge of a cliff with a river and sharp jagged rocks below.

Two teenage boys with dark raven hair were standing not to far from me. The one with short spiky hair was standing on the edge of the cliff talking to the younger one with long hair. I couldn't tell who they were so I called out to them.

"Oi" I yelled but they didn't seem to hear me. I stood up and walked closer but they couldn't see me. I finally realised who they were. The one on the edge of the cliff was Shisui and the other boy was Itachi.

"What about Naomi, she'll be devastated when she's older, you need to be in her life" Itachi said to Shisui.

"I'll find a way......somehow. Can you give these to her when she's older, I want her to remember me" Shisui said and handed Itachi his elbow length black gloves. I looked at the ones I was wearing and noticed they were the same. Shisui then pulled out his other eye, handed it to Itachi, and fell backwards off the cliff. I raced towards him at the same time as Itachi but it was too late. I screamed

~End Dream~

"Ahhhhhh" I screamed and jolted up. I was panting really hard as Sasuke ran into the room. I didn't notice him at first so I curled up in a ball and cried, I actually cried for the first time since Itachi's death. As I was sobbing, Sasuke sat on my be as he rubbed my back soothingly.

"What's wrong?" He asked me. I continued sobbing until he sat me up.

"Was it a nightmare? Is there someone here?" He questioned.

"I-Itachi's best friend......was Sh-Shisui, right?" I asked.

Sasuke sighed and said, "Yeah, they were really close".

"What did he have to do with me? I-I had a nightmare about h-his death. A-and he mentioned me, why?" I asked but cursed myself for stuttering.

"You were very important to him. When he wasn't on missions he was either training or taking care of you. Whenever you needed to be babysat, he was the first to volunteer every time. He always looked at you he knew you were special." Sasuke explained. I took in and processed all the information in my head. I was actually special to someone besides my family.

"Listen......I also want to say something else-" Sasuke started again. I nodded to continue. "Ever since that day in the Forest of Death, when you protected me. I realised were, and still are, stronger then I'll ever be. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. I was horrible to you and I regret everything I said and did. I was horrible and never realised that you were also suffering, more then me maybe. So I want to say sorry, I don't expect you to forgive me but I just want to tell you I'm so sorry and I love you little sister" Sasuke apologised, he's actually giving me a sincere apology. He then suddenly hugged me. And I did something I never thought I would do....

I hugged him back!

I actually hugged him back! He look a little taken aback. I've made up my mind of what I have to do.

"I love you too, big brother. I know what I'm going to do now" I said and whispered the rest in his ear.

~Time skip~

•In Tobi's office•

Tobi's POV

I was sitting in my office doing some paperwork on some assassinations when there was a knock on the door.

"Enter" I said emotionlessly. The door was opened my Naomi who was soon followed my Sasuke.

"I've got something to say" she said with her usual emotionless voice standing in front of my desk while Sasuke stood in the corner.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm leaving the Akatsuki" she said and as soon as she did I was outraged. She can't just leave, no one is aloud to just leave the Akatsuki.

"Not happening" I said glaring. She countered my glare with her own cold one.

"I can leave if I want" she said walking around my desk standing behind me.

"Unless you'd like all the hidden villages to find out the truth of 'Madara Uchiha'" she whispered in my ear so Sasuke didn't hear. I gritted my teeth and nodded.

"I'll do you a deal,-" I began as she raised an eyebrow, "-if you beat me in a battle, you may leave, but if you don' will be my slave" I negotiate. She looks at Sasuke who shakes his head 'no' then looks back at me.

"Deal" she says holding out her hand. I shake it and the deal is done.

"Meet me at the training ground in the forest in one hour, no later" I said and dismissed her.

Naomi's POV

After I was dismissed from Tobi's office, Sasuke pulled me into his room.

"What are you thinking, you could get yourself killed. I know your stronger then me and all but I don't think you can compete with Madara" he scolded me. I chuckled slightly as he stared at me weirdly.

"Oh Sasuke, I'm sorry, but when I fought you, I wasn't even using a quarter of my full potential. Heck, I beat Itachi when I was 5 and he's physically stronger then you and smarter. Before you say anything about how you killed him, he let you win and he was also dying when you two fought. An incurable illness was killing him from the inside but he held on just a bit longer to let you kill him" I explained and Sasuke clenched his teeth.

"But anyway, I've got a fight to win. See you out there if your coming to watch" I said a poofed away.


A/N: Yay, so I finally updated again. I'm really sorry for putting the book on hold for so long and also...HAPPY NEW YEAR, it's 2016. And Merry Christmas but that's a bit late 😅 So here's another chapter and I hope it's to your satisfaction and that its long enough. I've already started the next chapter but I can't tell you when it will be posted exactly, but soon I hope!!!!

I hope you all had a great Christmas and that your having a good new year!!!!

Please comment and vote!!!

Byee  😄

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