Chapter 3 - Y-you're alive?

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*The next morning*

Sasuke's POV

I woke up with a pain surrounding my whole body. Flashbacks of yesterday's spar replayed in my mind.

Was I really that weak, or was my baby sister really that strong?

I slowly sat up to avoid causing more pain as someone knocked at my door.

"Come in" I said emotionlessly. Karin entered with a tray of food. She set it down on the bedside table and just stood there for a while.

"S-Sasuke?" She finally asked twiddling her fingers.

"Yes?" I answered emotionlessly.

"A-are you okay? You know......after yesterday?" She questioned.

"I'm fine" I told her standing up. I clutched my stomach as a pain jolted through it. I grabbed the apple on the tray and walked out of the room leaving Karin standing there.

Naomi's POV

I have no idea what time it was when I woke......correction: got woken up.

"Ahh" I screamed as I opened my eyes. I found myself not to be in my bedroom, but in the small lake outside the hideout. I looked to the shore to find Suigetsu grinning like a weirdo at me.

"Morning partner!" He said joyfully. I gritted my teeth to hold in my anger.

"What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. You?" I questioned through my clenched teeth.

"Oh nothing, just waking you up in the morning" he answered me like it was nothing.

"I'M GOING TO F*****G KILL YOU!!!" I screamed. As I was getting out of the water he bolted towards the hide out.

Third POV

"I'M GOING TO F*****G KILL YOU!!!" Is what was heard from inside the hide out in the kitchen.

"This won't end well" Jugo stated.

A few minutes after, Suigetsu came sprinting into the room.

"Someone hide me please" Suigetsu begged but was ignored by everyone. He looked around frantically as he heard Naomi yell, "SUIGETSU!"

"What did you do man?" Kisame asked Suigetsu.

"All I did was throw her in the lake to wake her up" he explained and hid under the table. This brought memories of when they went to the beach/lake.


Kisame's POV

These things just kept replaying in  everyones heads as they all lay on the ground screaming their heads off. Now Naomi had to deal with Itachi.

"Heyyy.....Itachi you know I love you and it technically wasn't my fault that Kisame ran into you" she said sheepishly while rubbing the back of her neck. Itachi walked up to Naomi and picked her up.

"So we good?" She asked.

"Sure" he said sarcastically and dropped Naomi in the lake.

Once she rose to the surface she saw that Itachi had let everyone out of the Genjutsu and let me tell you.....they most definitely did not have massive smiles on their faces. Especially me, everyone looked like they were just about to kill Naomi.

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