Chapter 23 - Defection

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Sasuke's POV

I ran through the hide out searching for any familiar chakra. I found my sisters....

But it was dangerously faint...

I sped up as I came to the door I sensed it behind. I suddenly felt a massive spike in another chakra but it soon disappeared as I barged down the door. Kabuto was unconscious.

"H-help" a faint voice whispered and I looked over to a metal table to find my baby sister on the edge of death. I rushed to her side just as she passed out. My clothes were now soaked in crimson and I fought back the memories of the massacre, now was not the time. Purple chakra started emitting from Naomi but it didn't seem harmful. It was being drawn to something but if I stopped that could be long enough to kill Naomi, that wasn't happening while I was still alive. As I raced through the seemingly never ending halls the sight of her was giving me nostalgia of when we were younger. And they were not happy memories. I was horrible and ruined her childhood....

She was bullied, I did nothing.

She got an achievement, I did nothing.

She needed something, I did nothing.

Now I'll do anything to make it up to her. At this point in time I finally understand how hard it was for Itachi to leave me and to loose all his family like that.

I finally understood what he meant,

"Your a big brother now Sasuke, she'll mean everything to you, and you'll want to give her everything. You'll never love someone like you love your younger siblings. Although don't be too easy on her" he told me one day with a genuine smile. I ran even faster than I ever thought I could. The further I got though, the more hostile the chakra got.

I finally reached the place where I had left Karin, covered in deep gashes and burns from the chakra. I placed Naomi on a bed that Karin had prepared as she stared in horror.

"Stop staring and actually help!" I snapped at her and she jumped.

"B-but're hurt" she stuttered. I gave her the biggest glare I've ever given anyone and she flinched attending to my sister. When she was turned I flinched as the chakra had not stopped doing whatever it was doing. The next thing I knew, the purple chakra materialized into the form of a small tiger. I unsheathed my katana and jumped in front of the two females.

"Calm down boy, I'm not here to harm you. Although you are incredibly stupid. Girl keep healing her, if she dies, the whole world will have a problem. And boy, you forgot your brothers girlfriend" the thing scolded and ordered like a parent. I cursed. That's what the chakra was trying to lead me to.

"You, little chakra thing. Show me where she is. Karin, I want my sister alive, no matter the cost" I ordered and the thing looked at me strangely.

"Chill boy, you have no authority to order me around. You don't even know who I am. So from now on you do a I say, Got it? And my name is Kiyara, I thought you would have known that" It ordered me. I scoffed not recalling the name from anywhere, but I'd probably been told.

"Whatever, lets go" I said and started running back to the hide out as it followed me. I've come to the conclusion that this is the tailed beast that resides in my sister.

"I don't like your attitude" It huffs.

"Hn" I replied without looking back.

"Ughhh your sister uses that same sound, you both need a dictionary" It said with distaste.

"Just hurry up" I said lowly and it growled. We passed the room that I found Naomi in. Then a room with scrolls in it, which Kiyara retrieved a scroll from quickly. Kiyara then led me down a hall that seemed to just be cells, high security cells at that.

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