Chapter 16 - Reunion

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Naomi's POV

I watched hidden in the shadows as Naruto lunged for Amaterasu. She was paralysed, didn't even move so I had to intervene and jumped in front of her. I grabbed Naruto's wrist and flung him back.

"Alright guys, that'll do" I said and they poofed back to normal. Naruto gave a sheepish grin, Sakura waved awkwardly, and the other guy just stood there.

"What happened there?" I turned and asked Amaterasu. She huffed and glared at me.

"I knew they weren't real rouges, so I didn't bother" she said and turned her head away while folding her arms. I gained and irk mark.

"Didn't bother?! Amaterasu I was watching the whole time, you were frozen!" I said to her. She growled.

"If I said I knew, then I knew! Your not the boss of me and you don't tell me what I do and don't know!" She huffed and I lost it, I lunged for her but a pair of strong arms grabbed me around the waist.

"TELLING YOU WHAT TO DO?! I F*****G SAW YOU! WHAT IF THAT WAS A BUNCH OF REAL ROUGES?! HUH?!" I yelled. She glared and jumped out the door. I growled under my breath and left in the opposite direction.

Amaterasu's POV

I can't believe that bitch has the nerve to tell me what to do. I'm not her daughter and she has no right, how is she even related to dad? They're nothing alike. My train of thought was interrupted suddenly when I heard a rustle in the bushes, then in the tree, and again some where else. I pulled out a kunai but then realised that it was probably just those idiots playing another prank. I kept walking and a rouge jumped in front of me. I gave him a dry look and walked past him. Suddenly a hand was put over my mouth and I blacked out.

Naomi's POV

I figured Naruto went to look for Amaterasu but when they came back looking frantic, I knew something was wrong.

"Naomi! They took her! I saw some rouges take her!" Naruto yelled. I stood up off the dock I was sitting on and grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Where? Who? When?" I asked.

"In the outskirts of the village, couldn't see their faces, and just a few minutes ago" he said and I growled lowly. That idiot, she's so self absorbed and she got herself kidnapped. I focused and tried to find her chakra. I found it a fair distance from the village but they were stationary.

"They're a fair way out but I should be able to get there soon, you's coming?" I asked and they looked surprised.

"How'd you do that?" Sakura asked.

"Practice, let's go" I said and started running.

??? POV

We were walking through the outskirts of the hidden leaf village looking for bounties when a flash ran past us. One thing caught my eye, the flash of red and white in the shape of a fan on a young girls back. I immediately turned around and gave chase. They stopped and dropped the tied up unconscious girl to face me. They didn't seem like very high class nin so a big fire justu took them out. The girl woke up so I slammed her against the tree.

"Who are you!? What gives you the right to wear that symbol on your back!?" I yelled. She shrunk back and refused to speak. I brought my hand up and wrapped it around her neck lifting her up.

"Answer m-!" I began but was cut off by someone tackling me.

Naomi's POV
I ran as fast as I could, Naruto following closely behind me. I wasn't paying attention to chakra signatures as I saw in a clearing in the distance someone with black hair holding Amaterasu by the neck. I sped up and tackled the male activating my Eternal Kurai Mangekyō Sharingan. I held a kunai to his neck and stared into almost identical eyes. I took a closer look at who I was and recognised them immediately. I growled at the person making purple chakra swirl around me.

"What the f**k went wrong in your twisted head to give you the idea to capture her from me then try to harm her!" I yelled at him as Sakura untied Amaterasu and Naruto and the other guy faced two other people I recognised.

"I didn't capture her, I saved her from the people who did, but who the hell is she to wear the clan symbol!" He demanded.

"Bullshit! I can't believer you Sasuke!" I yelled and pressed the kunai harder drawing some blood. I looked up and glared at  Suigetsu and Karin. Suigetsu waved awkwardly and Karin glared back.

"Wait! Uncle Sasuke?" Someone says and I turn to see Amaterasu standing up looking at him. I let the purple chakra die down but kept the kunai to his neck.

"Who's asking!? I'm no ones uncle!" Sasuke spat and I slapped him across the face.

"Don't speak to her like that" I said but he glared.

"What's going on Naomi! Who the hell is the father! I can't believe you for yourself pregnant" he yelled. I sighed and got off him. He jolted up and looked at me with a look saying I better explain now.

"You idiot, that's absurd she's not my daughter" I said.

"Who's daughter is she then?" He asked with a confused look.

"Sasuke there's something I need to tell you-" I begin but was cut off.

"My daddy talks very highly of you" Amaterasu said but I silenced her.

"What're you talking about you little brat!" Sasuke yelled.

"Shut up Sasuke!" I said but continue,

"Amaterasu, is our brothers daughter, Sasuke...Itachi is alive".


A/N: Dum Dun Dun, I like cliffhangers, when I'm writing them that is 😂 sorry again it took a while, these chapters are taking forever to write. Hope you like it, vote and comment your thoughts✌🏼️

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