Chapter 2 - Training.....Oppsie

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Naomi's POV

I was sitting on the lounge watching some random show that was on while reading one of Itachi's old books. It's called 'Tales of a Gutsy Ninja'. I really wasn't watching the TV, just reading. I was soon interrupted but Karin.

"Madara wants to see you outside" she spat.

"Why?" I questioned emotionlessly.

"I don't know! Why don't you just go without asking anymore questions?" She raged and her face started turning red.

"Do you have a problem?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Why are you still sitting there?" She asked with fury and her face turned as red as her hair. I smirked.

"Just toying with your anger" I stated like it was nothing and got up and walked to the outside training area.

As I got outside, all me, Tobi, Kisame, Jugo, Suigetsu and Sasuke heard was, "BITCH!!!" And something smash.

I smirked and everyone raised their eyebrows.

"*Sigh* What do you want me here for?" I asked dropping my smirk. A few of them sweat dropped at my bi-polar attitude.

"I've called you here because I want you to spar against Sasuke for training" Tobi explained and I smirked again.

"My pleasure, I've wanted to do this for a while" I told honestly and Sasuke tensed but got into a fighting stance.

"Begin" Tobi said and Sasuke ran at me as I closed my eyes. When he was about to punch me, I used Kamui and his fist went right through me. I elbowed him in the back and he fell down.

I jumped back and started hand signs whispering, "Lightning style: Eletric Fog Jutsu". The area started to get covered in a light fog as Sasuke started to get up. As soon as he was up, I sent shocks of lightning into the water vapour, shocking Sasuke sending him back to the ground.

When he go up again, he made familiar hand signs and said, "Fire style: Great Fireball Jutsu" and the big fireball engulfed the fog and headed straight for me.

"Water style: Water Barrier" I called and a wall of water surrounded me and put out the massive flames as I made more hand signs for "Fire style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu".

As the water wall came down, the fire covered shuriken shot at Sasuke but he successfully dodged. It's to bad for him that those shuriken weren't aimed for him, but placed careful onto trees. I pulled the strings attached to the shuriken and now Sasuke is stuck. The wires cut his clothes and skin drawing blood.

As I walked towards Sasuke I began more hand signs with one hand, the other holding the wires.

"Lightning style: Twitching Limb Justu" I said and I gathered a large amount of electricity into my hand like the chidori. I struck his whole body with it and his muscles immediately began twitching with extreme pain. "Ahhhh!!!" He screamed out in pain.

I was now enjoying this a lot.

I used my Sharingan and showed him his death at the end of this battle, the fear on his face was priceless.

But he won't be dead after this.........just badly injured.

I made fast hand signs that would be invisible to the normal eye, "Water style: Burning Rain" I called and the burning hot rain poured down on Sasuke burning his skin.

And for my final jutsu I used my favourite one. I made slow hand signs looking at Kisame, seeing that the rain was still going. Kisame's eyes widened and he muttered "Poor boy".

I grinned saying "Lightning style: Control loss jutsu" and I struck Sasuke with my palm. I think he was now passed out from the he went in his pants. I cut off the wires and he fell on the ground unconscious. At that moment, 'Miss Sasuke-Kun' came outside and when she saw my brother, she flipped. She ran to his side and began to pick him up and carried him inside.

We followed her inside as she layed him down in the medical room. She started healing his burns and cut.

"What's that smell?" Karin asked crinkling her nose and Suigetsu burst out laughing.

"Poo" Jugo said bluntly.

Suigetsu laughed even harder he began crying. She glared at me and asked slightly yelling,

"How could you do this to your own brother!?" I smirked and answered

"Oppsie" and shrugged. Then I walked to my room to have a nap.


A/N: Ok, second chapter finished. This was kind of a filler chapter. Tell me what you think of it????

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