Chapter 14 - What are we?

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Naomi's POV

After Itachi formally introduced me to his partner and daughter, he took them to get settled in and explain the situation. Amaterasu reminds me of Sasuke, I just hope she doesn't turn out like he did. It was just me and Shisui left in the room now and he eyed me as he leaned against the door frame with is arms crossed with a nervous look on his face.

"Uhh, I have a question" he asked looking at the ground.

"Yes?" I said walking closer.

"Well, umm...what are we?" He asked looking into my onyx eyes. To answer his question, I softly pressed my lips to his. He blushed and I walked away to see what Itachi was doing.

"By the way, we aren't telling Itachi yet" I said and continued walking down the hall. Itachi was in the kitchen making tea for the two girls when I walked in.

"I made some for you too Naomi" he said without turning around. I smirked when both girls turned to look at me also. Akari offered a small smile to which I returned and Amaterasu glared.

"I don't know what your glaring at squirt" I said using the nickname Kisame used to use for me. She turned away when I sat next to her, making me smirk even more.

"So Itachi, have you told Amaterasu here the great news?" I asked and he turned to me with a questionable look.

"And what would that be?" He asked me.

"That I'm gonna be training her" I said and smirks at her face.

"DAD! WHAT! Why her, why can't mum train me, or even you!" She yelled. I laughed and she glared at me further.

"Oh I'm going to enjoy this" I muttered.

"Me and Akari talked about it and we thought it was best if Naomi trained you, she is far stronger then you may think, and she will help you with your Sharingan" Itachi said and she scoffed and turned away.

"We can start today if you want" I said with and evil grin and Akari gave her a look saying, 'You better say yes'.

"Fine" she muttered.

"Ok I'm just going to get some things, go grab some kunai and stuff if you want" I said and went to my new room. I grabbed my kunai and shuriken holster and a few scrolls. I walked back into the kitchen but she wasn't back yet.

"Please don't push her to hard" Itachi said turning to me.

"Well you see, I've never been the teaching sort, so we'll see how it goes" I replied and winked. I sensed her walk back into the room behind me so I started walking towards the exit and said,

"Let's go" without turning around.

I decided to train just outside of the hideout that was still underneath the protective barrier.

"So you see, I'm not used to this kind of thing, sooooo, let's just spar, I will not go easy on you just because your Itachi's daughter" I said and got into a fighting stance. She activated her sharingan and ran at me, we began with a taijustu battle. Taijustu seemed to be her strongest point. She effectively put chakra into her kicks and punches. I blocked kick after kick, punch after punch until she decided to use a combination all to well.


I was just five years old, it was that day where I just snapped and had had enough of Sasuke's belittling of me. I was sitting in the bushes as I admired my older brothers talent, hiding my chakra swiftly. He was battling Kakashi-Sensei in taijustu trying to get the bells. I thought of a strategic plan to assist my brother in getting the bells but decided against it as it would probably cause trouble. When I turned my attention back to the fight, Sasuke used a combination I remember reading in one of Itachi's taijustu books. He aimed a round house kick at Kakashi's head, which was caught, then a punch directly to his face, which was also caught. He then used the momentum of his body to swing his other leg at Kakashi's un-guarded side, which Kakashi also caught. But while he was distracted, Sasuke reached for the bells. He only got a touch to them before Kakashi pushed him away. I had been spotted by Kakashi so I moved locations.

End Flashback

Amaterasu did the exact same combination and got a punch to my face while I was distracted. It didn't hurt, but the force made my head snap to the side. She smirked cockily at me so I said,

"What do you think your smirking at?" I snapped and glared.

"Your not as good as you think you are, I just landed a punch on you easily" she replied increasing her own ego.

"You know, I don't like people with big egos" I said and motioned for her to come at me again. She ran at me again but this time when she went to throw another punch, I easily grabbed her wrist and flipped her flat on her stomach, arm pinned behind her back and other hand on her head.

"Not so easy is it now is it? You don't think before you act and jump to conclusions, exactly like him" I said and she grunted.

"I thought you said you wouldn't go easy on me just because I'm Itachi's daughter?" She struggled to say with her face in the ground.

"Exactly, but I didn't say I wouldn't go easy on you because your my niece" I said and got off her.

"Training over" I said and walked back to the hideout to let her think about what I said.


A/N: OMG!!!! I'm so so so so sorry it took so long to update!!!! And its not my best chapter either. I've had really bad writers block and had absolutely no idea what to write. Idk when the next chapter will be up but I'll keep trying. I also have holidays now so more time to write!!!! Anyway, I also am waiting for the next English dub episodes of shippuden come out too, I know what happens but I wanna watch it. So, I hope you like this chapter!

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