Chapter 26 - Gone

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Itachi's POV

I was sitting at the table in the kitchen going over a few plans for this war, general stuff like battle formations and jutsu. I never thought the world would have to come to a 4th Great Shinobi War but here it is. So many things had happened while I was gone. Naomi, my baby sister, is almost 17, Sasuke will be 19 next year. I have a child who's 5 but has the attitude of a teenager and possesses the Mangekyō because of the trauma I put her through. Shisui, who died long ago, is alive. I'm alive. There is a war bound to start. So much was going on that should never have happened. None of us ever got to be children, and unfortunately neither would my daughter. I only hope that the next generation of children never have to experience a war and could live out their child years. Just as I was thinking, I sensed a faint chakra come into the room. I looked around with my sharingan as the chakra was much to small to recognise. I couldn't see anyone though.

"Who's there?" I called out and it froze. The signature then made a beeline to the rooms and I realised who it was. Only one person I knew used a jutsu like that and had a chakra mass too large to hide.

"Naomi" I called out and she stopped again. This time when I walked towards her she revealed herself. The one thing I noticed was that she'd gone back to the emotionless face.

"What's going on? Is everything ok?" I asked deactivating my Sharingan. Something I noticed that she didn't do this time.

"Yup, I'm fine" she replied shortly. My face turned to a frown.

"Why'd you come in here using that jutsu then?" I questioned further.

"I've made a decision"

"And that is?"

"I need some time away, to figure myself out, learn some new jutsu, all that jibber jabber" she explained. I was confused, why would she need to do this?

"Why?" I asked another question.

"Because I need to, don't try and stop me, I'll be back at some point before the war starts maybe, I'll see" she said and ended the conversation there by walking away. I stood confused, she'd seemed fine to me lately. I mean like she wasn't that effected by the whole Kabuto ordeal. Unless...

My train of thoughts were interrupted with Sasuke bursting into the room with an unconscious Shisui on his back. Then something seemed to click, I wasn't sure yet though.

"What happened?" I asked clearing the table to lay him down.

"I have no idea, I just found him unconscious on the ground in one of the training areas" he said laying him down on the table.

"What happened?" Akari asked as she walked into the room to bring me tea.

"I have no idea" me and Sasuke said in unison.

"I'll get the medical kit" she said but I stopped her.

"No, there's no physical wounds. None of us have the medical skills to heal something internal. There's no bruising anywhere either so it doesn't look like he was in a fight either" I examined.

"I don't even think Naomi could fix this" Sasuke spoke. At that though I ran straight to her room, burst open the door, but nothing. She was gone. There isn't even any windows in her room so it beats me how she left. I ran straight back to the other room.

"Naomi's gone, I don't know where, or why, but she'll be fine, we spoke" I explained quickly knowing that Shisui needed to be the main priority at the moment.

"I remember this, I've seen this before" Sasuke said.

"What, where, what's wrong with him" I asked quickly. This was my best friend, I was not going to loose my best friend anymore because I get the feeling there wasn't going to be a third chance.

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